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Wax Melts for the tense household Review

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For my first order I chose melts w/ Treasured Hearts and Balm Bomb as things in my home has deteriorated to the point where Mr. Congeniality (my SO) thought it was okay to tell me he no longer enjoyed coming home because it was too tense ... I guess I didn't wave my pom-poms enough like everyone else on the planet when the phone rings at all hours and him coming home late for dinner blah blah ... many of you can relate. Add to that, every time my eldest is visiting, though Mr C likes/lives him, tenses up and becomes an even bigger jerk.


When the wax melts came I started off with the Sweet Pumpkin & Banana + Treas Hearts as it was near the holidays and I was doing a lot of baking anyways 9or would have been had I not been very ill). Mr. C comes home on edge as per usual making me a wreck as per usual and within 20 minutes is noticeably relaxed and dare I say, happy to be home. Next thing I know, we are cuddling on the sofa.


Long story short, by weeks end HE was lighting wax melts having NO idea that they were making HIM feel better which allowed for a more relaxed atmosphere and family bonding which as continued though we have not had melts in the house for well over a month.


Had I not had the melts, I may not have been able to get close enough to Mr C for him to be exposed to any of the LPMP scents w/ or w/out phero's.


Sug Resins + Treasured Hearts (U) and Winter Holiday + Balm Bomb (U) were also in my first order and while my nose could not tell you what notes were strongest in any of them, they ALL smelled divine and I do not know how I could have ever gotten by without these in my life before and I really really hope that wax melts stay in my life for the future.


I hope to one day my in a place where I can try the sexier ones. At the moment, cuddling is a major victory in my heart.

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Such a nice review. I have also found the phero wax melts to be invaluable. I love the banana bread scent! Balm bomb is amazing, i also feel really lucky that this is available :D For me, the calmer ones have been way more useful,being a somewhat stressed individual at times, it makes a good start for feeling okay about moving into sexier territory by myself, without a sexy phero, but i wish you good luck in your continuing melt journey!

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  • 1 year later...
Guest cutie.pie

For my first order I chose melts w/ Treasured Hearts and Balm Bomb as things in my home has deteriorated to the point where Mr. Congeniality (my SO) thought it was okay to tell me he no longer enjoyed coming home because it was too tense ... I guess I didn't wave my pom-poms enough like everyone else on the planet when the phone rings at all hours and him coming home late for dinner blah blah ... many of you can relate. Add to that, every time my eldest is visiting, though Mr C likes/lives him, tenses up and becomes an even bigger jerk.


When the wax melts came I started off with the Sweet Pumpkin & Banana + Treas Hearts as it was near the holidays and I was doing a lot of baking anyways 9or would have been had I not been very ill). Mr. C comes home on edge as per usual making me a wreck as per usual and within 20 minutes is noticeably relaxed and dare I say, happy to be home. Next thing I know, we are cuddling on the sofa.


Long story short, by weeks end HE was lighting wax melts having NO idea that they were making HIM feel better which allowed for a more relaxed atmosphere and family bonding which as continued though we have not had melts in the house for well over a month.


Had I not had the melts, I may not have been able to get close enough to Mr C for him to be exposed to any of the LPMP scents w/ or w/out phero's.


Sug Resins + Treasured Hearts (U) and Winter Holiday + Balm Bomb (U) were also in my first order and while my nose could not tell you what notes were strongest in any of them, they ALL smelled divine and I do not know how I could have ever gotten by without these in my life before and I really really hope that wax melts stay in my life for the future.


I hope to one day my in a place where I can try the sexier ones. At the moment, cuddling is a major victory in my heart.

Because of your review I ordered some wax melts w/TH. THANK YOU! :) I love it!

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Awesome review, livinlavidacabo! I love Purple Puff with B2.2 late at night and it is so calming and beautiful! Need to get more o organized and let the holidays pass for me to REALLY observe.


Oh I am a purple puff melt addict now, if I had the $ I'd be buying them out :P They completely turned around a couple of evenings where my old man and I were both b!tching out, normally "those" kinds of evenings (thankfully rare though they are) end up blowing up in all sorts of ways but purple puff put out the fire both times. And smells sooo good!

Edited by Memorare
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Wow - what a great testimonial! And so glad things are going better. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

This thread caught my eye because sometimes saying my household is a "tense" environment is an understatement. I have 2 teenage boys and one man-child of 49. Sometimes it seems the only semblance of peace, sanity, and rationale within our home lies within me and our 2 female English retrievers! In a WTH moment during the much dreaded "after-Christmas-school-is-still-out-I'm-SO-bored-I-deserve-to-be-entertained!" week for my teens, I lit up LP's Mother's Little Helper Cherry Pie wax melt and it was so friggin' obvious that the phero was taking ALL my testosterone junkies to a much more mellow, happy place. Still not Nirvana, mind you (that would take a miracle) but suffice to say I wish I'd ordered a baker's dozen of the MLH Cherry Pie wax melts. There are SO many good ones Mara created last fall, but of the phero-enhanced ones, this one was a wonderful surprise in more ways than one.

Edited by LoveStruck
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