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I'm so happy I found this forum, and I'm excited to join you here. A lot of phermone message boards are geared mainly towards guys, and I'm glad to find one that is geared towards women with seriously yummy sounding scents! YAY!


I just placed an order:


True Confessions unscented in silicone base


OCCO White Spray

BAM Spray Sugar Vanilla and Honey Spray

Rocket Fuel w/ phermones


Popularity Potion Alcohol Based Spray, unscented



What is a good combination to use?


Popularity Potion with True Confessions for social situations?


I'm trying to get the attention of a specific guy- he's admitted to being *very* attracted to me to a mutual friend, but he just won't make a move (and no, he's not married nor does he have a GF)... so I'm hoping this will help steer him in the right direction. I'm thinking maybe True Confessions with BAM? I'm probably going to run into him at a party at a mutual friend's house very soon.


I'm just so excited, I can't wait to get my order.


I ordered the alcohol sprays for eerything but the TC, RF and PP. I was wondering... what is the best way to use alcohol-based sprays? I have heard anything with copulins = no-no for spraying in your hair (which is how I mainly wear perfume). Help!!!!

Edited by kittenkat
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HELLO kittenkat!!! WELCOME WELCOME To LP!!!!!! :party::D:D I hope ur gonna hav an awesome time with your sprays and UN- pheros!!! :yeahthat:

And your gonna have an awesome time here! :)


I'm pretty new to the Pheros so i will leave the advice to the PROS :( Here's a quote from tyvey which i think you should be aware of:

The obvious trouble with using more than 1 phero at a time is that you have no idea which one is having what effect.


Also, most blends (cougar, h&s, th, b2 etc) are specifically formulated for specific effect when used alone (as the only phero), so not only will combining them not necessarily "magnify" any given desired effect but they could very well cancel each other out or worse. That's why I personally leave the combining to the experts who made the blends smile.gif


And I for one *would* be concerned about ODing other people because it can put them in a bad mood (a-nol excess can make people grumpy and headachey) and/or make them feel negatively toward you (or, eg, cops OD makes you invisible; some combos or ODs make some people really aggressive or hostile). Sounds like you got lucky (or wore so little of each that they didn't cause such problems).


So it may be wise for you to test out on individual pheros to begin with! Just to get the hang of it yourself! Everyone reacts differently to Pheros and personally, i get GREAT effects with a tiny DAB on my chest, neck and back of hand. For the alcohol based sprays.... I recently found out that a little goes a long way. I spray into the air and WALK into the Phero cloud :) One spray is enough for me and it works better than having them sprayed directly at my neck/ wrist!! :) Everyone's different and you will find out what suits you best eventually!!! :):D:D


copulins... Yes... i heard that itz best NOT to spray to your hair, what you can do instead is to put them at the back of your neck and chest! :)


Welcome to LP once again! And can't wait to hear stories from you! :):D:D

Edited by bumbob
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welcome here! i know you are going to love it here. i agree with bumbob and tyvey, sometimes a little goes a long way. If you are young like me(23) then you will probably need very little if you are using cops. a small dab on chest and small dabs on each arm is the max i can do. try your pheros one at a time to find it effects first. try True Confessions on your target first.

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Sounds like you have a nice selection coming!! I would definitely NOT use any pheromones in the hair, especially those with cops or est.


I'd try the Rocket Fuel on your target man!! I adore BI and it's a fun, frisky phero for me.


Using them one at a time will help you identify which give you the best results. The exception would be cops, which I think can be added (or layered) with any blend. I use cops only on my torso, so they're very close to my body. Things like TC can be great on hands/arms for greater diffusion.


Be sure to come back and let us know how it goes!!

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Several people have recently mentioned spraying pheros into the air and walking through the cloud, like bumbob above. I've never done this out of (what I now realize is probably misguided) concern that it is most 'efficient' to put it (whether oil or spray) directly on my skin (or hair if no cops): -- didn't want to leave even a microdroplet hanging uselessly in my living room, lol.


BUT, thanks bumbob for that report - it occurs to me now that it may very well be MORE effective because it scatters across a wider 'surface area' of the body, and probably comes off as more 'natural' to boot... will definitely be trying that next!! thanks!!

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Using the beta sprays in a social context, I've found that spraying your clothes is also effective and I haven't encountered any staining issues. The alcohol which Mara uses is very high-quality. In one instance I sprayed the blouse I was going to be wearing a few days before and just let some natural decay occur, but even so, it was fairly embedded in the fabric by the time I wore it and so all I had to do was just spritz myself a few times on my arms and throat and I was good to go for the entire evening.

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Welcome to our forum :) You have found the best place to be! ...there is just awesome advice in this thread !!!! ...I am one of the less is more types,for now.The most important thing is to have fun with it and experiment,experiment,experiment...there is no other way to find what works for you and your situation .This forum is loaded with good advice and reviews,enjoy :(

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Thank you for the warm welcome, everyone!


I think I will try Rocket Fuel first since I got mine laced with BI. Should I use with just a lil spray of OCCO white for extra ommph? I'm going to try it out at another social event first.


I'm 35, I have not taken any BC for decades. People tend to describe me as cute, so I'm trying to get an edge here by using something uber sex-aye! :)


Also, why is it a bad idea to spray copulins in your hair? I'm just wondering...

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Thank you for the warm welcome, everyone!


I think I will try Rocket Fuel first since I got mine laced with BI. Should I use with just a lil spray of OCCO white for extra ommph? I'm going to try it out at another social event first.


Rocket Fuel has a good amount of Cops in it already,IMO...but it is hard to say what works for someone else,so I am glad you will be trying it out first :Hug_emoticon: That is the fun part!

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