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Darlyn's Anti-Shamble Shisha

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Not only a delicious Miss Darlyn scent but one of the SWEETEST things anyone has done for me!!!

A beautiful gift from Tyvey...


First I must talk about the color of the oil... It's a beautiful cherry auburn!!! IT'S THE COLOR OF MY HAIR!! I just think that is SUCH a fabulous coincidence...MIchael thought Mara did it on purpose...of course I told him no one knows what I look like here!


On first sniff out of the bottle...VERY JUICY...HINT OF SMOKE...(swoon)


Slathered on...VERY CHERRY!! Then the cherry mellows a bit and PHANTOMS BREATH REVEALS ITSELF!!!!


My first thought was..."they have actually blended Any Color You Like (which is HG's favorite LP) with Phantoms Breath (which is one of MY favorite LP's)!


As I told Tyvey...when this thing ends in SHAMBLES I will have a bottle of us mixed together!!! But at least I'll have my Anti-Shamble Shisha to get me through!!


I cannot tell you how much I love my beautiful PE.


Cherry and smoke being the sexiest scents ever and blended up into a cherry auburn concoction?!




I WANT TO CRY!!!!!!!!

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Dyingggg! PLease tell me it's like Blushing Embers popped Phantom's Breath's cherry?


Also ~ OMG You stole my GFFFF CAGE MATCH FOR TYVEY!!!!!!!!! :Emoticons0804:

BTW How hard does she rock? Sniping LPS at ya every which way..


It is indeed!!

Or like the Phantom sucked on a cherry jolly rancher and then gave you a big sexy sloppy kiss!!

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Coolness :D sounds perfect for YOU !!!

Congrats MDC !!


Tyvey....you're the best, Kudos to you too :)

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Or like the Phantom sucked on a cherry jolly rancher and then gave you a big sexy sloppy kiss!!




SRSLY though, that was a really lovely thing to do, tyvey & Mara. Miss DC, I'll bet you smell goooooooooooooooooood!!!

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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  • 10 months later...

Yes you can make a PE for someone. I had one made for my sister, Tyvey was so gracious and kind to make one for me and MrsDC

She knew what notes we like. Like if I ever wanted to make one for you as a surprise, I would pick resins, pumpkin, spice and belly dancing attire.

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It's not any different from having one made for yourself, you would just ask for whatever you know someone would want in a scent. Like I made Delicious Wood for Quince (but for me too, really, which is why it was called Q&Q's Delicious Wood).

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This is a GGG, isn't it?

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I think there is some left over in the PE section


Thanks, M'Lady!

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  • 1 month later...

This will sound insane but I have this on for first time since it was new - when it was a VERY BRIGHT cherry and smoke. Well, the aging has brought out a saltiness and hickoryness, I assume in the smoke and/or musk, that is making me want to chew my arm. The cherry blasted when wet and almost totally disappeared as itself, is now just a deep sweetness that is just faintly reddish. IT SMELLS LIKE SWEET BACON YOU GUYSES!!

I'm starting my period so maybe that explains it.

ETA ok the madness has come to an end- now it's just mellow cherry sweetening a chewy Egyptian musk which is kinda awesome cuz Egyptian musk usually doesn't smell too great on me.

Edited by tyvey
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