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LP #9: Green Chai w/Open Windows

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Artwork by Barbara A McVey



CITRUS ~ Energizing, uplifting. Longevity, faithfulness, fidelity, friendship.
MUSK ~ Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.
GREEN TEA ~ Invigorating, refreshing, mentally and physically uplifting, lust. Riches, courage, strength.
SPICES ~ Luck, health, prosperity, money.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I've always sort of characterized No. 9 as a scent for those who may be a bit spooked to explore the nuances of artisan fragrance overall.  It's the kind of scent a guy could immediately recognize as classic cologne or whatever.  So what's interesting to me about this variant is that it does add some nuance to the whole.  It's unisex but I'm getting a on-the-masculine-side-of-unisex vibe in terms of how it plays out.  The green tea is quite airy and refreshing but the chai spice blend gives it a nice earthy evocation, which I'm choosing to attribute to the cardamom (if it's a classic kind of chai spice blend, that is).  You still get the citrus musk base tying it together and making it palatable for daily wear but it's just a bit more than the usual, if that makes sense.  I think anyone who enjoys No. 9 and wears it regularly would be happy with this one, but if you've never tried it and are curious, definitely snag a trial vial - I think you will be intrigued.

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 I can't add much to Luna's description. This was my surprise favorite of Pherotine. It smells so good on and the Open Windows with it, it's a whole vibe. I really felt amazing while I was wearing it and that the Green Chai was the only different thing I was doing yesterday, so I have to conclude that I got a nice self effect from this one. It pains me to recommend that everyone at least get a trial vial because I would like to hoard this one, but definitely at least get a trial vial. :lol:

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  • 2 months later...

I'm not a huge fan of the regular LP#9; it just doesn't work that well on me. So I was surprised by how much I liked this variant. I find it to be not quite as harsh as the regular one. The tea and spices take the edge off and give it more complexity. I would say this is leaning on the masculine side of unisex, but not too far over. Easily wearable for a woman.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi everyone, I don't know if I'm at the right place but I'm new to the site

and Open Window is my first Lpp product. I also use other brands of

pheromones and have rarely seen any effects. I now know why. Not

only have I received few effects from pheromones, but also few

compliments with perfumes.


The reason is because people do not perceive my scent and pheromone

from a distance of 1 meter. I live in Germany and the social distance to

strangers is 1-2 meters. That's why I want to be noticed with perfumes

and pheromones. I mixed Open Window green chai with 1 million Fragrance

Oil. The ratio is 90% Open Window and 10% 1 Million Oil.



My Test with Open Window + Captain today


My Test 1

Today I put shea butter body lotion on myself after the shower. After 45

minutes I put 1.5 sprays Iso-E Super from Molecule O1 + 2 sprays 1 million

on my neck and wrist. A minute later, Captain Oil from Pheromone Treassur

put it on it. I worked in the perfumery today and asked people if they could

smell my scent from 1 meter away. Everyone said no.

Test 2

I sprayed 4 sprays of Open Window on my front neck on it. I asked 5 people

from 1.5 meters away "Can you smell my scent from this distance?" Only one

said yes. I moved specially and no one else could perceive my scent.


I didn't notice that the customers were more talkative than without the pheromone.

When I wear normal perfumes in everyday life like Creed Aventus, Dior Sauvage

or other fragrances, I never get compliments because people can't smell my scent

far. I find it sad that people cannot perceive my scent even though I have done

many things right. Shower, apply lotion, ISO-E Super for diffusion and 3-4 sprays.

The question is what was my mistake? 



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Hi @Mister Pheromert! Welcome to LP!


I don’t know that you’re doing anything “wrong,” sounds like you’re nice and clean and also smell good! Covid times are difficult, to say the least, regarding meeting strangers and luring them closer, with or without pheromones. I feel your pain!

I’m not 100% sure you want people to smell you from the other side of the room, that might be a bit heavy handed. And you don’t want anyone to actually smell the pheromones, just to “sense” them. I’m not familiar with the other pheromone products that you’re using, I just stick with LP because they’re tried and true, and also LP has the best Phero products for women. (I also don’t mix pheros, since the blends are complex and I don’t want to send out a confusing phero signature.) Another thing that LP does really well is making phero’s that give us “selfies,” making us feel good. Sometimes when we feel more confident, it draws people in and then they can maybe get a closer look/sniff.  And, I’m sure you know, sprays travel much further than oil, as far as perceptible scent goes. 

Open Windows is a great phero for communicating, making people more talkative and at-ease, and getting to know someone more intimately. But, if you are alone and the only one that the phero is working on, I believe that there’s a slight possibility that it could make you feel a lack of connection more deeply. Then you could end up feeling lonely as a result of craving connection! (Just my personal experience, I don’t recall anyone else mentioning this side-effect.) 


