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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. LOL. It's OK Nutrix! Just mark the box "return to sender" when it arrives. If you don't open it, they'll just return it to us without extra shipping costs.
  2. Spring's Jasmine Rain 0/4 Bottles Available Chitown, NuTrix, StoremyWhether, Xev Melissa's Creamy Iris 2/4 Bottles Available CinnamonMel, NuTrix Melissa's Butterfly Bait 0/5 Bottles Available CinnamonMel, LadyVictoria, Just Ducky, Hearts, >> half bottles? NuTrix, Chitown Maiea's Year of the Snake 0/2 Bottles Available StoremyWhether, Chitown Lina's Summer Slurp 2/3 Bottles Available Chitown Lady Victoria's Sweet Little Pussycat 0/6 Bottles Available CinnamonMel, StacyK, Invidiana, BlueBear, missdarlyncherie, hearts, Molls, SpriteLeigh, Pursestan, dolphindolls, katz, Chaionlife, Tyvey, JustDucky, JulyGirl, Liz, Cheshire Kitten I can make another round of this one. Halo's Cocoa Lily 7/12 Bottles Available StacyK, Invidiana, BlueBear, katz, NuTrix Ann's Brown Sugar Black Amber 2013 0/10 Bottles Available LadyVictoria, luna, Chitown, july_girl, Chaionlife, dolphindolls, StacyK, NuTrix, ElizabethOSP, Molls --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'cinnamonmel' timestamp='1371720184' post='282157' Mara, may i please reserve one iris, two butterflies, and a pussycat?  'StacyK' timestamp='1371729444' post='282173' Oh wow!! Mara I know I want a lady v Pussycat and the cocoa Lilly 'Invidiana' timestamp='1371731361' post='282175' I definitely want a Halo's Cocoa Lily and LadyV's Sweet Pussy Sweet Little Pussycat 'BlueBear' timestamp='1371734637' post='282180' I would like a Halo's Cocoa Lily and a LadyV's Sweet Little Pussycat as well. 'LadyVictoria' timestamp='1371736418' post='282186' I want a black amber cat 'missdarlyncherie' timestamp='1371738414' post='282190' I there is any Pussy cat left I will take one please! 'hearts' timestamp='1371740113' post='282197' Same.. Ill take a Sweet Pussycat if there is any left! 'Molls' timestamp='1371740395' post='282201' aw dang, all the pussycats are gone already!! 'luna65' timestamp='1371741066' post='282206' If you're tallying requests here, Commander, put me down for one Ann's Brown Sugar Black Amber, please and thank you. 'SpriteLeigh' timestamp='1371741174' post='282207' Crap, I missed this too, Molls! If by some miracle more of these become available, I would like one of Lady V's Pussycat, too! 'Pursestan' timestamp='1371742371' post='282216' if you are taking requests I'd like one of the Sweet Pussy Cats. Thanks. 'dolphindolls2' timestamp='1371746477' post='282237' I'd like one Lady Victoria's Sweet Little Pussycat 'Chitown' timestamp='1371749119' post='282253' If we are doing reservation requests in this thread could I please get: - 1 Jasmine Rain - 1 Black Sugar amber 'katz' timestamp='1371756456' post='282280' So, that being said, I'd like request a Halo's "Cocoa" PE 'july_girl' timestamp='1371757358' post='282287' I hope I don't miss out on reserving a bottle of brown sugar black amber.. 'Chaionlife' timestamp='1371768802' post='282311' I seem to have missed out on LV's Sweet Pussy. Sigh. Would have loved to score a bottle. What about a bottle of Black Sugar Amber? 'LadyVictoria' timestamp='1371772635' post='282322' I want the pink rose one butterlfy!!!!!!!!!!! and the black amber cat sugar one. omg I just spazzed out looooool Mels butterfly and Anns Cat amber 'dolphindolls2' timestamp='1371774219' post='282332' Mara, thank you for letting us change based on the notes you just posted.... I would like to delate my request of Lina's Summer Slurp and replace it with Ann's Brown Sugar Black Amber 2013... 'Just Ducky' timestamp='1371774226' post='282333' If a Butterfly Bait is available, may I call it? Thank you! 'StacyK' timestamp='1371776533' post='282350' I placed a request earer for a Lady Vs Pussycat, Halos ( I knew the white musk was there. lol) and the Ann's Amber still loving 'em. 'hearts' timestamp='1371776919' post='282352' Ill keep my request for Sweet Pussycat and add Butterfly Bait if its still available.. 'NuTrix' timestamp='1371777507' post='282356' Am I too late to make requests? Ann's Brown Sugar Black Amber, Spring's Jasmine Rain, Melissa's Butterfly Bait & Creamy Iris and Halo's Cocoa Lily? Are there enough left? 'StoremyWhether' timestamp='1371779774' post='282366' all I will say is that if there are other takers for the Jasmine Rain - awesome!! If there's any left over, please reserve the remaining for me. I will gladly take whatever is left. ETA: I'd also like a Year of the Snake too. 'tyvey' timestamp='1371779844' post='282367' I'll take a number for lv pussycat in case one becomes avail... 'Chitown' timestamp='1371783229' post='282370' - 1 Summer Slurp - 1 Year of the Snake 'ElizabethOSP' timestamp='1371808230' post='282431' I'm *very* late to this party! Would there be an Ann's Brown Sugar Black Amber 2013 still available?
