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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Yup, your code is your forum name and the posts you are redeeming. You would post it this way: perfumesniffer - 700, 800, 900 understand? However, the cart no longer subtracts by itself, you have to WRITE IN what you are swapping those credits for. Make sure NOT to also add the items to your cart, only write it in the redemption area provided. k?
  2. If you have a driver's license within the county of L.A. they call you every year now. Thus far, I've always gotten dismissed, but you still have to waste days down there sitting around with the rest of the cattle, waiting.
  3. If I had my way, I would love to have them out the first of the month, but there's always so many variables. This month, ferinstance...I HAVE JURY DUTY ALL NEXT WEEK! Argh!!!!!!!!
  4. Bottles are all gone, but there's still some samples left. I have moved them over to Artfire. http://www.artfire.com/ext/shop/product_view/6788102
  5. That article was hysterical, Hazel! Copulin testing was done with oxygen masks, probably like at those scented oxygen bars...the test males wore the masks and a tiny tiny amt of copulins was added to water - something like 3 drops per gallon - and the guys huffed it while they looked at 8x10s of girls faces. While they were wearing the masks, they rated the attractiveness of the women higher on a scale of 1-10...like, all the girls got 7-10 ratings...but the ratings were less without the cops...like, 4-8. Their testosterone levels raised when exposed to copulins within a minute and a half. But there needs to be either a real female or a photographic representation of a female present, or it doesn't happen. This is a different phenomenon than when the ladies wear something like Dominance Potion for working out. The ingredients in Dom make the wearer feel more aggressive, therefore can assist with people more aggressively pushing their workouts. It's Androstenone that does this, not copulins. Also, in my earlier post about being hard-wired for reproduction, I DID mention visual cues of fertility...I think that part may have been skimmed over. "Cues of fertility include copulin production, amongst physical attributes as well."
  6. Over 50% of the content is indeed vanilla, but yes, this one comes off resin and honey heavy. It smells *to die for* on my skin, but you have to have the right chemistry for it and get along with the natural aroma of honey, which is rather 'biological' smelling.
  7. I have a calendar that goes back to 2007 and forward for about 18-24 months. I fill in and move things around as necessary...as inspiration or ingredient availability or public demand dictates. I have a section at the end where I save notes for potential names, labels and recipes. Sometimes I have things planned that take over 2 years to come out, if other things nudge them out of their planned spots.
  8. Darbla, you redeemed last at 400 posts....many moons ago.
  9. Synthetic copulins were invented for use as a testosterone stimulant for men to smear under their noses while working out, with the hope that it would replace the need for steroid use. That was the whole point. But IT DID NOT WORK. It was a failed experiment. What they learned, is that the smell of copulins did nothing for men unless associated with a target female....even a photo of a female. In any case the spike in testosterone is probably too fleeting to be used effectively for a work out aid. The invention of synthetic copulins sat around for a few years after that failed experiment, people trying to figure out what to do with it, until they came up with the idea of using them as a perfume additive for sexual allure, and that does work. @ DD - It's Ail, short for Aileen. She's a Scottish researcher/doctor/university professor who was one of the first women on the net to experiment and report heavily on pheromone use for females. She designed several of our blends here...Heart & Soul, Cuddle Bunny, Open Windows. Diane was somewhat of a flash in the pan experimenter who picked up phero use with a passion, opened her own company and then closed it, all within a pretty short time frame. IMO, I never felt she got the hang of crafting well-balanced blends. She mixed two blends for us, but with recipes that I supplied to her that Chris actually invented. Those are G2 and B2.
  10. That too! I KNEW there were three but I couldn't think of the third! lol, good catch!
  11. A lot of people get mixed up between the EOs Cassia and Cassie. You can see why. Cassie IS a flower, a type of mimosa flower.
  12. Potion Master


    For those of you who reserved a bottle of this one, you can include it in with your New Release orders....just use the GC option to pay for it or ask me for an invoice. I saved aside one for each of you who posted above, and two for MC. Thanks!
  13. Yes it is! And btw Goddess of the Blue Moon is sold out.
  14. True! But the sample sizes are actually a little larger than that. They are around 1.75ml, but we say 1.5 so people know they will get at least that amount. With the current vial size, it takes about 5 and half trials to fill a bottle.
  15. ...and derived from that family quote, the online following is called "Wink at the Moon".
  16. I answered that above...there's only a tiny drop of Rose in this one. The main note is Rose Geranium which is not a rose.
  17. Wooohooo! I KNEW you would get it!
  18. No, this is explained in #6. Please read again. If it is too confusing for you, just send me a list of what you want via email and I will invoice you. Thanks.
  19. http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=7995
  20. True, it's another creamy note in conjunction with the coconut butter and coconut cream.
  21. There was a...well not exactly a sequel, more of an alternate version book called The Time Ships written a few years ago. It's awesome, but a lot scarier...a lot more desolate, and shows the dangers of mucking about with time.
  22. A few different kinds of "water" mosses, but no oak moss.
  23. YAY, DUCKY!!!!! Gold star!! And if you read that article I linked to, you will find an episode that sounds near identical to one of the funniest bits in the Indy movies. (hint: it's in the paragraph about the cannibals)
  24. It's usually the other way around...goats chase ME! Did anyone get the hugely famous fictional character that was in part based upon Percy Fawcett? If you're interested in learning more, here's a really fun article about Percy.... http://greatbritishnutters.blogspot.com/2013/02/percy-fawcett-zed-or-dead.html
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