I think that there are a few people on here that could point you to higher silllage scents that will travel further for you, and you might want to try some more social phero blends. My man does really well with Swimming With Sharks, an all around confident male blend that draws people closer. You might like Sharp-Dressed Humanoid w/ Swimming with Sharks, and it’s available in the further reaching spray. Don’t mix it with anything else! And put it on your wrists if you talk with your hands. MVP is another good male social phero, you can try Ozzie or Gent. Both of these pheros will hopefully give you some selfies.

Personally, I’m the kind of girl who gets pulled closer by the phero Teddy BB, a comforting phero that puts off a “I’ve got everything under control” vibe that makes women want to cuddle. Teddy BB causes women to feel safe and comforted. When worn around men, it makes you “one of the boys.” My man has gone through many bottles of Teddy Man 2, the appropriately scented version with the phero, which also comes in a spray. 

If you are trying to pull in a confident adult woman, you could also try to add in a LP pherotine like Mark's MILF Magnet for Men (MMM) to something you already with a more powerful reach. But I don’t know your age or circumstances, so harder to make a perfect recommendation. Tell us more about yourself and what you are hoping for and maybe others can make suggestions.

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2 hours ago, Eastwood22 said:

Hi @Herr Pheromert! Willkommen bei LP!


Ich weiß nicht, dass du etwas „falsch“ machst, das klingt, als wärst du nett und sauber und riechst auch gut! Covid-Zeiten sind, gelinde gesagt, schwierig, wenn es darum geht, Fremde zu treffen und sie näher zu locken, mit oder ohne Pheromone. Ich fühle deinen Schmerz!

Ich bin mir nicht 100% sicher, ob Sie möchten , dass die Leute Sie von der anderen Seite des Raumes riechen, das könnte ein bisschen schwerfällig sein. Und Sie möchten nicht, dass jemand die Pheromone wirklich riecht, sondern nur „spürt“. Ich kenne die anderen Pheromonprodukte, die Sie verwenden, nicht, ich bleibe einfach bei LP, weil sie sich bewährt haben, und auch LP hat die besten Phero-Produkte für Frauen. (Ich mische auch keine Pheros, da die Mischungen komplex sind und ich keine verwirrende Phero-Signatur aussenden möchte.) Eine andere Sache, die LP wirklich gut macht, sind Pheros, die uns „Selfies“ geben und uns ein gutes Gefühl geben . Manchmal, wenn wir uns sicherer fühlen, zieht es die Leute an und dann können sie vielleicht genauer hinsehen/schnuppern. Und ich bin sicher, Sie wissen, Sprays reisen viel weiter als Öl, was den wahrnehmbaren Duft angeht. 

Open Windows ist ein großartiger Phero, um zu kommunizieren, Menschen gesprächiger und entspannter zu machen und jemanden intimer kennenzulernen. Aber wenn du allein bist und der einzige, an dem der Phero arbeitet, glaube ich, dass es eine kleine Möglichkeit gibt, dass du einen tieferen Mangel an Verbindung spüren könntest. Dann könnten Sie sich aufgrund des Verlangens nach Verbindung einsam fühlen! (Nur meine persönliche Erfahrung, ich erinnere mich nicht, dass jemand diese Nebenwirkung erwähnt hat.) 


Ich denke, dass es hier ein paar Leute gibt, die Sie auf Düfte mit höherer Silllage hinweisen könnten, die für Sie weiterreisen werden, und Sie möchten vielleicht einige mehr soziale Pheromischungen ausprobieren. Mein Mann macht sich wirklich gut mit Swimming With Sharks, einer rundum selbstbewussten männlichen Mischung, die die Menschen näher bringt. Sie mögen vielleicht  Sharp-Dressed Humanoid w/ Swimming with Sharks , und es ist im weiterreichenden Spray erhältlich. Nicht mit etwas anderem mischen! Und legen Sie es an Ihre Handgelenke, wenn Sie mit den Händen sprechen. MVP ist ein weiterer guter männlicher Sozialphero, Sie können Ozzie oder Gent ausprobieren. Beide Pheros werden dir hoffentlich ein paar Selfies geben.

Persönlich bin ich die Art von Mädchen, die von dem Phero Teddy BB angezogen wird, einem beruhigenden Phero, der eine „Ich habe alles unter Kontrolle“-Atmosphäre auslöst, die Frauen zum Kuscheln bringt. Teddy BB gibt Frauen Sicherheit und Trost. Wenn man es um Männer herum trägt, macht es dich zu "einem der Jungs". Mein Mann hat viele Flaschen Teddy Man 2 durchgegangen, die passend duftende Version mit dem Phero, die auch als Spray erhältlich ist. 

