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Pheros and long distance

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OK - This is a little outside the box and I'm wondering if this would be an appropriate use of pheros.


I travel for work once or twice a year for a couple of months at a time. It's far enough away that visits back are not really possible. Last year, I was in a relationship when I had to take a trip. We dated several months after I got back before breaking up, but things just weren't the same - for him or me. In retrospect, the outcome probably would have been the same even without the travel. But, it makes me a bit gun shy about starting anything.


Would / Could pheros help maintain the bonding feeling while gone? ie, Could sending a snail mail card with pheros in it while gone help with the bonding ? Or is that a bit outside the box and I just need to find someone ok with my schedule?

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No,but scent association can do wonders,ie,at this point in time my SP will react strongly to MRF2 w/ Blatant Invitation,even if it did not have pheros :001_302: ...welcome here!! :)

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Calii... you know that may be an idea.


WnG, I remember Mara saying in response to a post I made a while back that mones have memory. So what you could do is wear the mone that you have decided on around your target and then leave something behind that has the phero free scent on it. That could possibly trigger memories.


For example if you had LFN in Nola. Wear that phero blend around the target and then leave something behind a scarf, something that is scented with plain Nola on it.




No,but scent association can do wonders,ie,at this point in time my SP will react strongly to MRF2 w/ Blatant Invitation,even if it did not have pheros :001_302: ...welcome here!! :)

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