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I mean I want him to go all DIHL, not me. :Emoticons04235:


It has been mentioned numerous times all across dozens of threads, but I was hoping you all didn't mind if I asked to consolidate the different DIHL results in one thread for easy reference. I know different pheros have elicited that for different ones of you, so can you expound a bit on your favorites here? Which ones worked for you and which ones didn't have that effect?

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First DIHL=Cuddle Bunny. This is a story bout Ex L two years ago with my very first phero.


Ex L is very alpha with absolutely no emotions whatsoever. A for real psychopath.


He came in for his appointment (waxing) and I wore scented CB mainly because of the smell. He is one of those that likes clean smelling traditional perfumes and had already complained about some scents (MRF, and other smokey things) that I had tried. I had not researched enough about pheros and did not care too much about that at the time was just interested in scents. Had never even heard of DIHL.


So after the service he gets up and stares at me "bleary eyed" (is what I was thinking at the time) and says "I feel so fantastic in here today." Keeps staring at me (I started thinking he looked really unfocused). He makes a few more comments about how good he feels around me right now. Then he starts counting the days until we see each other again as if he can't remember (we used to see each other every single Sunday come rain or shine, he was acting so weird like he wanted to make sure we were still on). and makes a comment like "three days until I get to see you." Which was ridiculous because this had been going on for years...hardly a new exciting thing.


This was absolutely unheard of behavior for this man.

After he left I was just stunned and weirded out by it and then he texted me (he had to have been right at the stop sign outside the shop) about what an amazing time he had just had with me.

That was the night I went home and read every damn thing on pheros on the LPMP site, learned what DIHL was and became a full fledged believer and addict.

Now that was pure dumb luck that I hit on the perfect phero for that type of guy right off the bat!


I'm trying to find another psycho that I can have such an easy blatant hit with. I've seen some on Craigs list I may ask out just for science.

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My first DIHL from my TG: I wore Blatant Invitation Unscented with some Pink Sugar. We were talking like normal and suddenly he is just staring at me, huge grin on his face, I swear his eyes were shining. It's like he completely forgot what he was talking about and could only stare, smiling and stupid. Loved that reaction!!! Haha!!

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LP Red, straight. My ex and I were driving home late from picking up our son early from a school camping trip due to asthma. My ex was driving, and was getting ready to turn onto my street. The car smelled musty from the camping stuff, so I took out the LP Red sampler I keep in my bag and started dabbing it on my wrist. Within the space of two heartbeats his face froze and his eyes got big and he almost missed the turn off. Seriously, I thought he was going to run up the curb! It lasted just a few (long) seconds, and he never said a word.


But a definite (and unintentional!!) DIHL!

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Nice, Just Ducky!

I get DIHL from Cuddle Bunny, Lace, (like a mo-fo!), Cougar, (mostly older dudes, but some young'uns, too), SS4W, (women *and* men), and

once a very prolonged episode of DIHL involving LFM and some construction workers. Oh... and cops, of course. The CB and Lace ones are my favourites though. They're so pronounced it's like I smacked them, and they can't figure out how I did it without moving! :lol:

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Strongest ever was MRF 3 with cops...oh wait that is Bang huh :001_302: and an extra spritz of SS4W in my hair... but have had them over the years from MRF/BI,Glistening Buttons,Captivation Equation,Sparkle Fuchsia with OCCO Pink,Garland & Lace,Red Lace...and LP Red with OCCO Red,including one that was the uncomfortable kinda scary one :o

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I've never got the DIHL's from my hubby yet. I wonder if pheros don't work on him. He doesn't need them though, he's always ready ;)


Still, it would be fun to stun him one day. And I haven't tried all the pheros yet, so I'm not giving up on him!


REally??? even Sexpionage? COPS: no man can resist.

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Cougar works really well for me in the sexual aspect of DIHL. That with a little dab of OCCO white will have hubby all over me.


Popularity Potion is my go-to for public appearances though. It's interesting in that I get star treatment like some of the top-selling authors, and I am perceived as a very young woman. I have been mistaken for late 20s on a good day.

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Nope, only affects me. He is high strung though, almost always...until he crashes in bed, so I'm not sure if that's it? The word relax isn't in his vocabulary.


No, no, no, Mrs C, you're doing it all wrong. Didn't you know you're supposed to wear Sexpionage by itself?? as in Just you, not a stitch of clothes..... Duh that's why they call it an "UN"


:2190: masturbating bananas all around! LOL

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Most recent one that comes to mind had I was wearing Le Femme Mystere spiked with cops and covered with Une. I was walking next to someone and he turns to me, eyes super wide and blurts out "WOW you smell good!" But he just stared at me and looked somewhat confused, like he couldn't help himself ^_^ still makes me chuckle to think of it. He seemed embarrassed for the outburst but I made sure to thank him for the compliment. I love pheros...

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Nope, only affects me. He is high strung though, almost always...until he crashes in bed, so I'm not sure if that's it? The word relax isn't in his vocabulary.