Wenn Sie versuchen, eine selbstbewusste erwachsene Frau anzuziehen, können Sie auch versuchen, ein LP-Pherotin wie Marks MILF Magnet for Men (MMM) zu etwas hinzuzufügen  , das Sie bereits mit einer stärkeren Reichweite haben. Aber ich kenne Ihr Alter oder Ihre Umstände nicht, daher ist es schwieriger, eine perfekte Empfehlung auszusprechen. Erzählen Sie uns mehr über sich und Ihre Erwartungen und vielleicht können andere Vorschläge machen.


Thanks Eastword for your tips. I've read great reviews about Teddy BB too. I am just as enthusiastic about Perfect Match, TMI and TC. Before I buy other products, it is important that other people notice my pheromones and scents.
How many meters of range do Open Window, Perfect Match and Teddy BB have with you or your husband?



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@Mister Pheromert  welcome to the forum 🙂

I always thought that a fragrance should be detected by others at about conversation distance apart (and the same goes for any pheromones). Also, be able to  catch whiff of the scent in the wake of the slight air movement when you walk by.  

I don’t think it would be desirable or appropriate for a perfume or phero to be smelled by others across a room.

1.5 meters (in my opinion) is a reasonable maximum distance.  Really one meter is better though. And that is with the air perfectly still, no one moving around causing it to drift in any direction.  And, at that distance, the perfume should not be a strong presence,  more like sensed rather that consciously smelled by others.  I could be wrong, and often am about many things. 

Additionally, there are other factors such as how warm your skin is, and how warm the environment is.  If it’s hot in a room, or outside, scent will carry farther. 

Perhaps, if you found a phero that you yourself react to, one that boosts those qualities you want others to perceive in you, then being concerned about the range the scent or phero has,  is not important, because you definitely are in range of yourself. 

Also keep in mind that there are some people who don’t respond to pheromones, and even more people who have strong dislikes of certain scents.  There is no way you would be able to know in advance what mere acquaintances or strangers feel about specific scents, either. If what you are wearing is so overwhelming, it will definitely not have the desired outcome you wish to achieve.  

PS. My advice  is to use the search function on the forum, and read about ghosting. This is a real risk for when one overloads the amount of phermones they are wearing. 

Edited by Eve
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7 hours ago, Mister Pheromert said:

How many meters of range do Open Window, Perfect Match and Teddy BB have with you or your husband?

Hmm, well, my partner had been known to smell freshly applied perfume from the next room, but that is not normal! I agree with @Eve, no one should be smelling you from over 1.5 meters away. That would just be too much! Scent is meant to be subtle and enticing. If my man has on something I can smell from too far away, it would be too much up close. Three feet/a meter is plenty! 
As far as getting “hits” with the pheros, it does take a while to find the perfect amount. Do take @Eve’s advice and read about “ghosting,” when you overshoot / overload your phero goal and end up with the exact opposite effect of what you wanted. And find pheros that make you feel good! 

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10 hours ago, Eastwood22 said:

Open Windows is a great phero for communicating, making people more talkative and at-ease, and getting to know someone more intimately. But, if you are alone and the only one that the phero is working on, I believe that there’s a slight possibility that it could make you feel a lack of connection more deeply. Then you could end up feeling lonely as a result of craving connection! (Just my personal experience, I don’t recall anyone else mentioning this side-effect.) 




Funnily enough,  I've found I can only wear Open Windows in a phero enhanced fragrance like this one. The UN doesn't work for me at all. I think I can't get it into a small enough dosage. Whenever I try the UN, I don't get many hits or self effects, except for one. I'll be going along, doing whatever,  and all of a sudden,  I get INCREDIBLY self conscious and insecure. It only lasts for maybe 10 seconds, tops, at a time, but it is like running into a brick wall of those emotions. It's like being a teenager x20. Then it subsides just as quickly,  but leaves me shaken. It'll happen 3 or 4 times a day if I try to wear Open Windows UN, regardless of the cover scent. Whether I'm alone or with other people doesn't seem to matter. But it doesn't happen when I wear OW in the phero enhanced scents. Weird. (But I also realize I sometimes have unique reactions to the pheros, so *shrug*.)


But this whole conversation has made me curious as to differences in cultural reactions to pheros. Not just in how people feel the effects,  but in how those effects are expressed. For example, with @Mister Pheromert being in Germany, would hits look different than somewhere like the US, where hits, particularly with strangers, might be expressed more effusively. Are different pheros better suited to different styles of cultural expression??? Idk, food for thought. 

