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Sexology 3

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A lusty fragrance not for the faint of heart! Animalic Musks and smutty Honey, sexy Cinnamon-spiced Brown Sugar and warm exotic Ambergris. This perfume gives off a "dirty-sexy" vibe and is definitely best worn at home alone with your honey and not to the office! Supercharged with our exclusive Sexology pheromone formula!

Here at LPMP we take our science and our sex VERY seriously! Our exclusive SEXOLOGY pheromone mix is designed to encourage a deep lasting emotional bond with a decidedly lustful edge. We then concocted a scent with ingredients known for their arousal and allure in regards to the opposite sex. Sexy and snuggly, playful and sultry...this will flip his switch for sure! Trust us, it’s SCIENCE!

BROWN SUGAR ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness and riches. Lust inducing.
HONEY ~ Enticing, seductive; use to bewitch a straying or hesitant lover. Happiness, fulfillment.
CINNAMON ~ Male sexual stimulation, passion, lust, healing, protection, energy, creativity, psychic powers.
CIVET ~ Musk derived from civet cats, now illegal except in synthetic form. Considered a strong aphrodisiac, has an intense, animal, 'sexual' aroma.
MUSK ~ Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.
AMBERGRIS ~ Increases personal power, heightens sexual responses, dreaming.



I was perusing the perfumerie and came across Sexology 3 released for August 2011. Has anyone tried this? I was going to try a sample but wanted to know how similar it is to Sexology 2. But when I tried to search for Sexology 2 only 3 came up, so would this be a re-brew of the original scent? I'm confused.



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so would this be a re-brew of the original scent? I'm confused.

Yes, except that I believe a few of the ingredient sources are not the same, but it's as close to the original as Mara could make it.

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  • 8 months later...

Whew, okay thanks. I love love the sexology UN, but the fragrance isn't a match for me. It had too much honey or amber. My skin ate it.


I know this is an older thread, I'm just so glad to see that I'm not the only one to have this experience with Sexology III. My skin completely gobbled it up, it was the weirdest thing!

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I haven't tried any of the other Sexologies, perhaps I should???

oh okay!

I mistakenly thought it was the re-brew and not your chemistry that caused to the scent not to stick.


That happens to me too with certain scents.

I find areas of my bod that dont heat up as fast/so much when wearing those kinds of scents just so that I can continue wearing them. I wont be defeated.lol


I actually only have sexology 1 and sexology 2 (both scents cling to me just how I like them to) but I mostly wear them on days I know I wont be home.

The spicyiness in the first one lasts longer than the second for some weird reason.

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The skin chemistry thing is really interesting. I've been a clinical aromatherapist for years and have never encountered it to this degree..... I had a similar experience with A Touch of Cerise which was just gorgeous for the 10 minutes it lasted. LOL

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The skin chemistry thing is really interesting. I've been a clinical aromatherapist for years and have never encountered it to this degree..... I had a similar experience with A Touch of Cerise which was just gorgeous for the 10 minutes it lasted. LOL

Ahh aromatherapy.

How is your skin NOT eating up essential oils?

As an aromatherapist you already know not to apply essential oils undiluted, and your base usually decides if you can keep something that disappears fast like grapefruit for more than a few minutes.....so what is your secret base oil ????


With essential oils, I have experienced the complete opposite...unless I tinker and MIX the oils so that you have a top middle and base, I cant keep a scent on me for more than an hour tops.


And sometimes, I only want rose....you know? Or neroli. but poof,gone.

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Ahh aromatherapy.

How is your skin NOT eating up essential oils?

As an aromatherapist you already know not to apply essential oils undiluted, and your base usually decides if you can keep something that disappears fast like grapefruit for more than a few minutes.....so what is your secret base oil ????


With essential oils, I have experienced the complete opposite...unless I tinker and MIX the oils so that you have a top middle and base, I cant keep a scent on me for more than an hour tops.


And sometimes, I only want rose....you know? Or neroli. but poof,gone.


I should have specified and said that it is with Mara's gorgeous creations that I hadn't experienced the skin-eating-scent phenomenon. With plant-derived EOs, in my experience it has much more to do with the EOs used rather than the base. I haven't found any magical base that will make a citrus oil last. While I am NOT a perfumer, I work much more on the clinical side (I'm a nurse, massage therapist, etc.) I have certainly brewed some magical perfumes for myself that have been drool worthy. When making a small batch of perfume oil, I usually just use jojoba oil. And I make my personal stuff STRONG because I know what my skin can handle..... I often will add the EO/perfume oil directly to each dollop of lotion I'm applying...... I always use something exquisite on my breasts and neck.....rose, neroli, champaka, tuberose, etc..... it makes me feel like a queen. Just 1 drop in my hand with my lotion does it. Now, how long the scent lasts is questionable.

