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Why Is My New Silicone UN-Cuddle Bunny Not Cloudy

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Hi Everyone!

I haven't ordered my favorite phero (or any phero) for a few years because I've had a stash. I just ordered a new mini-stash of two bottles of UN-Cuddle Bunny, which my husband responds to the best out of any of the many pheros I've tried, and when you shake it, it stays clear rather than becoming cloudy. Every other UN-phero I've had in the silicone base turns cloudy when you shake it.


Does anyone know why this might be happening? Is it a new normal for the silicone base? Could I have gotten DPG marked as Cyclopentasiloxane? Any help would be highly appreciated, Thanks Phero-Girls!!


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Oh, also, it doesn't *smell* the same as Cuddle Bunny always used to smell, or maybe I'm going batty?


Never mind that actually, now that I've used it once its starting to smell *right,* maybe I had to mix my own smell with it for it to get its distinctive scent and I never really sniffed a new bottle like that before? I don't know. Could be going batty. ;)

Edited by Ivy
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Ivy..I am sorry I don't have an answer to your question..but I do have one for you. I have always gotten my Un pheros with oil..I know we live in the same area..have you found that the silicone works best as far as staying power (for lack of a better word)? I know it gets really hot and humid in east Tennessee during the summer...:)

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Ivy..I am sorry I don't have an answer to your question..but I do have one for you. I have always gotten my Un pheros with oil..I know we live in the same area..have you found that the silicone works best as far as staying power (for lack of a better word)? I know it gets really hot and humid in east Tennessee during the summer... :)

Yes, in my opinion, or maybe just in my case skin-wise, I find the silicone works best for me where staying power is concerned in any weather condition, but especially hot, whether we're talking dry (when I lived in Newport Beach, CA.) or humid (now in Cookeville, TN.) But that's just my personal experience. I have read that it is recommended to get UN-pheros in oil form, I'm trying to think which ones I have ordered in oil...checking..True Confessions, Lace, and Blatant Invitation. I'll have to experiment a little and get back to you since I've just usually gone for silicone cause the barrier makes sense to me. My Lace is (extremely sadly) seriously almost empty; but Blatant Invitation: my open one is silicone, and my backup is oil, so that would make for a good experiment, right?! ;) and luckily, since I'm disabled I don't have to worry too much about wearing that one outside my home, I'll just pick days where my husband and I are not likely to leave the house put it on in the morning & hopefully it'll spark some fun, too! I rarely ever wear it, its funny that I have so much of it, lol!! The last time I wore True Confessions I feel like it lasted a while, but not as long as my Cuddle Bunny & all the other silicone UN-pheros I have. I may be a LPMP Black Sheep though!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not sure Ivy. Some of mine cloud and others stay clear. Odd.

sorry I missed this, Rose! Are the ones you have that go cloudy older than the ones that stay clear?

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I'm curious about this also because quite a while back I either decanted or has someone decant half my bottle of UN cuddle bunny ( the original) for them to keep the decanted half for swap and it is no longer cloudy when I shake it. I'm concerned that it was never shaken before decanted.

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I'm curious about this also because quite a while back I either decanted or has someone decant half my bottle of UN cuddle bunny ( the original) for them to keep the decanted half for swap and it is no longer cloudy when I shake it. I'm concerned that it was never shaken before decanted.

Was yours cloudy at one point? Mine were not. My older bottles were, but the ones I purchased recently stay clear when I shake them, I'm under the impression there is a new Est that was switched to at some point during my hiatus from ordering when I was living off of my giant stash. It also doesn't smell quite the same, I miss the old smell. But when one gets attached to a product and it changes one always winds up missing the old one.

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I answered this question weeks ago via email, but will restate for everyone's benefit here.


Some are cloudy and some are not because of the base. One of my sources uses a solvent/base for the pheros that blends with silicone, the other does not. The new sourced Est (at least 3 years ago) is of a stronger concentration than the old source as well. Whether something clouds or not is of no consequence to it's efficacy.


As to odor, a five year old bottle is going to smell different than a new one. Oxidation over time will subtly change the aroma, but not enough to notice while it is happening. But comparing a 5 year old bottle to a new one will make the difference more obvious.

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I never said anything in regards to its efficacy, I definitely think the new one works better, I just miss the smell of the old Est. I am glad you posted here though, Mara, because my meds make me like an Alzheimer's patient. At least I remembered there was a new Est that came onto the scene while I was away going through my stash! :D

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