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9 hours ago, Eve said:

@Herr Pheromert  Willkommen im Forum 🙂

Ich dachte immer, dass ein Duft von anderen in etwa Gesprächsabstand wahrgenommen werden sollte (und das Gleiche gilt für alle Pheromone). Achten Sie auch beim Vorbeigehen auf den Geruch der leichten Luftbewegung.  

Ich glaube nicht, dass es wünschenswert oder angebracht wäre, wenn ein Parfüm oder ein Phero von anderen in einem Raum gerochen wird.

1,5 Meter (meiner Meinung nach) sind eine vernünftige maximale Entfernung. Ein Meter ist wirklich besser. Und das bei vollkommen stiller Luft, niemand bewegt sich herum und lässt sie in irgendeine Richtung abdriften. Und in dieser Entfernung sollte das Parfüm keine starke Präsenz sein, sondern eher wahrgenommen als von anderen bewusst gerochen. Ich könnte falsch liegen und bin oft über viele Dinge. 

Darüber hinaus gibt es andere Faktoren, wie z. B. wie warm Ihre Haut ist und wie warm die Umgebung ist. Wenn es in einem Raum oder draußen heiß ist, wird der Geruch weiter getragen. 

Wenn du vielleicht einen Phero gefunden hast, auf den du selbst reagierst, einer, der die Eigenschaften verstärkt, die andere in dir wahrnehmen sollen, dann ist es nicht wichtig, sich über die Reichweite des Duftes oder des Pheros Gedanken zu machen, denn du bist definitiv in Reichweite von dir selbst . 

Denken Sie auch daran, dass es einige Menschen gibt, die nicht auf Pheromone reagieren, und noch mehr Menschen, die bestimmte Düfte stark ablehnen. Auch kann man nicht im Voraus wissen, was bloße Bekannte oder Fremde zu bestimmten Düften halten. Wenn das, was Sie tragen, so überwältigend ist, wird es definitiv nicht das gewünschte Ergebnis haben, das Sie erreichen möchten.  

PS. Mein Rat ist, die Suchfunktion im Forum zu verwenden und über Ghosting zu lesen. Dies ist ein echtes Risiko, wenn man die Menge an Phermonen, die man trägt, überlastet. 




9 hours ago, Eve said:

@Herr Pheromert  Willkommen im Forum 🙂

Ich dachte immer, dass ein Duft von anderen in etwa Gesprächsabstand wahrgenommen werden sollte (und das Gleiche gilt für alle Pheromone). Achten Sie auch beim Vorbeigehen auf den Geruch der leichten Luftbewegung.  

Ich glaube nicht, dass es wünschenswert oder angebracht wäre, wenn ein Parfüm oder ein Phero von anderen in einem Raum gerochen wird.

1,5 Meter (meiner Meinung nach) sind eine vernünftige maximale Entfernung. Ein Meter ist wirklich besser. Und das bei vollkommen stiller Luft, niemand bewegt sich herum und lässt sie in irgendeine Richtung abdriften. Und in dieser Entfernung sollte das Parfüm keine starke Präsenz sein, sondern eher wahrgenommen als von anderen bewusst gerochen. Ich könnte falsch liegen und bin oft über viele Dinge. 

Darüber hinaus gibt es andere Faktoren, wie z. B. wie warm Ihre Haut ist und wie warm die Umgebung ist. Wenn es in einem Raum oder draußen heiß ist, wird der Geruch weiter getragen. 

Wenn du vielleicht einen Phero gefunden hast, auf den du selbst reagierst, einer, der die Eigenschaften verstärkt, die andere in dir wahrnehmen sollen, dann ist es nicht wichtig, sich über die Reichweite des Duftes oder des Pheros Gedanken zu machen, denn du bist definitiv in Reichweite von dir selbst . 

Denken Sie auch daran, dass es einige Menschen gibt, die nicht auf Pheromone reagieren, und noch mehr Menschen, die bestimmte Düfte stark ablehnen. Auch kann man nicht im Voraus wissen, was bloße Bekannte oder Fremde zu bestimmten Düften halten. Wenn das, was Sie tragen, so überwältigend ist, wird es definitiv nicht das gewünschte Ergebnis haben, das Sie erreichen möchten.  

PS. Mein Rat ist, die Suchfunktion im Forum zu verwenden und über Ghosting zu lesen. Dies ist ein echtes Risiko, wenn man die Menge an Phermonen, die man trägt, überlastet. 



I have measured my arm length and it is about 75 cm from my chest.