  3. Ok, I will tabulate. I may be able to make a little more of a few of them, will check the recipes...
  4. If you look under our "Meaning of Trees" area of the Reading Room, you will find your Birch. BIRCH ~ Symbolizes renewal and cleansing, birth, healing, Lunar energies, and protection.
  5. Ok, so now that the notes and descriptions have been added, anyone want to change the reservations they made over the last page?
  6. GOOD GRIEF!!!!!!!! I had no idea there would be such a run on these! I was gonna put them on Artfire, but we'll just do it here and I'll put anything left on Artfire. To answer Q's: LadyV, I already nabbed you that second bottle, I knew you'd want it. Mel, I only added the cops to your bottles, not the master bottles. Do you want the additional bottles cop'd as well? Invi - I'll invoice for them so I can keep track. Descripts in a few mins....
  7. I will post descriptions of each tomorrow. (Thursday 6/20)
  8. You've got two things mixed up here. First, our pheromones are lab created duplicates of human pheromones. Second, I believe you are talking about what Androtics sells as "Meo-Est" which is derived from horse urine and is indeed carcinogenic. The full name is methoxyestratetraenone and it has nothing to do with Estratetraenol, but they were pitching the stuff as a low cost substitute for real Est because real Est is crazy expensive and they not only did not want to pay for it, they burned all the available suppliers of the real deal. "Meo-Est" users have not reported any similarity in results between this and true Estratetraenol, nor have there been any consistent results at all, thus "meo-est" is considered a "putative" with no discernible/verifiable pheromonal properties.
  9. Some very nice blends this time around! You guys are getting better and better with your PE ideas! These will be getting bottled tomorrow (Monday), and after the creator's orders are filled I will let everyone know how much is left. Please no reservations until we know what we have available. Thanks! Spring's Jasmine Rain 4 Bottles Available Spring asked for: "ozone, water-fresh, jasmine and earth. I'm looking for an airy scent that smells of walking in the rain with soft whispers of jasmine blowing in the breeze. Feeling alive, playful, sexy." This came out beautiful! Watery fresh and very natural. Melissa's Creamy Iris 4 Bottles Available CinnamonMel asked for: "iris, creamy coconut, white amber... a creamy blue perfume" Gorgeous floral, this one turned out kind of a creamy greeny-blue, because the Iris is so fresh and natural smelling, added to that a few drops of water accord and coconut cream and white amber. Melissa's Butterfly Bait 5 Bottles Available CinnamonMel says: "carnation, a touch of the most sugary turkish delight type rose, white patchouli, and a vanillary/marshmallow type sugar. i want something floral but super sweet, sugary-sexy" I LOVE the way this one came out. Very sweet, based around Pink Carnations and Sweetheart Roses, a few drops of White Patchouli and 3 kinds of marshmallow. Maiea's Year of the Snake 2 Bottles Available Gorgeous herbal scent, light, fresh and invigorating, crafted on a bed of Bamboo and Birch Leaf, decorated with EO drops of Roman Chamomile, Rosemary, Clary Sage, Spearmint, and Vetiver. Q&Q's Release the Hounds by Luna 0 Bottles Available, sorry, but there's about a dozen itty bitties that will be included in freebie packs. Even though Luna hogged ALL of hers I will list the notes for the curious. I love the way this one came out. It's sexy ENGLISH boy smell at it's best. English Ivy and dry tobacco leaf, a few drops of well worn leather aroma over a sexy Arabian Musk. purrrrrrr.... Luna's FLOOFY! 0 Bottles Available, sorry, but there's about a dozen itty bitties that will be included in freebie packs. All hogged! But for the curious...concept: fluffy gardenia, cute tropical...ingredients: a gorgeous gardenia over coconut cream, sugar cane and fluffy marshmallow, with a touch of smooth white amber in the base. Lina's Summer Slurp 3 Bottles Available Lina asked for: "Fresh honey, mango, cherry and honeysuckle - want a springy/summer scent that's sweet, dripping with ripe fruit and honeysuckle nectar. I want to smell good enough to eat on a hot day!" Mango and our most syrupy honeysuckle start the show, with a dash of light, bright spring honey, followed by drops of wild cherry on a based of smooth amber. This one will make your guy's mouth water and he'll want to lick you alllll over. SLURP! Lady Victoria's Sweet Little Pussycat 6 Bottles Available Victoria's concept is beachy, but I was thinking it's creamy