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loreili's english breakfast tea

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i'm wearing this right now, it was one of the tiny samples that the LP perfumanista's generously added to my 1st order. i have no more aura armour, having injected it into my nose last night, thought i'd wear this today.


it smells like it's title, tea, lovely tea. with bergamont (sp?). lemons, but not excessively.

in the bottle the scent is bracing and bright, i really enjoyed sniffing it and did so repeatedly. it's got an 'up' feeling attached to it when sniffing. a 'good-morning"! feel to it.


surprisingly, once it dried down and became one with my chemistry, i couldn't help but think, "what? chanel #5"?! it's probably me, but i really do smell like #5. not EXACTLY, but enough to memory trigger-scent me.

it becomes much softer, and almost powdery, in a chanel way!

what i like so much is the melding od individual scents that occur with this one, like aura armour, it blossoms into a classic scent, all the individual notes merge into a gentle feminine fragrance.

if i had more money i would buy this as a bottle.

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Re C#5: When I was littler, idolizing Marilyn and reading about her perpetual cloud of #5, I wanted sooooo much to sniff and love it.


I didn't.


I've since heard that it is only the parfum, not edp, that lives up to the legendary status, and perhaps it does... I don't know. BUT it did inspire one of the funniest reviews I've ever read about a perfume online (I'm paraphrasing but attempting to quote from memory: )

"It smells like a rich old lady bathed herself, powdered herself, and pissed herself, in that order."

Makes me want to sniff it again, not that that sounds particularly attractive but it is a goddamn funny and kinda compelling description IMO. :msn_red_fox_smilies-09:


Sorry this has nothing whatsoever to do with lorelei's tea. Which I just now ran downstairs to get my virgin sniffee of and try on my hand... Mmmm, it is really pretty, and from what I recall of C#5 I could totally see the comparison... to c hussy's review that is not the other one, though I guess that DEPENDS on your nose... ( :rolleyes: Wah--waaaaaahhhhhh!)


PS... L's B Tea is SO pretty that I am going to make it a point to hit up sephora for a sample of C#5 to compare 'em :love:

PPS... I could sooo imagine this + A/nol= :thumbup:

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  • 2 years later...
  • 1 year later...

At first this smells like sweet, lemoned tea. There was a hint of a bitter, tea leaf quality to it, which I really wanted more of, but it was only a hint. Having recently tried Lizzy's Tizzy, it smelled like that but without the ginger, which meant I got all the nice qualities I liked from Lizzy's Tizzy but without the nauseating feel that I got from my scent memory of ginger.


The smell is loud at first, but mellows a lot on drydown until I almost can't smell it at all. What I can smell is like a soft, powdery lemon.


I'm still not sure if I love this one or if it's just ok. I never thought I would want to smell like tea, but surprisingly it works.

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When I first read the name, I was surprised -- tea? Really? But when I took it out, I. Loved. It. Just amazing! I looked up the ingredients and couldn't believe it -- to me, it seems so much more complex, and the interplay of tea, lemon, some kind of floral hints, it was just delightful. I've been struggling with trying to preserve my little sniffee sample while getting as much use out of it as possible.... when I get paid, I am definitely definitely ordering a bottle of this. It just makes my day so much better.

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I was pleasantly surprised when I tried this on. It smells like a lush English Garden! The smell was not overly tea on me, and I smelled a nice soft floral. I actually felt cozy too! I thought this was going to be tea honey and lemon, but this smelled so very refined and delicate. I agree that it does seem more complex. It's very pretty and cozy at the same time. Huge surprise. I think the bergamot combined with the black tea gave me the impression of an English garden in bloom.

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I'm loving this. I keep going mmmm nice smell, ohhhh it's me :)



I agree with Lady V, it's tea, but with an almost floral aspect. It's not as in your face as earl grey tea in the box, softer but still...mmmm...damn I just can't stop sniffing. Going nicely with my BPTP Aeris massage oil I put on my stomach too.


Stop making me buy things Mara! :Emoticons0086:

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  • 7 months later...

For those who have tried them, is this anything like HoG's Earl Grey or Haunt's Lady Grey? I have those two scents in soap products and am looking for a LPMP scent to layer with them. Thanks!!

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  • 11 months later...

This is a really lovely scent, its like im smelling dried breakfast tea that has dried lemon peels and bracing bergemot oil. This is literally what a breakfast tea should smell like! dark and deliciously bitter to the point that it slaps you awake faster than an espresso shot.


Thats all this is, a legit black tea which reminds me a bit of lady grey by Twinnings.


Lovely :clapW2:

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  • 1 year later...

Really enjoy this one. I love transcendent bergamot. It comes through beautifully. The lemon stays subtle, and somewhere a breeze has caught morning sun on the herb beds. Lovely.

Edited by Wanderlust
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