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Hello All

Khandi Khane

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I just wanted to stop by and say and hearty "Hello"! Some of you may know my from my posts on PheroTruth.com. It was the posting of a few very educated ladies that that led me here. I am new to the pheromone life and am really looking forward to playing with a few of the items I see here.


I wish you all a merry meet and merry part, until we meet again.


Khandice :bday1029:

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Hi Khandi,


what kinds of scents or phero's do you like.?

I have a dizzing list of stuff here that I want to try!!! So far I really like SpellboundRX's Sensuality scent because it smells like a very popular Victoria's Secret scent. I have that with the Nasty phero blend and I added Eow to it. I call it my Caveman Juice. I wore it to a house party over at my FWB's house this past weekend and had almost every man in the room salivating...lol. Last night I said to my FWB, "You didnt even notice that I got a new perfume?" (insert female whine in voice here.) He says, "Your still walkin funny aint you? Yeah, I sure did notice." Not going to get into what he did becuase it certainly is NOT PG. I am curious about a few things and I will compile a list of questions and post them here in a few minutes.


Thank you all for the warm welcome. I must say, leave it to a female with a witchie twinge to her to come up with a site like this, I really do love it.

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