I thought until now our arm length is more than 1 meter. The one with

the 1 to 1.5 meters is a good distance. For people I know well, 1 meter

is enough for me, but for people I don't know 1.5 meters would be better

because strangers also keep a distance of 1.5 meters because of Covid 19.


I asked a lot of people about the Green Chai fragrance and a lot of people

rated the fragrance very poorly. That's why I mixed very good fragrance

oils with open window. Which fragrances does Open Window have

and which OW fragrances have the best ratings?


3 minutes ago, Mister Pheromert said:






Ich habe meine Armlänge gemessen und sie ist ungefähr 75 cm von meiner Brust entfernt.

Ich dachte, bis jetzt ist unsere Armlänge mehr als 1 Meter. Der eine mit

die 1 bis 1,5 Meter sind eine gute Distanz. Für Leute, die ich gut kenne, 1 Meter

reicht mir, aber für leute die ich nicht kenne wären 1,5 meter besser

weil auch Fremde wegen Covid 19 einen Abstand von 1,5 Metern einhalten.

Here in Germany the distance to the strangers is more than 1 arm's length.

So about 1 meter.



Ich habe viele Leute nach dem Green Chai-Duft gefragt und viele Leute

bewertete den Duft sehr schlecht. Deshalb habe ich sehr guten Duft gemischt

Öle mit offenem Fenster. Welche Düfte hat Open Window

und welche OW-Düfte haben die besten Bewertungen?



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@Mister PheromertHave you read these topic yet?


Also, read topics in here:




I apply pheromones and fragrances on my lower arms, that's how I can enjoy both pheros and scents.


The trick is to find your sweet spot, YMMV. Do one pheromone at the time, do not mix it with other fragrances (unless they're UN). If it helps, keep a journal of how much you have applied and where.


I do not use pheromones other that from LPMP, so can't comment on that. But I wouldn't mix them. It's not that for instance Open Windows is pheromone A and Perfect Match is pheromone B and when you combine them you get AB, they are more complexed than that. Use just one pheromone at the time.


Before ordering a fragrance, read the reviews. Most of the fragrances here are limited editions, once they are gone, they're gone. Try ordering samples first. 


You can always order a UN pheromone and then cover it with a fragrance you like. Some pheromones will work better for you if you apply them UN, and some will work better in a fragrance. 


There are amazing frangrances here, order samples so you can try them out. 


I do not ask people if they like my perfume, what matters to me if I like it. That's way I apply it on my arms, I want to smell it myself mostly. And I love selfies from pheromones.


Also, what I have learned is that sprays have better reach but oils are stronger and last longer, IMO. That's why I love fragrances in oil form.


Sorry, I've probably went off topic. Anyway, use one pheromone at the time and take your time to find your sweet spot! Sometimes less is more.


Good luck and have fun!


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@Mister Pheromert


Eastwood, Greenappletart and Citrine all gave you more great information. Follow the links provided, and listen to the intent of what they are trying to convey to you. 

As far as scents that contain Open Windows, you are not limited to ones that already contain it, but can have LPMP add it to any scent that does not already contain a different pheromone blend in it already. Or, you can add the unscented Open Windows on top of a fragrance you already know you like, so long as it is free of pheromones. 

Consider branching out and trying different pheromones too.  

You definitely should not mix different pheromone blends, or wear more than one blend at a time. 

Fragrance preferences are very personal. Those who know each other here on the forum (albeit only through our online connection) can sometimes help each other decide if they will like something   because they already know what the other’s preferences and dislikes are. 

I don’t have any clear recollections about any of the commercial fragrances you listed. I’m sorry, but it’s been too long. Therefore  I don’t have a good feel for what will appeal to you. 

I also did not try this latest offering of LP #9. (Ihaven’t tried any of them though) hence  I’m no help there either. 

I have smelled (and liked) a few of the men’s fragrances and unisex ones. My guy, who is just not into fragrance,  rarely wears anything but an aftershave balm by Calvin Klein. . It’s not a favorite of mine, but after 20 years, I’ve grown to associate it with him, so I like it for that reason. He likes how I smell, and that’s what matters 🙂

Consider trying the men’s sampler. It has some wonderful scents in it, a few I’ve purchased as gifts for others over the years. 



Most importantly, remember that  a fragrance and any pheromone formulation should enhance who you are.  It should help you be you, only more. Pheromones can be as useful to the wearer (if they respond to pheromones) as they are in how they affect others. Keep that in mind. 





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18 hours ago, Mister Pheromert said:


I asked a lot of people about the Green Chai fragrance and a lot of people

rated the fragrance very poorly. 

