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Most effective Cuddle Bunny layering combos?

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Okay so I am gleaning from boards that Cuddle Bunny is a maintstay potion for many an LPMPer (not all of course), and that it has been known to elicit both chivalry and naughtyness from male victims of its charm... ;) I finally got my hands on some CB via Velvet Kisses, and am ready to go to town! Trying it on its own first and foremost of course, but I am also curious of other ways to use it.


Since it's so popular, I am venturing to guess that many have tried it layered with other phero blends for various effects and occasions, and I'd like to know if you have favorite CB combos that have boosted your success or tweaked the type of hits you've gotten from CB alone!


Specifically, I also own:

  • Cougar
  • Lace
  • Super Sexy for Women
  • BAM
  • Perfect Match

I've heard lace amps up the CB (increased Est of course). Any success with layering CB + SS4W? To get a more of the sexy sultry side of CB beyond just the cuddly? Layering combos beyond the blends above also welcome!

Edited by aniko
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It's also great layered over Dominance or Leather, tends to increase the likelihood of men liking it when it comes to navigating basic day to day things while you act like you own the place. I'll probably only buy it in VK at this rate, unless they come out with a different foodie cover.


ETA: Granted, I'm not speaking of getting hit on, I just tend to like it, as well as Alpha blends, as a social phero.

Edited by Queen of Swords
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not mine, but isn't she precious??>


Man, so when I use CB alone, I just haven't noticed anything yet. I've done it with one 2 inch chest swipe, a swipe split betwee wrists that i then smear onto neck. Ive also gone a bit more liberal and run it up and down my chest + swiped it all across my collarbone and on one wrist. Nada...wondering if in Velvet kisses you really need to use a lot more than usual because it's diluted by perfume, or if somehow I'm going overboard and should only use very little...

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You could be going overboard, I also think a scent diffusion is nice, I always layer unscented phero blends with perfume oil. 'course, it could also be a blend that simply doesn't work for you.


ETA: Now that I think about it maybe you should take a break from it and use another blend in much lesser amounts and try it again a few days later.

Edited by Queen of Swords
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The CB is Velvet Kisses is 1/3 strength compared to UN. Personally and this is me, I have to wear a ton of est for it to hit and even then it only works with certain people. My boyfriend doesn't respond to est at all.


Mine either.....at first, Est was hit and miss with him, but mostly miss.....now, go overboard on Est and it can get ugly.......definitely NOT his normal persona......Cuddle Bunny needs to stay as far away from me as possible......

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Mine either.....at first, Est was hit and miss with him, but mostly miss.....now, go overboard on Est and it can get ugly.......definitely NOT his normal persona......Cuddle Bunny needs to stay as far away from me as possible......


And, as Dolly and I discovered a few years back, My Beloved is the (almost extreme) other end of the spectrum from Dolly's .... Cuddle Bunny is always a sure thing with My Beloved but if I wear anything with too much of an Alpha-Vibe without balancing it with Est, it can get ugly here.


So,Cuddle Bunny is a definite staple of mine but Dominance-type blends only get used in situations outside/away from the home in which I need to assert the upper hand (say, for example, when I am working with a certain class of recalcitrant clients)

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Lace is a-nol & est,and I always boost with cops ...no negatives yet!! just the opposite. One man's woman's meat,another ones poison...only way to win is not to play,and that sure as hell is no fun :rofl222:


...experiment echoechoecho

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And, as Dolly and I discovered a few years back, My Beloved is the (almost extreme) other end of the spectrum from Dolly's .... Cuddle Bunny is always a sure thing with My Beloved but if I wear anything with too much of an Alpha-Vibe without balancing it with Est, it can get ugly here.


I wonder, do you tend to have a delicate, feminine air or personality about you already that is just highlighted by Cuddle bunny? I am not masculine, but I am not dainty either. I wonder if it only works for females who already have a distinctly feminine vibe about them, and falls short for anyone on the more alpha side of the scale..


Today I tried to layer it with some unscented SS4W to maybe balance out the Est, and eh, no difference from any other time.

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I wonder, do you tend to have a delicate, feminine air or personality about you already that is just highlighted by Cuddle bunny? I am not masculine, but I am not dainty either. I wonder if it only works for females who already have a distinctly feminine vibe about them, and falls short for anyone on the more alpha side of the scale..


Today I tried to layer it with some unscented SS4W to maybe balance out the Est, and eh, no difference from any other time.



For me, whether an ultra-feminizing blend works on a MAN I am with depends more on the man's personality, not mine....oh, and Cuddle Bunny with SS4W is quite a bit of Est, BTW......I think you are in OD territory.....you are using quite a bit of CB. Try taking a break for a day or two and then cut back on the amount.....see what happens.

