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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. LOL! I licked my kitten...bwaha! "braunschweiger and sliced cornichons on toasted pumpkernickel with garlic aioli." Argh! You cannot kiss a man after a meal like that! I would rather kiss the marshmallow and peanut butter eater....or the kitten.
  2. True, it's so easy to make, I figured I would offer it regularly since there seemed to be so much enthusiasm for it. Was thinking of making a label for it and putting it into the UN phero line for November. (Pheromas, as Beccah has dubbed it!)
  3. This one lasts forever on me! It's not a loud and far away scent, but it does stick to my skin a very long time...last time I wore it I could still smell it on my skin the next day approx 20 hours later.
  4. Hi Cheesy, it did exist back then. But as I mentioned elsewhere, we lost John's computer a few weeks ago and that's where all the records have been kept. We need around 2 weeks to get the new puter up and the old records reinstalled onto the new system. Sorry for the wait, but I cannot do anything for you until I have my records back. Thanks for your patience and understanding.
  5. Actually, silly me, there's an easier way to do this. Duh, what was I thinking! Just use the Private Editions order page, here: http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/articles/PrivateEditions Order the bottles you want using the option that's called: "Additional bottles of any Private Edition = $24.95" and in the customer notes area, write in the name of the perfume you want. Then just scroll further down the page to add pheromones to it."Do you want to add Pheromones to your Private Edition?" And there we go, super easy.
  6. I think it can handle around 12 drops per bottle. Whatever is most convenient for you is fine with me. I can send an invoice or you can purchase along with your other items using a Gift Cert. Would you like me to send you an invoice?
  7. Luna is correct. Our computer w/ stamps.com melted in the heat and we had to buy a whole new one! I have had to do the postage via PayPal and Amazon the past week, and many of them manually that couldn't go through either. So you will be getting emails from one of those three sources, but none via stamps.com. Sent out a ton of boxes today and yesterday so people should start getting their new releases tomorrow.
  8. FYI - There's 10 drops of EoW per bottle in this one, and it's so well covered I personally got no bleed through at all. Scrumptious.
  9. The banana is not prominent, it sort of just makes the whole thing read creamier. I think this might be my favorite of the month.
  10. This cactus is watery, not really green at all. You have to create the feel of water with other things since water itself does not have a smell. I tried not to go green or greeny sweet or floral with this at all, per QGs vision.
  11. It's just a few drops, but it's strong EO. Citrus burns off fastest too. Regardless, Rebecca came up with a fabulous and unique combo - worthy of making a monthly at some later date, maybe in the autumn!!
  12. Dolly's Resin Ho Dolly's evocation of sexy black lingerie...exotic black amber, black musk, Indian sandalwood, patchouli resin and just a hint of muscovado sugar. 4 Bottles available - (Cheshire Kitten, Dolphin Dolls, Liz, Invidiana) Rebecca's Moon Sugar "Maple sugar, lemongrass, sugar (caramelized), Amber (light/sweet); My inspiration for this scent is "Moon Sugar" from the Elder Scrolls games (Oblivion/Skyrim)" 4 bottles available - (Invidiana, Lady Victoria, StacyK Rebecca's Hot Milk & Honey "Hot Milk, Whipped Cream, Honey (sexy), Bread; I'd like a rich, creamy 'milk and honey' scent." 5 bottles available - (Just Ducky, Invidiana, Hearts, Lady Victoria, StacyK) Rebecca's Dominance in Pink "Milk Chocolate, Black Pepper, Light Patchouli, Pink Rose; I'd like to create a variant of Phero Girl - Dominance (from a long time ago) with an extra kick of black pepper to make it nice and spiky!" 7 bottles available - (Luna, Lady Victoria, Purestan, Just Ducky, EOSP.
  13. A note about redeeming posting credits this month: I've rec'd 3 requests today to know how many credits people have available....since everyone that asked is on the forum often, I thought I'd post here rather than explain to each person individually... Unfortunately, John's computer died - I think it cooked in this heat! - and our replacement puter won't arrive until 7/24. When it arrives, we have to rescue the hard drive from the old puter and use it for the new one. Everyone's posting credits were stored on that computer. It's not as dire as it may sound, I still have a way to look up your credits via the old orders - which I have on mine, but what I need to know is, when you THINK you redeemed last. This is helpful because I am going to have to search like so: "Potion Master 400 500 600" I have to use your forum ID plus a series of numbers, to see if you used that number yet, and narrow it down that way. The closer you can get to the last number you redeemed will be very helpful for me to get you your proper number. OK? Thanks very much for your assistance! xoxoxoxo
  14. I will have them live tomorrow (Saturday), hopefully in the afternoon. You WILL squee. Luna is a genius. That is all.
  15. Luna is writing masterpieces this month!!! Wait, what? No Live and Let Die?!!! lol - noooo! I have always loved Russell Crowe - I would do that man in a stairwell. I thought he was hotter than Superman in the latest movie. >
  16. You can do it with a GC with notes added, sure! Thanks!
  17. TONS! I made a bunch extra the second time around. I need to get that on Artfire... Either way, Tyvey! You're right, it's better to pay once, but either way you decide is fine.
  18. Yeah, Dolly cracked me up with the term "Coochie Head" and I'd been trying to think of a way to use it for years! I spelled it the way Charo spells Cuchi, and tried to find a girl reminiscent of Charo. I thought it all fit in well with our fake Bond girl names.
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