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Year of the Snake (maiea's PE)


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Maiea's Year of the Snake

Gorgeous herbal scent, light, fresh and invigorating, crafted on a bed of Bamboo and Birch Leaf, decorated with EO drops of Roman Chamomile, Rosemary, Clary Sage, Spearmint, and Vetiver.


Making this first post mostly for my own reference. I asked Mara to craft a PE potion with the intention to bring out the characteristics of the Year of the Snake (according to Asian mythology/astrology). :D I am totally thrilled with the ingredients she picked and mostly for my own reference, looking up the magickal correspondences of the ingredients (from the LPMP Magickal ingredient lore):


BAMBOO ~ Protection, hex breaking, luck and wishes, fertility, wisdom, feminine energy.

CHAMOMILE ~ Prosperity, calming & soothing. Love, peace, meditation.

ROSEMARY ~ Intellectual stimulation, purification, love, sensuality, wards against dark forces, invigorating.

SAGE ~ Healing, prosperity, cleansing. Wisdom, longevity, protection, wishes granted.

SPEARMINT ~ Stimulates, energizes and uplifts. Love, purification, healing, . psychism, creativity. Protects the home.

VETIVER ~ Enhances perception of beauty. Love, sensuality, money, luck, hex-breaking.


One I couldn't find on the list was Birch Leaves... but looking around online I see this: Protection, purification, wards negativity, love, new beginnings, changes.Apparently also calming on emotions.


This is what Mara basically worked from, a very rough idea in my head of what properties a Snake potion would have:

So a "Year of the Snake" perfume in my mind would have ingredients focused on:

1. money/prosperity

2. calming

3. giving a sense of beauty/air of beauty

4. 6th sense / increasing psychic sensitivity

5. mental acuity/mind/clarity/logic


So I think she did it!!! :D All bases covered! Totally can't wait to get this. I think it'll be an awesome potion.

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Congratulations, snake-baby! I personally have a deep connection to snakes; I'm pretty sure they're my totem animal. Even though I am a horse-baby, I don't quite feel a connection to those traits.


Also, did you know that it's the year of the water snake? Perfect year to craft a PE to your liking, hehe!


In Japan, white snakes are the holy messengers of Benzaiten (or Benten), which is their variation of the Hindi Goddess Sarasvati. Many of her traits overlap with the intent(s) of your potion, so try giving her a little invocation! I think your blend would be a pretty good devotional to her.


Looking forward to hear how it smells! :::; ]



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Funny thing is I'm actually a fire snake (now you can figure out how old I am. lol!!!) but I love the watery scents. Strangely I do think the snake traits fit me (I always thought that there's stuff we can all relate to in our signs?). So I'm thinking this potion would help amplify those traits?


And I had no clue about the mythology, thank you for letting me know, I'll be looking that up! :)

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Have you had a chance to test out your PE yet? It sounds so soft and fresh, I've been looking forward to hearing your thoughts on it!!

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Your PE has sparked an interest in Chinese Astrology for me, well more than the reading I do at the restaurant whilst waiting for my food, anyway! This PE sounds lovely, I have a rosemary growing in near my front door & it smells so wonderful. I also perused my Metal-Rooster horoscope for this year & it is saying wonderful things, along with my Pisces 'scope :)

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SW: No, not yet, I'm in Canada so it takes a good few weeks for Mara's creations to get to me. :( I think you might actually receive it before me!


Beccah: That's awesome to hear! Chinese astrology is funny, sometimes almost creepily accurate. There's this Chinese astrology birth chart - where it can predict GENDER based on the month of conception and various other things. I know it sounds totally bogus but it was right for pretty much all of my sisters and I!

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I think I'll stash it away if I get it before I see your review. It's more fun to listen to the person who requested it first and then try it out. It's sort of like being told that your baby is the cutest thing ever and you haven't even gotten to see him/her yet. LOL I'll use the reasoning of "it needs time to settle". ;) I'll look forward to hearing how you like it!

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SW: No, not yet, I'm in Canada so it takes a good few weeks for Mara's creations to get to me. :( I think you might actually receive it before me!


