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Halp! New user needs layering advice

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Brand new to the world of pheros, and I just ordered some good stuff and now I need to know how to best utilize it. :001_302:


I'm in my mid-thirties, rather shy. My target is my best friend, someone I'm already close to. We're on the verge of becoming more. We already have a great bond, a lot of trust, and we've been huggy (though it's never been sexual). He's admitted an attraction to me. So we're already sort of on our way.


We live far apart, and as it currently stands, we rarely see each other in person. Next week, however, I'll be off to see him for a full 3 days.


Based on some recommendations from another board, and the help of Mara, I've picked out OCCO, PM, BI, and Lace (boosted with EoW). And last night, after reading about Cuddle Bunny, I ordered that too (it was recommended, but as we're already kind of cuddly, I wasn't sure it would be a good choice -- the thread with everyone raving about changed my mind though!).


If it helps, my target is not a macho-type man and he's very respectful (hopefully not too respectful to make a move!). I'd like to inspire love and a feeling of soul-mate-yness. But yeah, also some lust! Seeing as most of what I've ordered have cops, that might not be a problem!


My questions are thus: do any of these work well in combos? Any combos to avoid? Anything work best alone based on what I'd like? I know a lot depends on my and his chemistry, but I don't have a lot of time to experiment.


Thanks for any advice/help!

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Because I have a similar relationship (in regards to logistics) the first thing I'd recommend is Cuddle Bunny. In my experience it works well in advancing existing chemistry to a more actual state of affection. But since you don't have that one it seems Perfect Match is likely the best choice. The others are going to provoke a more distinct sexual response which you might want to occur after you know the connection is assured; but that's up to you, of course.


As I've stated in other threads, I believe it's okay to layer blends with extra cops if you feel you might need it but I'm not really a believer in layering different blends together unless I'm really assured it would give me an advantage in a situation. It's best to stick to one particular desire and focus on it exclusively, in regards to social engineering.

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I think I would go with Perfect Match at first and see where that takes you.....if you KNOW there is attraction there, you could top it with OCCO.....that's what I'd do!



Edited by Dolly
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Hi Minerva! I have nothing to add, except that whatever you choose, I'd definitely second letting it stand on it's own when first testing.

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Thanks everyone for the advice and welcome!


I'll probably have my Cuddle Bunny before I leave: it just shipped today and I had it sent priority. That's how much I want it, heh. I kick myself, because it was strongly recommended to me, and I was put off by the name: my target and I are already pretty cuddly. But after reading about some of the hits it gets, plus the description of the fragrance as fresh and clean, I put a rush on an order!


I'm ok with a sexual response, because that's really the next step. We've already got that bond that most people look for when they start dating; the only difference is we're friends. As we get flirtier, and as he's admitted to being sexually attracted to me, I'm hoping pheros are just the little push the dominoes need to start falling. So I'm good with using cops -- I actually sought them out.


But of course, I want him to see me as long-term, not just friends with benefits. There are some obstacles to a relationship with him, first and foremost the distance. So I want him to look at me not just with lust, but also with love.


Anyway, I have a good feeling about all this. Thanks folks!

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Hi and welcome! you'll love it here.


I am probably the biggest (un)Cuddle Bunny raving lunatic around here. Things work differently on different people, of course, but if it were me, that would be the no-brainer first choice for your situation. I know everyone always says pheros can't "make" people have feelings about you that they don't already to some degree, but I don't care - I swear this stuff does make people fall in uncontainable love and lust (equally) with you.


Just be careful not to overdo because too much cops makes you invisible. Everyone's different but based on your age, conservatively, I wouldn't do more than a few-inches-long stripe on each forearm and similar in cleavage, at the most...hm, maybe not even that much. As you've probably already read, it's always best to start with less and (if you want) keep adding til you disappear, lol.


Again if it were me, my next choice would probably be OCCO (same advice re: don't use too much). BI is such a blammo sledgehammer that I, like luna, would personally save that for later in the relationship :001_302: PM is lovely but, I think, you already have the feelings between you two that that is meant to inspire. It can't HURT, of course, but it doesn't sound like it's what you most need at the moment.


ITA w/Luna about avoiding mixing pre-made blends... the experts know what they're doing better than we ever could :w00t:

Edited by tyvey
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Hi Minerva, have a great time with your friend and I hope both of you are able to bring your relationship to the next level.


If it makes you feel better, it took me close to a year to order my first bottle of UN CB and scented CB sample!

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Hi Minerva, you've already been given great advice (I am another Cuddle Bunny enthusiast!), but I wanted to welcome you to the boards and wish you the best of luck with your friend :666:

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Well, the first of my two orders is out for delivery today! Yay! And my Cuddle Bunny should be here tomorrow or Saturday, and I can't wait to try that!


I can tell I'm going to be spending a lot of money: I haven't even gotten my first order, and I'm already planning my next. Next order will social pheros and body butters and maybe a phero-free fragrance or two. I think I might become addicted! But at least I'll smell divine! hehe


Thanks again for the welcome, everyone. This seems like such a nice friendly group. B)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello! Back from my trip! Update!


While I loved everything I bought, I only used Cuddle Bunny, as it was the first thing I tried with him, and why fix what ain't broke! So yeah, things went well...


Long story short, we had an--ahem--active weekend, and we're now in the process of trying to figure out the logistics of a long distance relationship. Even though it felt like we were headed this way anyway, I do think the Cuddle Bunny got things going sooner (first day, nearly the first hour!), and he was quite amorous the whole weekend.


And now I can't stop smiling, hehe.


Thanks again everyone for the advice and welcomes.

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Hello! Back from my trip! Update!


While I loved everything I bought, I only used Cuddle Bunny, as it was the first thing I tried with him, and why fix what ain't broke! So yeah, things went well...


Long story short, we had an--ahem--active weekend, and we're now in the process of trying to figure out the logistics of a long distance relationship. Even though it felt like we were headed this way anyway, I do think the Cuddle Bunny got things going sooner (first day, nearly the first hour!), and he was quite amorous the whole weekend.


And now I can't stop smiling, hehe.


Thanks again everyone for the advice and welcomes.


WOOT WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is great news Minerva! I am also so happy for you. Ahhhh, your trip sounded so beautiful, the first time with somebody new............. I bet your over the moon :abvb: Congratulations and I hope you both are happy and have many more weekends like this soon : )

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