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Scandalous 2009 with pharmacom cougar blend

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I know this is an older one, and I'm not sure where this review actually belongs because it was made by LP for another distributor, Magickal Omaha.


Anyway, this stuff is basically LP Red with a hint of apricot, and it smells okay to my nose but is not one of my absolute favorite fragrances. However, reactions to this stuff by men have been consistently over the top. They give me their phone numbers, gaze at me with absolute awe and are literally unable to leave my presence until I have gently tell them that I have things to do or somesuch thing.


I do need to play with my other LPs more while out and about, I would love to come across another LP that produces such blatant effects.

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I love Scandalous, its one of my favorite scents EVER! I wish I got the same reactions, though...so far just a few compliments, mostly from women LOL. Oh well, I still like it!

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  • 6 months later...

This was my first LPMP scent, and I got it from MO too :]


I love love love the scent in the bottle, but on me it has this kind of sharp note, I'm not sure what it is. I thought maybe the patchouli, or cinnamon, since I don't think I've ever worn any perfumes with these notes. Maybe even the amber. I asked someone else what it smelled like and she said cinnamon. Maybe it's just me?


I haven't noticed any reactions from the pheros though, so I think I'll have to try this out a bit more. See what happens when I shake it up before I apply!

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Yes you definitely need to shake any phero-enhanced scent before you apply to make sure everything is blended. There's no stablizers so the ingredients might seperate.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Smelled just like LP Red in the bottle. Wet, I got a huge blast of incenseyness that took over, allowing just a hint of unsweet cinnamon...and, augh, dragon's blood which I don't like a bit :huh: But, within an hour the incenseyness calmed down. I put on LP Red too to compare directly, and found LP Red predictably much much sweeter, rounder and vanilla-y-er.


The effects are crazy though. I had rubbed some into my hair and looped around my neck, and all night had people falling all over themselves to help me, grinning dazedly and staring etc. Typical 'treated like a major celebrity' Cougar effect. :)

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  • 4 months later...

This is very fruity on me. The resins (patchouli? amber?) are smokey but down low underneath. If those were the top notes I'd love this more. As it is I get whiffs of citrus with a darkness lurking underneath.


I caught Shadow looking at me goofily this morning. "You're pretty" he says and smiles like he's all discombobulated. Cute.

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I wore this while out and about with a couple of women in their 70's, a couple of months ago, and they said I smelled like Chinese food, lol.


Although I have not tried Scandalous 2009 but I must say this is funny, really funny!

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  • 10 months later...

I've never tried LP: Red so I can't say how this compares, but Scandalous comes across as warm, darkly sweet and full of resin and incense. I haven't decided if I like it or not - I think the trick may be in the amount I apply. When I put it on cleavage and neck and torso and wrists, it's overpowering and I have to wash it off, but it's nice when I just put a dab on each wrist. Haven't worn it out and about yet, but will update with effects when that happens!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I couldn't help myself - I ordered this from Cindy @ Scent Addict - OMG. Just OMG.


It does smell just like LP Red in the bottle. On me, it's kind of like LP Red "Lite" (not like "Red Light", but... you know). I haven't had a chance to try the Cougar effects, because I just got it today, but I have high hopes :)



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  • 1 year later...

OMG. Just OMG.

:heart::thumbup: EEEEE-YYEESSSSSSSSS!!! :thumbup::heart: You said it, Molls!!! I got some of this from icesenshi on her trade thread--THANKS, Lady!!!--and I find myself wondering: WHY DIDN'T I SNAG SOME SOONER?!?!??? It's red and yummy and incensey and warm and very slightly fruity in the early stages (don't know where that note comes from) and I totally LOVE it!!! And of course, Cougar and I get along famously. Mr. Matt obviously likes this on me, too. Come to think of it, I *am* older than he is. :666: *gigglesnort* Oh also: This is not overpowering on me. It's understated. It's subtle. At first I thought my skin ate it, but then I realized that this is just calm, cool, collected, and quiet on me. But it lasts like that for a long time. LOVE EET. Seriously thinking of getting the unpheroed version too. :)


Edited by ElizabethOSP
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  • 9 months later...

Mmmm, love this one! I'm in LP Red withdrawal, waiting for my order, so snagged this on the trade thread... also, so far the LPs with Cougar I have tried have just not been "me." This one is! I like the description of LP Red Lite -- not in a bad way, just that this is a bit higher in pitch (if that makes any sense?) and a bit more translucent. It's warm and spicy and subtly blended -- it's harder for me to pick out individual notes in this one than it is with Red (esp. the cinnamon and vanilla). It feels glamorous and sensuous but not in your face sexy. Looking forward to wearing it out and about town this morning!

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I think it is the sugared amber that diffuses the notes but in a good way. Even though the description is all about being sexy, I think this is like the daytime version of LP Red, I don't think of it as being just a sexy scent. Just a winner. I don't have mones in mine but have layered it with both Bang and Cougar ( at different times) and it had a nice social feel to it with a little extra attention from people I was in close proximity to. I'm not saying it can't be worn after hours or for the sexiness....just that the sugared amber makes it more versatile to me than just Red. I have topped it with Red for evening wear and it worked great.

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I think it is the sugared amber that diffuses the notes but in a good way. Even though the description is all about being sexy, I think this is like the daytime version of LP Red, I don't think of it as being just a sexy scent. Just a winner. I don't have mones in mine but have layered it with both Bang and Cougar ( at different times) and it had a nice social feel to it with a little extra attention from people I was in close proximity to. I'm not saying it can't be worn after hours or for the sexiness....just that the sugared amber makes it more versatile to me than just Red. I have topped it with Red for evening wear and it worked great.

Ooh, layering with Red! That sounds delicious and decadent -- will have to try as soon as my order arrives!


And yes, daytime version of Red is a great way to characterize.

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