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New here. Junkie in the making.


Note to self: You can wait a couple days between before ordering more.

Note from self: NO DUN WANNA

Note: Stop allowing ID to answer the mail...


Really, this is getting out of hand. Where are the warning lables on this site??


I have to admit that since I started wearing this stuff my attitude at work has become "Yes, and I don't care. I smell FABULOUS!"


To give you an idea of my skin chemistry, My Favs so far: LPBlack, LPPink, Hoyden, Sugared Honey-Amber-Cardamon, Sugared Honeycomb, Sorcerer, LPRed, LPAutumn 2008, and the buttercream roses.



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Welcome Isa. Welcome to the house of addicts. Junkies fit right in. learn from the pros. :).


Those are some good favs. Yummy.


In case you haven't found it, the Reviews forum contains in-depth reviews of all of the individual scents. Those that are phero blends are actually in the pheromone FAQ forum (subforum of LPMP pheromone blend potion reviews). In the regular review forum, I have created a thread called "Mass Review" it is all of my reviews in one handy dandy thread. Just my skin chemistry, but it will give you an idea of which ones you want to go read the more in-depth reviews of. As you look at the ones you know you like, you'll see how our chemistry differs and be able to get a better read on how to interpret my reviews for your skin.


Again, welcome to the house of addicts.

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Welcome ISA! We are all addicts here.....so, you have found a home!

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Thank you! I started looking through the reviews. So much to learn!


And since I misplaced one of my favs last night - I ordered more. Is this normal? Will it stop?

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Well spoken, SG. :)


Welcome, Isa. Obsessive people are always welcome at LP.


LP, home of the Dom Banana! :)

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:msn_red_fox_smilies-09: Isa........Welcome to LP forum, I'm newbie myself...The girls here rock!!! :)

There is sooo much to read & learn.....I stay up way too late reading (& rereading) all the great info on the notes, pheros, combos. I have found that every question I have (and there are some duhhh ones I ask)

everyone has been very nice and very informative...

My credit card is hot & smokin since I found this site... :)


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It just gets worse. I used to live in a big house and have a good job, now I live in a van, down by the river sigh..... but I smell REALLY good!


Yep...and I live right next to her and sometimes we have to share a pack of ramen noodles just so we can eat...but hey at least we smell sooooooo good (and of course it has nothing to do with the fact that the phero's drive men crazy and we like like love that part)...


oh back to my point!.....


:rockon: and WELCOME Isa, ;):666:



Ps...send me an email before Saturday, it is my username at yahoo...got a "Happy lil package for ya" NO CHARGE


be blessed



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Yep...and I live right next to her and sometimes we have to share a pack of ramen noodles just so we can eat...but hey at least we smell sooooooo good (and of course it has nothing to do with the fact that the phero's drive men crazy and we like like love that part)...


Hmm. Sounds like we need a "Buy Me Dinner" phero :Sexy:

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Hmm. Sounds like we need a "Buy Me Dinner" phero :)



Exactly Isa...lol. Of course the problem with that is that we are living this way because of our LP addiction and the huge massive amounts of money we are willing to spend on the good stuff, so yet another phero to purchase only adds to the problem...hehehe


but maybe we could eat this one...hahaha


don't forget to email me ya address okay so I can send you a lil happy welcome package


be blessed - djac

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  • 1 month later...
Exactly Isa...lol. Of course the problem with that is that we are living this way because of our LP addiction and the huge massive amounts of money we are willing to spend on the good stuff, so yet another phero to purchase only adds to the problem...hehehe but maybe we could eat this one...hahaha don't forget to email me ya address okay so I can send you a lil happy welcome package be blessed - djac

You are all turning out to be pretty darn wonderful people. Unheard of in most forums.

I think by the end of the year I shall be living in the box my LPs arrive in. But OMG is there anything more delicious than Baby Drac's Teething Potion? I think not. ;)

Djac, I've tried to send you an email. Did you get it?

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Hi Isa!

Maybe I'm a little late here, but I wanted to introduce myself too.

I'm Lori, WELCOME to the best forum ever!!

Your totally right, the people here are so great, after awhile they come to feel like a second family, at least to me. Everyone is very open minded, cool and unpretentious. It's pretty refreshing in a forum, and we have alot of FUN and LAUGHS!

You seem like a cool gal with an LP addiction already as bad as the rest of us. And is it any wonder? LP whips up the greatest scents on earth!!

So, once again, Welcome. And enjoy! I look forward to chattin with ya more in the future!

Have a good one girl!

Lori ;)


Ps-Im soooo with ya on Baby Drac. Yummeh!!!

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