Beccah: That's awesome to hear! Chinese astrology is funny, sometimes almost creepily accurate. There's this Chinese astrology birth chart - where it can predict GENDER based on the month of conception and various other things. I know it sounds totally bogus but it was right for pretty much all of my sisters and I!

That's awesome! I saw a book combining Chinese & Western astrology once. It was interesting, it gave pretty accurate personality types. That was 10 years ago, I think I'll see if I can score it on Ebay or Amazon now....
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SW - lol! You don't have to wait for me, honest!


Beccah - oh! That sounds interesting and I'm definitely interested as well if you find out the book title.


dolphindolls2 - look up your element as well! For example I'm a fire snake, but people born this year are water snakes.

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I had to check mine out. I had to laugh. I am a water rat!!

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StoremyWeather, lmao!!


I'm a metal horse, aka a car. :::: P


I just recently realized something though. One animal that keep appearing in my life (besides snakes) is the seahorse. I'm a horse in Eastern Zodiac, and a Pisces (fish) in Western Zodiac...Soooooo...was this meant to be??? I dunno I might be over thinking.


Anyways, still anxious to hear your reviews on this, Miss Mai

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If you research animal totems, lala, they say that certain ones will keep making an appearance in your life to gain your attention. You should look up seahorses and see if there's something there. I've always been drawn to dragonflies for that reason and I really don't like bugs but their meaning is beautiful and a reminder of what I need in my life.

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  • 2 weeks later...

SW - lol! You don't have to wait for me, honest!


Beccah - oh! That sounds interesting and I'm definitely interested as well if you find out the book title.


dolphindolls2 - look up your element as well! For example I'm a fire snake, but people born this year are water snakes.



Thank you, I did not think to look up my element.... I'm a Metal Element....

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You still haven't gotten yours yet Maiea? :( Well, by time it comes it will have aged wonderfully I suspect!!

I sneaked a sniff. I know I told you I'd wait but I couldn't help myself. I'd still rather here yours first though when it comes!!!


ETA: Mostly I just don't want to tell you because then you'll have a preconceived idea of the scent from my wonky nose and I'd prefer you sniff it and see if it is the way you envisioned it would be. But I will say that it is lovely truly and your picture is perfect.

Edited by StoremyWhether
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I'm really curious to see how this one turned out for you, too! I love how personal it is - you're even on the label, missy! :D Plus, it has such a cool name, "Year of the Snake". Somehow, my version of this potion just wouldn't sound as cool: Year of the Rat. <_< I hope you get it soon!

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I'm with you Eggers, I'm a water rat so I would envision like sewer smell with damp rat hair with some cops for that rotten fruit smell you might find down there.


And Maiea, when I said my nose is wonky, I say that only because I'm not as good at being able to say yes, that's birch or yes, this is rosemary. I'm not that fine tuned yet. Yours is a gorgeous blend and that's what I meant. I just wanted to clarify because i didn't like the way that came out. LOL

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SW: The waiting for LPMP packages to get to me in Canada is so excruciating! lol. I'm usually too excited to smell everything but I have to wait WEEKS. And I don't have a good nose either - I have a hard time picking out notes too. No worries.


And you guys! LOL. Don't take "water rat" literally! I think it'd be awesome to see what kind of good qualities rats have that you'd like to have in perfume/potion form!



For example you might want a potion that amplifies the "smart, wealth and hard working" aspects of the Rat year... and since it says Rats may have trouble with concentration and stability you may want to get a potion that would have something that helps in those areas. :D


And Mel - fire dragon sounds so incredibly awesome!! lol.




Also keep this in mind about Rats! (according to that site)

Though people consider the rat not adorable, and it even makes its way into derogatory languages, it ranks first on the Chinese zodiac. It has attributes of an animal with spirit, wit, alertness, delicacy, flexibility and vitality.

Edited by maiea
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Maeia, you make having a Year of Rat scent sound so much more appealing!!! I like that much better than sewer with a smidge of cops. I have the pic though. Maybe we can CB as a phero because how can anyone resist a bottle that looks like this:




I can't imagine how difficult it must be to wait. I've gotten stuff from other countries so I know that it takes quite awhile, I just didn't realize it could take that long even to Canada!!! I hope it arrives soon for you so we can hear all about it from you!! You must have the patience of a saint!!!


And I agree about Mel's fire dragon ... that just sounds beautiful and powerful.