enough for a kitty to lick! Plus, doesn't that pic look just like her?! Crafted of coconut cream, lots of frothy whipped cream accord, creamy ylang ylang, and a dash of white musk. Here's LadyV's hilarious description: "I am completely obsessed with coconut right now and I was thinking for my summer slut coco ho scent.. What do you think of COCONUT MILKY CREAMY,YLANG, SWEET MUSK ( like in french musk ) WHIPPED CREAM OR MARSHMALLOW? Like White Bikini Meets Sensual Harmony for BJS and Titty F*cking on the Beach.. Like She's a big beach tease that smells like a Goddess but she won't have sex on the beach because its overrated and she doesn't want sand in her snatch" Halo's Cocoa Lily 12 Bottles Available Lady V had this created to Halo's specs as her birthday prezzie. Don't we just have the coolest gals in the world here?! This scent shares some of the the ingredients in Halo's famed Angelique, but with a whole new twist. Lily of the Valley and Casablanca Lily combined with White Chocolate (aka Cocoa Butter) and Marshmallow fluff over a sheer base of white amber and white musk. Ann's Brown Sugar Black Amber 2013 10 Bottles Available The richest Indian Black Amber Resin paired with thick and syrupy Brown Sugar, and a hint of Black Vanilla. Deep, dark and heavenly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. After the rebrew flurry dies down I may have a bottle or two left to add to the Artfire GGG page. Give me a couple of days.
  11. Q-MIN, like human. I've heard it pronounced COO-min before too.
  12. Here's the flower: It looked like the ones in her hair, that's why I used that pic. Fresh clove bud EO is very fresh and lovely, it's not like dried christmas cloves AT ALL. It just adds to the tea quality, makes the mix more lush. I doubt you will be able to pick it out, it blends into the feel of the tea.
  13. The PEs are not ready yet, kids. I am still working on them. Needed to get the monthlies up first. A few more days for the PEs, sorry!
  14. Please remember THIS when ordering your monthly sets, thanks!: * LAM/BAM ~ If you order a monthly collection, you get to choose either the LAM or BAM with your set - write your choice into the customer notes area. If you do not choose, I will include LAM because that blend is generally more popular. Otherwise these are $8 each on their own as they are full-strength phero blends, lightly scented.
  15. THE DESCRIPTIONS ARE UP! Come to the front page!
  16. John's been wearing it for days. If you can wear Emerald City you can wear this, QG.
  17. You can also make up the difference with a GC, but you have to explain...I have $15 worth of credits and I'm buying a $40 bottle of ________ so this is for the difference.
  18. Notes: * LAM/BAM ~ If you order a monthly collection, you get to choose either the LAM or BAM with your set - write your choice into the customer notes area. If you do not choose, I will include LAM because that blend is generally more popular. Otherwise these are $8 each on their own as they are full-strength phero blends, lightly scented. Thanks go to DOLLY for the suggestion of crafting a fruity summery LAM/BAM option. Thanks, Dolly! And YES, this is a Limited Edition. * Ilori ~ Crafted by John - Le Wizard, the image is of ring tailed Lemurs from Madagascar, and the scent is a naturey watery green musky blend on the fem side of unisex. * I also want to extend special thanks to Luna and Halo for helping me with names and images this month. Thanks, Ladies!!! You ROCK!!!
  19. Sweet Chic - Phero Enhanced Sea Lily Ilori OCCO: Ambrosia 2013 w/ EoW Copulins Velouté Lavande (Velvety Lavender) Summer Dance Frambuesa Y Coco (Raspberry Coconut) Everything Nice 2013 Candytuft Tea * Like a Magnet (LAM) and Bewitch Attract Mesmerize! (BAM) in the summery scent of Buttercream Peach * LAM/BAM ~ If you order a monthly collection, you get to choose either the LAM or BAM with your set - write your choice into the customer notes area. If you do not choose, I will include LAM because that blend is generally more popular. Otherwise these are $8 each on their own as they are full-strength phero blends, lightly scented. Thanks go to DOLLY for the suggestion of crafting a fruity summery LAM/BAM option. Thanks, Dolly! And YES, this is a Limited Edition.
  20. Yup! Just ask for it that way in the Mad Science area.
  21. Like Molls said! It is listed, but we call it Magnet rather than LAM. It's short for Like A Magnet.
  22. You're responding to the Androstadienol, which is 50% of the B2 formula, but also because it's heated. The warmth is going to increase the hit.
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