One day I was in on my way to nursing school and I got the phone call that my dad was actively dying. That morning I had used rose EO. I was late to class, of course and thoguht the scent of the rose would be long gone by then. I sat in my seat and my instructor who was about 15 feet away started making gagging sounds and complaining about the smell of roses. I admitted to everyone that it was me (as if they didn't know) and my teacher said "Well at least it isn't vanilla...YUCK!" LOL I instantly felt so bad for her! Who could hate rose AND vanilla!!!! Anyway, my point is 1) that the scent clearly lasted much longer that I would've thought and 2) What better EO to wear on that day.....rose... oh I love!!!

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im with you,sister.

Give me a genuine rose, absolute....

back in the early 90's I could get pure rose oil from Tifferet rediculously cheap (and wholesale) at the herbfarm.

Now, I cant even see where Tifferet sells rose oil at all without jojoba as a carrier!


I cant eben imagine someone hating BOTH rose and vanilla...something is screwy there.

Maybe they have bad memories of someone wearing a synthetic rose or vanilla that hit them the wrong way and now they are scarred?

I can totally understand that :rolleyes:

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  • 2 months later...
  • 5 years later...

In the bottle this smelled like brown sugar and maple syrup. On my body it smelled horrible, loud, and unclean. The smell was so bad sometimes it made me gag. I also had others, mostly women, complain of a strong urine smell when they were near me. I had to cover this with Sinner & Saint so I could wear it.


The throw on the fragrance was 5-10 feet. I did not get any self-effects. The effects on others varied. Women of all ages were unpredictable. Sometimes they were nice super nice and fawning over me – giving me lots of compliments and other times they were downright nasty. Another effect that Sexology 3 had was like a truth serum. I had women confide in me about their finances, family members, or tell me not to buy a product they were selling and then they would direct me to another store.


Men of all ages gave some pretty strong consistent hits. Generally, they were chivalrous. Allowing me to go first when in line, lots of excuse me’s when passing me, lots of staring, and some even gave me free stuff.


My strongest hit was one that happened when a guy about 70ish hit on me. I was terrified. I was walking past him and he told me how beautiful he thought I was and he asked me my name. I thanked him and told him. Then he told me his name and extended his hand for me to shake it. I shook it, then he grabbed my hand, and started to grab me into him. As he was doing this he was telling me, “I was watching you and you are a really beautiful woman - where do you live, today is my birthday, come to my party - I have free drinks and food etc.” I was struggling to get away from him and I was terrified. I was also pissed because no one stopped to help me. When I got away form him he kept staring at me until I got completely away from him.

Edited by Honeycake
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So others do not make the same mistake, this blend was never intended to be worn in public. It's highly sexual in a dirty-sexy way.




A lusty fragrance not for the faint of heart! Animalic Musks and smutty Honey, sexy Cinnamon-spiced Brown Sugar and warm exotic Ambergris. This perfume gives off a "dirty-sexy" vibe and is definitely best worn at home alone with your honey and not to the office! Supercharged with our exclusive Sexology pheromone formula!


Magickal Meanings of Ingredients:
BROWN SUGAR ~ Attracts love, sweetness and riches. Lust inducing.
HONEY ~ Seductive; use to bewitch a straying or hesitant lover.
CINNAMON ~ Male sexual stimulation, passion, healing, energy.
CIVET ~ A strong aphrodisiac, has an intense, animal, 'sexual' aroma
MUSK ~ Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant
AMBERGRIS ~ Increases personal power, heightens sexual responses.

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I haven't put this on for a bit, all I have is a sample, but I reached for it late tonight. My man has been sick for a few days, we'll see if can reach past the mopey sick man vibe....

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  • 3 months later...


My man says something in this turns plastic-y, I don't smell it at all, but he's like a hound dog. Does anyone know what note does that on me? I asked if it was the brown sugar, he said no. Then I put on Black Cat's Sultry Kitten to see if it was ambergris, he said it wasn't in Sultry Kitten. 

Edited by Eastwood22
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  • 2 years later...

I’ve steered clear of this, never so much as a trial vial because I mistakenly thought it had patchouli in it.  But, I was cruising around the LP site looking for ideas to add to the invoice request for the Happy Hobbit foot soak, and I took time to read the ingredients more carefully.  

I’m taking a chance on a trial vial of it for this order.  Cinnamon not always good for me, but that’s usually when maple is involved.  Civet doesn’t particularly worry me, and I like the phero Sexology in other fragrances.  Yeah I’m a risk taker lol 😶



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