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I always find the wait tough, too. This past order took 26 days to reach me, & I thought I was gonna cry! :lol: Usually it takes 21 from the day I order, whether it was sent early, or a little bit late, but this time it went north of Saskatoon - almost as far north as the Northwest Territories!

This past Friday, when I got home from work, I checked the mail box, checked between the doors, and no package. I went inside, and asked BF, "no package for me?" and he said, "nope. not yet." And I stood there staring at him for a second, and then he hurriedly grabbed the package from behind the couch and gave it to me. He laughed and said, "here! you look like you're gonna bawl!" :lol:


I love the rat picture! I'd go for CB in a phero'd version, too, 'cause that rat, with those sticky-out ears, looks like a little Cuddle Bunny! :D

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I always find the wait tough, too. This past order took 26 days to reach me, & I thought I was gonna cry! :lol: Usually it takes 21 from the day I order, whether it was sent early, or a little bit late, but this time it went north of Saskatoon - almost as far north as the Northwest Territories!

This past Friday, when I got home from work, I checked the mail box, checked between the doors, and no package. I went inside, and asked BF, "no package for me?" and he said, "nope. not yet." And I stood there staring at him for a second, and then he hurriedly grabbed the package from behind the couch and gave it to me. He laughed and said, "here! you look like you're gonna bawl!" :lol:


I love the rat picture! I'd go for CB in a phero'd version, too, 'cause that rat, with those sticky-out ears, looks like a little Cuddle Bunny! :D

My daughter ordered a doll from Japan for her best friend's birthday. We ordered that thing weeks ago and she was so disappointed it didn't arrive before her friend left for a school sponsored Europe trip. I told her that's to be expected. Going through customs is what seems to take so long.


Glad your BF wised up though because it sounds like he could have been just seconds from becoming a story on Lady V's PMS thread!! :smiley-laughing024:

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Yeah, customs is a bitch! Takes forever!

I'm glad he wised up too. He could have kept the gag going all night if he'd wanted to. Apparently my "big, round eyes" freaked him out, so he had to fess up! Never underestimate the power a woman verging on tears has on the man who has to live with her... ;)

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I have to ask you ladies: do you tend to find because of the time for customs that you tend to make larger orders over all or does that cause other problems? I'd probably be more prone to stocking up with more stuff because it takes so long but I'm a hoarder by nature. I had to mail something to Canada for work and it was a pain in the rear to figure out how to mark it for customs because it was just a stupid dvd that our communications department had created. I was asked how much it was worth and I kept telling them nothing but good will. LOL It's not something we sell, it's a gift. Apparently, nothing is a gift according to customs. lol Is Mara limited in how much she can send you without there being issues?

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See, that would have been reasonable Mel but I think the FedEx guy was just being a jerk. I wouldn't go that route again unless forced to. I wouldn't have even done that except that they told the other company they would get there asap. Which, in and of itself sounds pretty funny considering how quickly customs works but it did arrive there fast. It better have considering the cost!!!


Isn't that pic cute?!?!?!?! It reminded me a ratty CB alternative.

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I tend to make one large order per month because of the wait. If it didn't take so long to reach me, I'd probably make two orders per month, but if I did that, I'd probably wind up spending more than I already do! :blush: So it's probably a good thing, for my bank account, at least. It's a lot easier to spend a smaller amount of money a couple of times than it is to fork over a whole big heap of money all at once. If I have to gulp at the amount of money I'm spending, I'm sure to put something back on the shelf! :lol:


I've never really had a problem with customs & package size. Last year, during the sale, I had 2 HUGE boxes shipped to me, and if I recall correctly, they still arrived within 21 days of my ordering.


This month was just one of those weird months.

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Eggers - yeah I only make 1 a month too! Especially with the extra shipping costs now.


SW&Eggers - Have you two thought of getting a Rat PE with that as a label picture? lol. It might be awesome!

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Well I just looked mine up... I'm a water PIG! Lol. Sounds pretty. Picturing a piggy rolling in the mud right now.


I think the truth is that Maeia's is the one and only. Beautiful picture and its a beautiful scent. However Liz. I found one that could work well for a water pig. Maybe Mara could call it Hambruesa y Coco:


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