Well, I guess the good news is that they can smell the fragrance, which was your original concern, right?


On 9/4/2021 at 11:52 AM, Mister Pheromert said:

The reason is because people do not perceive my scent and pheromone

from a distance of 1 meter.

So now you’ve found your proper amount that people can smell you and offer opinions, so you’re headed in the right direction. As far as opinions go, what’s your opinion on how you smell? My man has the  LP #9: Green Chai w/Open Windows because he likes it and how it wears on his skin. There are many scents in his arsenal that I swoon over, but he would never in a million years wear a scent he didn’t like just because I liked it. 
I know @Eve mentioned in thread above, you can have any phero added to any UN-phero’d scent. And I know you’ve been given a bunch of helpful links, I’ll point you to one more link with all the currently available pre-phero’d scents 




On 9/4/2021 at 11:52 AM, Mister Pheromert said:

Test 2

I sprayed 4 sprays of Open Window on my front neck on it. I asked 5 people

from 1.5 meters away "Can you smell my scent from this distance?" Only one

said yes. I moved specially and no one else could perceive my scent.

I love that you’re approaching this with such a sense of adventure. I also think that perhaps your audience is all salespeople and customers in a fragrance department? I think maybe there’s too much olfactory competition and Love Potion is NOT a commercial perfumery. Handcrafted, independent, and limited batch niche perfumeries offer you something more unique, you won’t smell like anyone else at the perfume counter in the department store. 
I hope you find what you’re seeking. Do try all of the great suggestions from @citrine @greenappletart and @Eve.

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I wanted to correct something. I sprayed the Open Window scent on the test strips and

people rated the scent. They couldn't smell my skin. And I correct that I was 1 meter

away from the people. They couldn't smell my scent from 1 meter away.
I will use the suggestions from @citrin @greenappletart and @Vorabend

and I get later update...

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I've read a lot about ghosting and diffusion and wrote down what I learned.

I posted a question and I didn't get an answer. Which molecules can you

overdose? I've read that you can overdose on alpha androstenols. An

overdose of A1 can lead to depression; alpha molecules need congruence.



I have another topic

The university will start again next month and when I'm in the lecture I

want to socialize. If I sit next to someone 1-2 arm's length next to me in

the lecture.


1. Is Ali's Open Window better or Perfect Match or Ture Confession?

2. Would pheromone sprays be too intrusive? I am considering wearing

a pheromone oil.
3. Do pheromone oils work below 20 degrees room temperature or do

oils only work when it is very warm?

4. How can I get good effects with oils not warm place?

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40 minutes ago, Mister Pheromert said:

I've read a lot about ghosting and diffusion and wrote down what I learned.

I posted a question and I didn't get an answer. Which molecules can you

overdose? I've read that you can overdose on alpha androstenols. An

overdose of A1 can lead to depression; alpha molecules need congruence.



So far I have OD'd on Lace and Open Windows (both have Alpha-Anddrostenol if I'm not mistaking). Lace gave me huge headaches and I was ghosted by people around me. Open Windows made me super sad when I OD'd.


43 minutes ago, Mister Pheromert said:


I have another topic

The university will start again next month and when I'm in the lecture I

want to socialize. If I sit next to someone 1-2 arm's length next to me in

the lecture.


1. Is Ali's Open Window better or Perfect Match or Ture Confession?

2. Would pheromone sprays be too intrusive? I am considering wearing

a pheromone oil.
3. Do pheromone oils work below 20 degrees room temperature or do

oils only work when it is very warm?

4. How can I get good effects with oils not warm place?


1. If you were a female, I would suggest Treasured hearts, but maybe go with Open Windows or Charisma?

2. I prefer them in oil. Read these:



3. In my experince, yes, they do work (at least they did for me) during colder weather.


4. I always apply pheros and scents on my arms, so I really do not have a problem with them working. Winter or summer.


Not sure if I helped, probably will someone else also pitch in.




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I worked at the Douglas perfumery today and wore Ali's Open

Window again. Before that, I implemented a lot of what I learned:
-I removed my dead pheromones with peeling the day before yesterday
-Last night I got my shea butter body lotion
  mixed with Molecule O1 and then got it on.
  I wore it the day before so that the diffusion

  would work well today.
-I made my cinnamon tea with ingver today to keep my

  body warm at work. My body got really warm at work.
-Today I wore Molecule O1 oil in certain places on my neck.

 (It never did anything for me, that's why I ordered the ISO

 E-Super Oil from CINIS Lab).
-Half an hour later, I was wearing Ali's open window. 3 sprays under

 my ears per side and 3 sprays on my front neck. All of this from a

 distance of 10cm from my skin. Today I didn't wear an OW on my

 arm and wrist because I showed customers different perfumes.