Edited by Dolly
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Thanks for the heads up, will lay off for a day or two. Am i correct though in thinking that because Velvet Kisses is scented, it has less CB in it than un-CB? And does it have the same amount or less CB than the Ali's Cuddle Bunny perfume?

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For me, whether an ultra-feminizing blend works on a MAN I am with depends more on the man's personality, not mine

Exactly. I'm not overly femme at all but Quince's personality is such that he responds to the need to protect and provide, which is what EST inspires in him, because he feels that is his proper role.


And does it have the same amount or less CB than the Ali's Cuddle Bunny perfume?

The same.

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I agree with Dolly/Luna,which is why I empathized *yet* ,so far the people I have worn EST around have been responders,and you have to put yourself out there too... have yet to find anyone to stay in a bad mood with Lace,for instance, or Lumina or SS4W or Heart & Soul...uhh see the pattern :P Then again I tend to keep with positive happy people,when possible,I do feel that EST higher blends will get you along better in the general population found in stressful holiday crowds :)

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I wonder, do you tend to have a delicate, feminine air or personality about you already that is just highlighted by Cuddle bunny? I am not masculine, but I am not dainty either. I wonder if it only works for females who already have a distinctly feminine vibe about them, and falls short for anyone on the more alpha side of the scale..


Hmm, I am rather feminine in attire (love lace, soft textures, that kind of thing) and choice of profession (helping/therapeautic/teaching) and in terms of maternal drive (5 kids... and my house has always been the 'haven house' when anyone needs a break from their uncomfortable home environment... and, I'm not just talking the kids!) and I guess appearance (rounded hips, big boobs... and always described as 'tiny'/ feminine... not necessarily the raving/stunning beauty however I am attractive enough) however that description isn't unique to me... I know a lot of us haveeither elements or any combination of that kind of body type, professional approach, maternal drive.


On the other hand, I train physically with weights, swords, sledge hammers; I kick ass in competition, and... the one time when I did drink, I easily drank men twice my weight under the table. I have been known to approach abusive men in public (yes, the stupid jerks actually do get abusive in public! Go figure!) with little more than a baseball bat in my hand (and once only my bare hands) and challenge them... and, on the rare occasion when the challenge was accepted, it was them that ended up on the ground with broken noses and dislocated kneecaps, not me. There has only been one exception to that scenario... and that is an entirely different story involving my sociopathic step-son and my then-2 year old granddaughter... and, in that situation, I simply wasn't prepared to inflict bodily harm... he was, after all, a kid himself and one to whom my role was to be the protector... I prevented the harm to my granddaughter but sustained injuries rather than injure him... and, knowing our justice system, that wasn't simply an altruistic/maternalistic/protective decision.


So, that distinction of feminine/dominant is a tough distinction to make... I fully believe that all of those aspects are aspects of femininity....


For me, whether an ultra-feminizing blend works on a MAN I am with depends more on the man's personality, not mine....


.... responds to the need to protect and provide, which is what EST inspires in him, because he feels that is his proper role.


And, like Quince, My Beloved definitely SEES himself in the protector/provider role... however, he has repeatedly been the "Failed Protector", with some VERY adverse life-changing fallouts due to this behavior... so, it isn't the actuality of fulfilling the role, but the perception which might be the influencing factor here. So, the 'mone triggers something emotional/fundamental within them... and the Sensitizing Events for these triggers can be either positive or, in the case of My Beloved, negative experiences...


And, Dolly's man can definitely see himself in this same role... however, for him there might not be the same emotional/core trigger (My Beloved's trigger might be very well so sensitive because he has been the Failed Protector during some extremely critical moments) so he simply doesn't respond to the Est...


However, if a man's experience with a powerful, lovingly 'in-charge' female has been positive, and so that is the trigger which has more power and influence for him, then the more alpha-signature blends might be more powerful and effective.


Then again I tend to keep with positive happy people,when possible,


And, this points to our personalities shaping and influencing the company we keep, which we all can see happening in our own lifes! I do think, and psychological theory does substantiate this, that our personalities do impact to whom we are attracted and who we attract to us. So, in keeping with that theory, yes, some of us, because of our personalities, will be more likely to be attracted to/attract the kind of man with whom Est-blends or Alpha-blends would work best.


There are so many psychometric tests of personality and suggestibility and sexuality behavior; I often wonder if we couldn't find some kind of correlation between this or that measure and the efficacy of particular blends. Or, perhaps, it would be best correlated to certain hormonal measures (and, many of the forum users do report variable effects from blends over the course of their cycles, so perhaps there is something there). And, these correlations could be either between the user/wearer's psychometric/hormonal measures and the blend... and/or the "audience's" psychometric/hormonal measures and the blend... or some mixture/balance of the two. Would be cool to see if we could come up with correlations, wouldn't it?


