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What pheros are good to make people do you favours?

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I am really suffering from a painful injury right now (hence the huge phero sell out, need money for docs- see trading post 18 bottles for 300 dollars if anybody is interested email me asap) and I am finding some of the Doctors I am dealing with to be incompetent time and money-wasters.


It's a long story but I need my competent Doctor to pull some strings and do me a favour and make a request for me and help me deal with some of the medical bollocks (long story basically me paying $300 for medical attention and now having to pay another $300 because the Drs botched everything up) :cry: , it may help it may not but I want to at least try because I am in pain. I am paying other Doctor too but at least he is competent.

What phero incites people to do that little extra for you? I was thinking perhaps dangerous games. I have used CB on women before for such things but my Dr is a man and I find men can get DIHL starry-eyed with CB and forget what they were supposed to be doing in the first place.

Any recommendations would be good.

Edited by Indigo
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Agreed with the idea of a potion instead of a phero. For me, Leather is more for when I tell people to do things rather than have them want to do things. Everything else that I've used that has caused people to be overly solicitous has had a sexual undertone to it that might not be appropriate for your relationship with your doctor. So again, Persuasion Potion might be good, or even Road Opener if you've got it. Good luck!

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Nothing sexual is a good idea, you're dealing people in professional environments. If I were in your position I'd look in to something like Swimming With Sharks or Popularity Potion, and avoid any sexy fragrances, remember you are dealing with people in professional environments. Non-phero scents like what have been suggested might be good, or one of their yummy pumpkin and/or ginger blends if you prefer.

Edited by Queen of Swords
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What about Lace?


Doesn't Lace bring out the manly, protective side of men without a sexual overtone?

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I don't have persuasion potion, I do have popularity potion....I agree nothing sexy, it needs to be straight to the point.

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  • 1 year later...

Indigo, i hope you fully recovered and are back to your healthy, happy self!

I was wondering if you have any updates on this?

Which phero did you go with and how did it go for you?


Do any other members have reports of what pheros have worked well for them in terms of favors? Is the vote still with popularity potion?

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I guess it depends on whether you want to coax or assert the favor from someone.


Est brings out nurturing feelings. I'd go with a bonding type blend with est, but that's what I usually reach for anyway.

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