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UN Cuddle Bunny and UN Sexology

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I think sexology is more sexual (SEX-ology? it wouldnt be called that for no reason, would it?)

i would check the forums and compare reviews if i were uncertain and use my better judgement.


But its also November-pheromone-month so you can get 3.5ml UN-samples for 15$ each so you can get both



ETA: I just remembered, there was a direct comparison between the two somewhere i think its in the sexology reviews.


Cuddlebunny= romantic

Sexology = playful


Found it heres the link :http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=8603&page=3&hl=sexology&do=findComment&comment=72548

Edited by Anonymous2F
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I haven't tried Cuddle Bunny much. However I found when I applied sexology, I had a biological response down yonder in my ladybits that made me ready to have sex without any stimulation. I thought that was interesting. Happened within about 15-20 min of application.

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Have you tried CB yet? I think that if you like CB you will also like sexology.


I wore both of them at work - so sort of an inappropriate situation really - but I got happy playfulness from my target guy with each. I have to say though that I think the couple of times I used sexology, the hits were similar but more extreme.

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Have you tried CB yet? I think that if you like CB you will also like sexology.


I wore both of them at work - so sort of an inappropriate situation really - but I got happy playfulness from my target guy with each. I have to say though that I think the couple of times I used sexology, the hits were similar but more extreme.




Yes, I recently got Cuddle Bunny scented with NOCO White and I love it.

I love how I feel wearing it!

I was thinking about getting Sexology but they sound alike in ways.

Does Sexology have a more sexual feel too you?

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I rarely get self-effects, so I really can't say how it felt "to me".


I can say that wearing sexology I got alot of playful, happy, friendly hits from others (mostly guys, of course). Again, it was at work, so if it affected them in a sexual way, they wouldn't necessarily have shown it.


Since then I've stopped wearing cops-heavy blends to work, because it was starting to negatively affect my friendship with my target guy. I do miss the CB and sexology reactions from him and others, though - when they were good, they were VERY good.


If you're looking for self-effects, I'm sure some of the other ladies here can chime in and give you a better answer to your question than I can:)

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I love CB. It doesn't seem that sexual to me. It is more flirty playful. I haven't tested Sexology yet...

IME CB to most women is not crazy sexual, I'm guessing it's the EST ratio. I'm sure the EST softens or affects the male intent too. But, for men, that amount of cops? it is still very sexual.

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I love CB. It doesn't seem that sexual to me. It is more flirty playful. I haven't tested Sexology yet...

IME CB to most women is not crazy sexual, I'm guessing it's the EST ratio. I'm sure the EST softens or affects the male intent too. But, for men, that amount of cops? it is still very sexual.

See? Now for me, it's the opposite. CB is *very* sexual, (and cuddly - go figure), with self-effects out the wazoo, while Sexology is more of a flirty, playful, snuggler of a blend, (from which I get self-effects). I've had Sexology, either in a blend, or UN, for over a year & I've never gotten laid while wearing it - I get my ear talked off, and random hugs & kisses, maybe a little flirty butt pinch or a tickle here and there. But no sex. Cuddle Bunny, on the other hand, is almost a sure thing.

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See? Now for me, it's the opposite. CB is *very* sexual, (and cuddly - go figure), with self-effects out the wazoo, while Sexology is more of a flirty, playful, snuggler of a blend, (from which I get self-effects). I've had Sexology, either in a blend, or UN, for over a year & I've never gotten laid while wearing it - I get my ear talked off, and random hugs & kisses, maybe a little flirty butt pinch or a tickle here and there. But no sex. Cuddle Bunny, on the other hand, is almost a sure thing.




Yea to men I think CB is very sexual.. But I think to some women it's softer and we forget how it effects men. I love the relaxing vibe I get off CB.

I need to experiment more with Sexology though.

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For me, what I've noticed anyway... Cuddle Bunny makes people want to *do* things for me. Give me free stuff, make sure I have the best seat, fawn over me and take care of me. Sexology has crazy self effects for me, I get flirty and bold. I haven't yet figured out if people are responding to the phero, or to my actions, lol

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