Bottom line: have fun experimenting! Watch for subtle effects. Be willing to really explore with the blends... something which you might have thought wouldn't have been 'for you' might very well be the absolute ticket (Any one else remember my surprise, when I first started using the 'mones, at how other ladies were using PheroBoy? So, explore the heretofore unexplored for you!) And, when something doesn't work yet... back off, change something up (if you want clean experiemental data, only adjust one aspect at a time), and collect more data. Above all: have fun!

Edited by Chaionlife
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Bottom line: have fun experimenting! Watch for subtle effects. Be willing to really explore with the blends... something which you might have thought wouldn't have been 'for you' might very well be the absolute ticket (Any one else remember my surprise, when I first started using the 'mones, at how other ladies were using PheroBoy? So, explore the heretofore unexplored for you!) And, when something doesn't work yet... back off, change something up (if you want clean experiemental data, only adjust one aspect at a time), and collect more data. Above all: have fun!


:clapW2: ... experimenting with what works for you is the only way. ... I enjoy Leather as well as Lace,depending on which side wants to come out and play :D

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Boyfriend doesn't like the chocolate scent of velvet kisses, so I'm thinking about trying pherogirl to mellow out the chocolate with some honey (which still sounds good to me,) or perhaps even Red Lace. What do you think of those combos?


I still need to learn about the different pheromones used though.

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hmm...maybe so it's just not all solid chocolate (I don't get any coffee or orange. Boyfriend says marshmallow and chocolate, and I think hot cocoa with marshmallows and toasted almonds.) So maybe just something else to throw in there to see how he likes the smell. I like it-- it's still a potential full bottle purchase for me, but if I can stack it and get less static from him, then all the better.

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hmm...maybe so it's just not all solid chocolate (I don't get any coffee or orange. Boyfriend says marshmallow and chocolate, and I think hot cocoa with marshmallows and toasted almonds.) So maybe just something else to throw in there to see how he likes the smell. I like it-- it's still a potential full bottle purchase for me, but if I can stack it and get less static from him, then all the better.


How serious are you about the boyfriend?


HG didn't like VK either and I'm not saying we didn't have other issues it's just that his disdain of one of my favorite LP's didn't help matters either. You may have some prioritizing to do... :lol: (just kidding...kind of...I'm just saying HG is gone and I wear VK ALOT)

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On the other hand, both Luna and Calii have mentioned to me that if BF responds well to the phero in a scent he's not fond of, eventually all the "positive reinforcement" could wind up having the effect of changing his mind about how well he likes the scent. And I've seen this principle in action. There are a couple of pheromas I have that BF didn't especially love, but he'd responded favourably to the phero,and now he loves some of those perfumes. The latest is Because the Night. It smells of marzipan and cherries on me - both of which BF hates - and he expressed his dislike for the perfume when I wore it the first few times. But he's responded SO FRIGGIN' WELL to LFN that I keep wearing it, and now he's all, "Mmmm... You smell SO GOOD!" :lol: Yes. Positive reinforcement. ;)

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^ Good! I'm glad to hear that!


No, my boyfriend is the best. He'll deal with whatever I wear. I was actually hugely surprised that he thanked me for his cologne set to try out because he hasn't been into cologne for a long time, but he seemed genuinely pleased to have some new colognes, even if they were just sample sizes. He liked Enduring Appeal with Cougar (which I wasn't fond of since the flowers smell a little weird on me) but not VK--- since the only perfume I've really worn around him has been Hypnotic Poison, or Lolita Lempicka, I think we're just learning about the other's perfume/cologne likes even though we've been dating over two years.


Actually, I had to laugh a little. I've been reading all about these minor or major phero hits, and wouldn't you know it, the day BEFORE the big box of LPMP goodies shows up, my boyfriend (who's normally considerate anyway, but typically about basic stuff) gets me chocolate covered dried honeycomb from sprouts, and did a few nice things for me as well. I was a huge horndog that night and even though he wasn't in the mood he was able to work himself into one and we actually had quite a nice time later on that night. It was one of those nights where, had I been wearing the pheros, I would have attributed it to them, but that wasn't it at all. :)


So yeah, he's definitely a keeper, as is Velvet Kisses. But I will keep playing with my samples to see if I can find one that he'll just glom onto like crazy, or do the eggers-pavlov routine and get him to like what I like :)

Edited by MissHazel
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  • 2 weeks later...

Lucky lady! You have him well-trained ;)

I wasn't a huge fan of the "perfumey" smell of Enduring Appeal/cougar either, and must say I prefer the edible foodie scents...but I never get compliments on those! Hmph.


Still have never had DIHL from my Velvet kisses version of CB, depite wearing it around multiple men who I know have various levels of interest in me. I do want to buy and try the amped up un-CB. Confused though: people talk about Pharmacon CB being a lot more sexual, but when I search for unscented the only one that comes up is "Ali's Cuddle Bunny." Is this the same as the pharmacon version, or is the more sexual pharmacon version no longer for sale on site?

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