I have a lot of people asked "Can you smell my Fragrance?"

And nobody can smell my Fragrance. Half an hour after that

I added another 2 sprays. I had a total of 5 sprays.

I asked my customers and my work colleagues if they could smell

my scents. Nobody could smell my OW with 1 Million Oil from

0.5 - 1 meter away.


The effekt of my OW Pheromone

-No more talk crowd
-No more friendly reactions
-No more negative reactions than without OW
-No ghosting
-sumary = no result with Fragrance and with pheromone


I ask my work colleagues "Why cant the people smell my fragrance?"

I got the answer that everyone in the perfumery wears perfumes and

smells of perfumes everywhere. For this reason it is very difficult to

perceive my scent, because a lot of scents in the room numb your noses.



1. Do you also think that people can smell your scent badly if there are a lot of scents in the room?

2. Do the pheromones work worse in a room with a lot of scents?

3. Is it even worth wearing pheromones in Perfumery Douglas?





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@Mister Pheromert Man, I admire you for all the steps you make before applying pheromones, I just spray and go, no peeling, lotion or tea... 


When you say you wore OW, you mean UN or this Green Chai? You say you have something in spray and something in oil? 


Frangrances enhanced with pheromones like Green Chai contain 333 mcg of pheromones and UNs have 1000 mcg. So if you mix that Green Chai with something else (especially if GC is in spray and that something else is in oil) you will make the pheromone weaker IMO (someone correct me please if I'm wrong!). 


Honestly, if I were you I would buy UN pheromones and cover them with a fragrance. Or then you can mix them with a perfume oil.


There are some pherotines left: https://lovepotionperfume.com/search?q=Pherotine


They are UN pheromones but smaller and cheaper (they are available once a year).


Yes, I do believe that pheromones work in a room with a lot of scents and yes, I would wear them in Douglas. However, you need to find your sweet spot. And I wouldn't mix them so much. And also, try testing them in a cafe or with your friends.


Hope that helped!

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2 hours ago, citrine said:

@Herr Pheromert Mann, ich bewundere dich für all die Schritte, die du machst, bevor du Pheromone aufträgst, ich sprühe einfach und gehe, kein Peeling, keine Lotion oder Tee... 


Wenn Sie sagen, Sie tragen OW, meinen Sie UNO oder diesen Green Chai? Sie sagen, Sie haben etwas in Spray und etwas in Öl? 


Yes, I am OW Green Chai and i have put 10% Fragrance Oil in Ow and i have mixed.


2 hours ago, citrine said:

Mit Pheromonen angereicherte Düfte wie Green Chai enthalten 333 mcg Pheromone und UNs haben 1000 mcg. Wenn Sie also diesen Green Chai mit etwas anderem mischen (besonders wenn GC in Spray und etwas anderes in Öl ist), wird das Pheromon IMO schwächer (korrigiert mich bitte jemand, wenn ich falsch liege!). 


OK, I did not know that. That’s a very big difference.



Ehrlich gesagt würde ich an deiner Stelle UN-Pheromone kaufen und sie mit einem Duft überziehen. Oder Sie können sie dann mit einem Parfümöl mischen.


Es sind noch einige Pherotine übrig: https://lovepotionperfume.com/search?q=Pherotin


Sie sind UN-Pheromone, aber kleiner und billiger (sie sind einmal im Jahr erhältlich).


Ja, ich glaube, dass Pheromone in einem Raum mit vielen Düften wirken und ja, ich würde sie in Douglas tragen. Sie müssen jedoch Ihren Sweet Spot finden. Und ich würde sie nicht so sehr mischen. Und teste sie auch in einem Café oder mit deinen Freunden.


It's sad to read that it also works in perfumery, although I have overdosed on other concentrated pheromones as well. I haven't seen any positive or negative differences between people. If that doesn't work for me, I'll test it with friends, outside and anywhere where there aren't that many fragrances in the room. I rarely get hits with perfumes and pheromones, so I have to sit at the laptop for a long time and read and read a lot until it works for me.


Hoffe das hat geholfen!


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Today I did a new test outside. 4 sprayer Open window with 1 million scent

on my neck area and 4 drops of GOA oil because it was warm outside. After

2 hours I spoke to a woman and we had a distance of 1-1.5 meters. She was

polite but had hardly invested in the conversation. Your German is weak. At

some point I was silent and looked at her in a friendly smiley. She then asked

me a counter question. Before her train came, I asked her about Instagram.

She told me that she has had a boyfriend for 8 months.

I made a mistake after that which I regretted. I should have

asked her if she could smell my scent.


