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Skye High


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The box arrives. It sits on my desk all brown cardboard innocence. But I know the addiction lies inside.


"I should wait until I get home."


(twiddles fingers)


"But there are delicious smelly things in there!" (looks around) "Eep! What should I do?"


(picks at the tape on the box in a fingernail)


"Oops. Looks like the tape is loose. I should pull it off. So it doesn't stick to my sweater or anything."


(tearing sounds ... rustling paper ... sigh of joy)



Ok enough of my inner monlogue. This is amazing. Mara recemmended sweet potato, marshmallow and benzoin and it's so good. First thing to know, it's a very delicate scent and lies close to the skin which suits it. Because it's such a sweet scent I suspect it might be cloying if it were stronger. But the way it is ... perfect.


On me it's marshmallow fluff, light and airy over a resin base with an edge of spice. Very sweet. Like a sugar-coating. And if anyone needs a sugar-coating it's me. Love.

Edited by skye
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Sounds truly unique and different to other scents...I really can't imagine it...

I have to ask, how would you describe the sweet potato in it?


Loved your inner monologue Skye, I guess I'm gonna have a similar one when I ask Mara for a PE...

Edited by Gabylicious
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Sounds good and I am glad you are happy with it! I am envious of you guys who have the nerve to design your own LP! It would be too stressful for me. I still don't know what I like. There is no telling what kind of crap woulds try to throw together. Mara would have to refuse to make it! Maybe I will try in a couple years...

Edited by missdarlyncherie
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Sounds truly unique and different to other scents...I really can't imagine it...

Funny you should say that, because it's a simplified version of The Captivation Equation.


Sounds tres yummy!

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Funny you should say that, because it's a simplified version of The Captivation Equation.


Sounds tres yummy!


Another I haven't tried yet...hope I get the chance to try it someday

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Another I haven't tried yet...hope I get the chance to try it someday


I believe CE has been sold out for a while now, but as we've seen with quite a few others there could be the possibility of a rebrew taken there isn't a component issue.

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The sweet potato is sweet and candied. The spice is very subtle on me. After 2 hours the fluff is gone and all that remains is a resinness. I can see where this would be easily layerable with almost anything,

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I believe CE has been sold out for a while now, but as we've seen with quite a few others there could be the possibility of a rebrew taken there isn't a component issue.


Sorry to hear that,.but I'm glad there's still some marshmallowy options out there...

That sweet potato note has really piqued my interest...

I'll wait for more descriptions....

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Sounds good and I am glad you are happy with it! I am envious of you guys who have the nerve to design your own LP! It would be too stressful for me. I still don't know what I like. There is no telling what kind of crap woulds try to throw together. Mara would have to refuse to make it! Maybe I will try in a couple years...



Really? Why do I picture you as a warm cherry pie or applie pie with vanilla ice cream on the side.


I am sooo thinking of ordering Skye's PE

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

I got a sniffie of this and I slathered my wrist before I went to sleep yesterday. It is very comforting and sheer, it feels like a translucent cloud of mashmallow, incredibly light and airy...It is very pretty, but it is just about the marshmallow and that's a BIG marshmallow here....I do get a hint of something sweet that wants to peek through the cloud of marshmallowy goodness but the fluff doesn't let it...I felt the same with Jo Anna's Sweet Winter Chai 2011, like the marshmallow is sooo big on both potions, yes cloudy and airy but BIG and it demands all of your nose's attention...I really wanted to know how Sweet Potato smells in a perfume, but the marshmallow cloud covers this sky for me.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 5 months later...

This smells more like a sheer version of Fortune Cookie to me than Captivation Equation. That's a good thing because Captivation Equation was cloyingly sweet on me and Fortune Cookie is one of my favorites! I'm testing out a bunch of scents right now so maybe I'm not getting the most accurate reading of this scent, but so far I like it. It's very sheer and pretty. I think I can pick out a very subtle sweet potato. I have to test this out on its own.

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  • 6 months later...

Skye High reminds me of Double O. Or since it came first, I should reverse that, haha. To me, it comes off as pure marshmallow fluff. So anyone who likes marshmallow scents would enjoy it. I'm not sure that I get any sweet potato with it, but perhaps that's the quality that is adding the depth to the scent. There's definitely something that comes out at the end that's soft and anchoring the scent, I feel. So I'm assuming that is the sweet potato. It is such a sweet smell, and unlike my experience with Double O, I don't find it overwhelming or cloying. It peaks at just the right level of sweetness.

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