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First Friday Party - November

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Come try out all our wonderful readers at once! Tarot, Palmistry, Runes, Crystal and Oracle Readings! And I will be doing Divination Lessons and explaining how to use all the nifty tools we have in the shop. Come have some fun with us! 1f603.png:D Should I dress up like Professor Trelawney? lol


I will post pix later, if I manage to take any!

Gonna do a hot whiskey punch tonight, with cookies and biscuits. Should be lovely. :)


If you are local, hope to see you there! xoxoxox


Oh and PS, I plan to have the PEs up on Sunday night.

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Yes, how did it go? Never have I wanted to attend an LP party more than when I saw "Divination Lessons with Mara"!!!! Pics please when you have a moment!


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Didn't get to take too many pix that night, new helper Lupita snapped these for me


I did everything up in purple, because purple is the color of the subconscious mind and helps to open the psychic centers. :greensmilies-020:




No pic of the punch! Wah! I did a hot punch in my big black cauldron!

Peach herbal tea, local organic honey, thinly sliced strawberries and lemons, and a gallon of Black Velvet whiskey. YUM!!!


For food I wanted something that would go nicely with the hot whiskey punch, so I served cookies, dippers and pastries, and a large array of dried fruits and nuts. (This is actually a pic of the morning after, still lots left, come on down for a nibble!)





At the big table we had Barbara doing a crystal oracle method and Angelic Channeling, and Kit reading Tarot. Kit had an idea that I think was rather clever - take note Medium friends! She offered gift certs for Psychic Readings as Xmas presents, and made lovely hand printed cards for people to present their gift.


At the two little tables were Mama Gaia reading Runes, and me. I did crystal readings and also showed people how to use all the tools in the store. The object of most curiosity that evening was the crystal ball. Everyone wanted to know how to use one. People also really seemed to enjoy fun methods of just getting yes or no answers to their questions. I had little speeches prepared for every item but the interest was on just a few items. What I found extremely interesting about the crystal readings, and also noted from my store experiences of the past few weeks, is that 80% or more of the people I encountered seem to be extremely attracted to the color of Lapis right now. That is not the norm - usually I would say it would be closer to 20% or less. This is the color of communication - I think people are very much craving accurate communication right now because of all the election misinformation going around.




We had our new hand painted sign outside, with purple balloons...on the other side it says, "Prepare to be Enchanted...Come Inside"



For the giftie I made Ritual Incense, for aiding in Psychic Communication and a whole bunch of other uses too. We gave away samples with instructions and 2 sheets of prayer parchment. 30 Ingredients! Ingredients and Why I Added Them




It was very fun, we'll do another Psychic Fair in a few months, I think!


The next morning I started decorating for Christmas! I made a display of all our hand crafted ornaments, lots of colored sparkling glass. And I made these gorgeous crystal angels with spinning wings, I'll snap a pic of those for you this weekend.

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Once again, this looks amazing! I have been obsessed with the color of lapis too, more so than normal. It is one of my favorite colors and I do wear a piece of lapis jewelry every day BUT I've been wearing the color almost every day as well. My current wallpaper on my computer is almost all the color of lapis too. I never made the connection until just now.

FYI The ritual incense sounds fantastic!!!

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Everything looks awesome! Hmm, I don't have any lapis in my collection, nor have I been to look at any crystals for a long while. I noticed that I've been strongly attracted to working with my selenite wand lately, though. All the negativity from this election cycle has left me in need of a lot of healing energy.

ETA: I forgot that I've been wearing Sarasvati a lot, as of late! Duh, communication. Lol

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The next morning I started decorating for Christmas! I made a display of all our hand crafted ornaments, lots of colored sparkling glass. And I made these gorgeous crystal angels with spinning wings, I'll snap a pic of those for you this weekend.

I'd love to see a photo of that. :)


Mara, are you going to sell the loose incense?

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Yes, Stacy, the ritual incense is for sale - 8 oz jars for $9.95 each plus shipping. I think we have maybe 6 jars left. It was more popular than I expected!

oh thanks Mara. I really need to get some. Is there a place I can use in the perfumerie or do I request an invoice ? I'm betting the latter but I thought i'd ask. ?
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Mara, is there any Ritual Incense left? I'd love to get a jar!


Yes, I think we have 3 left. Email John and let us know if you also need charcoal or a burner. :) I posted pix of the burners yesterday Charcoal is $5 per roll.



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