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BI + Sexology (scented) + Soulmate.

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This is my new favorite combo.


FINALLY... I got my target to unhinge and make the first move!!!


I layered bottom BI... waited 15 minutes... layered sexology... soulmate went into my hair ends (unlayered).


I got hit on walking down the street (by a GORGEOUS Italian man)...


I got picked up in a bar (by a GORGEOUS Columbian man)...


I got hit on by my mail man (by a not-so-gorgeous middle aged married white man)...


I got hit on at my gym (by a barely legal young musclehead)...


and finally, finally I got my target to respond and make his move...


This is it... my personalized new scent.

Edited by KrazyKat
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This was me minus 10 years as well. Now, being 34 and having men biologically mistake me for 24 is alright with me!!! especially living in new york city with the most gorgeous and varied, exotic women under 30 on the planet.

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Sexloveglamour cupcake.


Tonight will be a repeat of yesterdays combo (oh, I'll be adding PP and Treasured Hearts)... going to a party tonight..


Btw.. does BI make anyone else very aroused??... I cant stop thinking about sex, which is really NOT normal for me, anyone else have this happen too?


I am a pretty conservative kinda girl who really still blushes at sex scenes on tv...I think this stuff really did turn me into a Sexloveglamour cupcake.

Edited by KrazyKat
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I am a pretty conservative kinda girl who really still blushes at sex scenes on tv


Consideirng your recent experiments...this is surprising to learn. But I think there are very few people who are not affected in some way by overtly sexual mixes. And Sexology entire (scent/intent) is supposed to give you sex on the brain (and hopefully sex in lots of other places too :rockon: ).

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This was me minus 10 years as well. Now, being 34 and having men biologically mistake me for 24 is alright with me!!! especially living in new york city with the most gorgeous and varied, exotic women under 30 on the planet.



Hehe that's awesome...

Well I'm asian and you know how that goes...we tend to look alot younger than our age..


I mean just the other day the woman at the DMV asked me how old I was...I'm almost 29 and gave her my ID and everything...honestly I can pass for 18 or younger...lol...darn those genes....


I also need to start eating healthier and start exercising...


Never been to New York but where I come from it is a lovely multi cultural Island..everyone is lovely and beautiful...hehe

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