I'm sure this is a dumb question but you have tried Cuddle Bunny right? Awesome on high strung men IMO. I'm sure you have, it seems like a Miss Chrissy scent AND phero, I just can't remember you mentioning it anywhere.

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No, no, no, Mrs C, you're doing it all wrong. Didn't you know you're supposed to wear Sexpionage by itself?? as in Just you, not a stitch of clothes..... Duh that's why they call it an "UN"


:2190: masturbating bananas all around! LOL


If I'm naked, no pheros needed. He still attacks me when I'm changing in front of him. He has the biggest sex drive of any of the husbands I know (close girlfriends talk ;) )

He gets super grumpy if he doesn't get it at least three times a week. I don't know, he's just a mystery. I've talked to Dolly about this too, and she suspects it could be because of his sex drive. Does that mean he has high testosterone? Or do I give off cops?



I'm sure this is a dumb question but you have tried Cuddle Bunny right? Awesome on high strung men IMO. I'm sure you have, it seems like a Miss Chrissy scent AND phero, I just can't remember you mentioning it anywhere.


Your right MDC, I love Cuddle Bunny! You may be on to something, now that I think about it...you might be right. It might make him calmer. I think Heart and Soul does too.


Okay, so I can make him calmer, but so far the DIHL'S is still a mystery. I'm going to keep working on it. Oh, and with the sample pheros this month, I get to try lots!

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If I'm naked, no pheros needed. He still attacks me when I'm changing in front of him. He has the biggest sex drive of any of the husbands I know (close girlfriends talk ;) )

He gets super grumpy if he doesn't get it at least three times a week. I don't know, he's just a mystery. I've talked to Dolly about this too, and she suspects it could be because of his sex drive. Does that mean he has high testosterone? Or do I give off cops?



Mrs. C, you know I'm just kidding around right? :)

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Cougar works really well for me in the sexual aspect of DIHL. That with a little dab of OCCO white will have hubby all over me.


Popularity Potion is my go-to for public appearances though. It's interesting in that I get star treatment like some of the top-selling authors, and I am perceived as a very young woman. I have been mistaken for late 20s on a good day.


I love Cougar, do you think I could try it with a dab of BBM? sorry to interupt the discussion but this sounds like it would work for me...

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I love Cougar, do you think I could try it with a dab of BBM? sorry to interupt the discussion but this sounds like it would work for me...


Yup! It just adds cops! And from everything I've learned here, adding cops to most things works! It's because cops aren't really a pheromone like Cougar. It's just synthetic woman juice ;)



Edited by Mrschrissyrez
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  • 1 month later...

Clarification: What's BBM?

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ahhh....okay, that one does seem to be pretty popular. cool. One to research for possible purchase (assuming it's still available.)

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I've read that hundreds of years ago (not sure of exactly when) women used to put their own juice on their necks to attract males. You could try that, but I'm guessing you'll stick with the BBM ;)

Not necessarily just hundreds of years ago.... Even done today within certain cultures.

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  • 4 years later...


FOR SURE! I have just tried BBM for the first time ever and my consensus is...IT SHALL BE SERVED WITH EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (proper review coming soon.)


Yesterday I was giving Boo Berry another run, and it smells divine at the 2-3 hr mark. I decided that I needed BBM on top of it from the gate and then it would smell perfect, just morphing a bit throughout the day.

Now, I'm not an organized person and everything I own that I require on a daily basis has bluetooth trackers, but I know exactly where my BBM is supposed to be. And she wasn't there! And I actually said, outloud, "Beth? Where are you Beth?"


So, um, yeah. BBM shall be served with most everything. And I did find her!


Oh, I'm bumping this thread. Hasn't been touched in a while. I want to hear more Deer in the Headlights reactions!

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I got shiny I heart you eyes from men and women alike the other night at a party wearing Cuddle Bunny. I really think this may be an individual body chemistry thing as some pheros people swear by get me daggers of hatred eyes instead. Just straight cops, for example.

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Most recent one that comes to mind had I was wearing Le Femme Mystere spiked with cops and covered with Une. I was walking next to someone and he turns to me, eyes super wide and blurts out "WOW you smell good!" But he just stared at me and looked somewhat confused, like he couldn't help himself ^_^ still makes me chuckle to think of it. He seemed embarrassed for the outburst but I made sure to thank him for the compliment. I love pheros...


that's awesome,

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I got shiny I heart you eyes from men and women alike the other night at a party wearing Cuddle Bunny. I really think this may be an individual body chemistry thing as some pheros people swear by get me daggers of hatred eyes instead. Just straight cops, for example.

I tried Velvet Kisses w/ Cuddle Bunny on my man and he didn't like the scent, isn't CB just EST and cops?

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I tried Velvet Kisses w/ Cuddle Bunny on my man and he didn't like the scent, isn't CB just EST and cops?

Yes, and I feel like it is the EST that sets the cops off just right, for me. Maybe? I feel it take my edge off, makes me softer, more relaxed, more womanly. Hard to explain.

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Yes, and I feel like it is the EST that sets the cops off just right, for me. Maybe? I feel it take my edge off, makes me softer, more relaxed, more womanly. Hard to explain.


Sounds good to me!

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