Otherwise, when it comes to self-effects, OW has not helped me to approach

women or people in general. I'm afraid of contact on the train because there

are a lot of people around us.


When I was at home I asked my two sisters from 1 meter if they could smell

my scent. They said yes but they found my scent weak. My brother-in-law

has my little niece in his arms and my brother-in-law said to my niece

"Your uncle is heavily perfumed today". That from a distance of 50cm. Today

my little niece didn't cry when I took her hand. My little niece usually cries

when I talk to her because she didn't know me well as a baby.


In the test with OW I have 2 goals:

1. I want to be smelled with my scent

2. I want to be hit with pheromones



I'm on the right way with my first goal. Now I can focus on my second goal

so that my pheromones work for me. With my right sweatpoint, I will to talk

to people in the right places to see if OW is working for me or not.



How many mg ist 1.000 mcg pheromone?

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@Mister Pheromert

1000 mcg = 1 mg. mcg stands for micrograms.


Pheros are nice but they're just a little boost. It sounds like the woman waiting for the train just wasn't that interested in conversation, and pheros, even when working perfectly, won't completely change what she wants or what her personality is.  Pheros also can have different effects on different people, on different skin chemistries, etc.  I find the best way to test the pheros is just to wear the same thing for a while, and just relax and be yourself. You'll start to see some patterns or changes in how you feel or how people respond. If you're looking too hard for effects or acting unnaturally, people pick up on that and respond differently too. 


Also, self effects are huge! How you feel and act (even unconsciously) has a huge impact on how other perceive you and how they subsequently respond. The pheromones that have had the most positive impact on my life are the ones that make ME feel good. If OW isn't working for you, there are a lot of others you could try! And the plus side is that no one has to be able to smell you to get that effect. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Does Open Window have any effect a day after? I used Open Window two days ago

and visited a small town. I didn't know that there were few people there. That evening

I washed off my pheromone with soap and skin cleanser. The next day I worked at the

Douglas perfumery. I had customers who talked to me for a long time. I don't know

anything like that. I thought about whether that could have been OW.


I came up with 3 answers that speak against it
1. I washed OW off yesterday
2. Pheromones never worked for me in perfumery
3. They were strangers that I saw for the first time.

   I don't know if those with and without pheromones

   are just as talkative.

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18 minutes ago, Mister Pheromert said:

Does Open Window have any effect a day after? I used Open Window two days ago

and visited a small town. I didn't know that there were few people there. That evening

I washed off my pheromone with soap and skin cleanser. The next day I worked at the

Douglas perfumery. I had customers who talked to me for a long time. I don't know

anything like that. I thought about whether that could have been OW.


I came up with 3 answers that speak against it
1. I washed OW off yesterday
2. Pheromones never worked for me in perfumery
3. They were strangers that I saw for the first time.

   I don't know if those with and without pheromones

   are just as talkative.


It happens to me sometimes with Mega Watt. Check out this thread:



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15 hours ago, Mister Pheromert said:

Does Open Window have any effect a day after? I used Open Window two days ago

and visited a small town. I didn't know that there were few people there. That evening

I washed off my pheromone with soap and skin cleanser. The next day I worked at the

Douglas perfumery. I had customers who talked to me for a long time. I don't know

anything like that. I thought about whether that could have been OW.


I came up with 3 answers that speak against it
1. I washed OW off yesterday
2. Pheromones never worked for me in perfumery
3. They were strangers that I saw for the first time.

   I don't know if those with and without pheromones

   are just as talkative.


It could be the OW. Trying the same thing to see if it works again might be a good experiment. If so, maybe you were wearing too much before. Everyone has a different amount that works best for them. Sometimes,  with people we see regularly, it may take time for a phero to affect them, if it goes against the impression they already have of you. Wearing it frequently may change how they see you, or how they interact with you, over time. We so often look at immediate 'hits' that I think we Sometimes overlook long term effects.  Pheros aren't a light switch, turning reactions on or off. They're more like mathematical formulas, with multiple factors, including the person wearing them. 

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  • 3 months later...

I was affraid the Green Tea would be strong in this, I don't like the smell of it, because Green tea always reminds me of my efforts to lose weight lol 🙈 But it's not strong. I can smell it on my skin just when wet, later it's a mix of musk and citrus. Spices are here, but in the background.

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  • 8 months later...

I think I need to let this one age, because right now it is so strong I can’t handle it. The tea notes are piercing and I had to wash it off before discovering whether I liked the other notes. I guess it’s just very different from my usual florals, vanillas and honeys. Wonder if adding Pure Sugar would make the tea more mellow?

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