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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. C'mon...no Wells fans here? I must say, I expected at least Calii and Hazel to get our little joke at the end of Luna's description. The Time Machine is one of my all-time favorite books, and I loved both movies...the original George Pal version (1960), and the new one directed by Wells' grandson Simon (2002)...LOL, I also like that in Simon's version, the character of Weena was renamed MARA! Heeee! Whenever I subject newbies to these movies, I make it a double feature. They are wonderful to watch that way. DO IT, NOW! You don't know what you've been missing!! The original story was written during the Victorian era...1895, so my goal with this one was to reproduce a dusty, antique-smelling elegance....as if you are dusting off an antique bottle to sniff it, and smell some of the dustiness along with the scent of dried flowers and dried marsh grasses. To answer a Q from another thread, Rose Geranium is NOT a rose, but does smell vaguely like them. I used flowers popular in that era, so I did add a drop of rose to the mix but it is in the background. It is unquestionably a floral perfume, but it's antique-y quality, I think, makes it something special and unique.
  2. Potion Master


    Halo helped me plot this one out! I love it, and it brings back a very strong sense memory for me. I was going for a "creamy" lily of the valley....when I was a kid, there was a commercial cream that smelled like lily of the valley, but part of why I liked it was that *face cream* part of the smell too, which I think I nailed quite successfully. I have no idea what the product was, and if anyone can remember when you smell this perfume, let me know cuz it's driving me crazy. I think it must have been something pretty classic even when I was a kid...like something that may have been sold in drug stores from the 1940's through the 1970's...that's what I *feel* like was the vibe. May have been something my grandmother used, but it doesn't smell old-ladyish in the least. It smells creamy and fresh and elegantly classic. With regards to the theme, there's an alternate/more ancient spelling of this Goddess's name, Antheia, which I originally intended to use but couldn't fit properly onto the label. But for those who were having some fun looking her up, try the other spelling and you should find more. I wanted to celebrate the history of the exploration of botany, but learned that this is such an ancient science, that written records go back 10,000 years, and even exist as cave paintings. These record keepers were essentially of two schools - either for passing down agricultural knowledge, or knowledge of medicinal uses of plants. I could have focused on any of a hundred famous herbalists or horticulturalists, but thought talking about Kew Gardens really encompassed the spirit of all of this accumulated knowledge best, as it has the world's largest collection of living plants, has the largest botanical library in existence, has a seed bank, and works to bring back endangered or extinct species. Even it's compost heap is a tourist attraction! Established in 1759, it is now in it's 254th year.
  3. I was really careful with this one not to add any spice notes. It has a "flour-y" vibe, akin to the (spiceless) cobbler recipes, but it also may remind some of the smell of warm blueberry pancakes. I love it!
  4. Potion Master


    I make my own seaweed oil, and it lends that ocean-y kind of briny vibe. Mangrove is an amazing plant that filters salt out of water...the leaves develop crystals of salt on them, like it's sweating out the salt. The combo of these plants make the fruit and flower notes smell like they are traveling on an ocean breeze. It's gorgeous! Mangrove leaf with salt crystals....
  5. I don't think she looks mad! I think she looks regal!!! She's staring down her minions! I love this picture...I have been saving it for over 2 years waiting for something perfect to use it for! To expand on the description, I wanted to mention what I was going for with this potion... Several times I have crafted scents that were comprised of resinous notes of the types that have survived over 10,000 years in the tombs. But the palette of ingredients available to the ancient Egyptians was much broader than just those long-lived hearty resins. They were expert perfumers, but the more delicate/fragile notes they used did not survive the eras. When I crafted this perfume, I used only ingredients that were available to the ancient Egyptians, but I wanted it to represent the living vibrant culture of their day, and perhaps how a more fragile perfume would have smelled when it was fresh. This is a fresh, lively, ALIVE smelling fragrance. Blue Lotus is a bold note, and yes, it does dominate the scent in the beginning, but please give it a chance to dry down and then you will experience the other notes coming through. The cassia EOs that I have are a fair bit different than the cinnamon EOs in my library. Cassia is a lot less intense, and not candy like. It's woodier and a little less spicy than what you normally associate with cinnamon. In this potion, you won't smell it as cinnamon...it's more of an accessory to the cardamom...rounding it out a touch. The honey is just a drop of sweet lightness, and I doubt anyone will pull it out of the mix.
  6. Bird of Paradise seems like a semi-succulent type of plant?....they grow everywhere here in So Cal...we have some in our yard! I think they also grow wild in Hawaii? Anyway, yes, Halo is spot on. It smells like fresh cut watery stems. I love it. Crush a BOP leaf in your hand and you will get the aroma.
  7. The closest thing to this that I've made before is Vicars and Tarts....so if you liked that one, you'll like this one. It's rather autumnal, but I wear this kind of scent year round. The nuts add body to the foody-ness but do not smell overtly nutty to my nose. The freesia is just a small touch, and just acts to lighten up the sweet heaviness of the perfume. Does anyone know how the title refers back to description?
  8. My alternate title for this one was "Ghost Musk". For all of those who loved that Musk series we did a few months ago, this one would fit right into your collection. The earth note is not strong enough to scream at you, it's only a drop, but it combines excellently with the novelty notes...(ie. dank basement and wet cement, Blue Bear!)....yet this is not a novelty scent only. It smells great on me and could be worn day or night by either gender. It's rather hip and a bit gothy. It's classic musk, but FUN. Make sure you let it dry down on your skin, don't judge straight from the bottle!
  9. I fear that what you are referring to as "old" music is gonna be Pearl Jam or something of that ilk. Soooo, last century.
  10. I can't wait for Beccah to start the new review threads so I can start pontificating on each subject. Hurry, run away!!!!
  11. You are really close! I almost called it "Darwin's Finches"! It's comprised of what the finches had to eat over there. (Not counting the vampire ones... shush.)
  12. And....Luna's wonderful descriptions are now UP! YAY! Come to the front page!!!!
  13. Look for it under Dirigible! That's what she called it!!!!
  14. Hi Heather, welcome to the forum! You are getting VERY good advice from everyone above, please heed it. As mentioned on the bookmark you were sent, more does NOT equal better with pheromones, and especially copulin heavy products. If you wear too much you will drive your date away to the opposite side of the room, rather than into your arms. Apply sparingly. You do not need to combine both of these products. Pick one. Roll a few times from belly button to cleavage. Keep it away from your face and hair. Smooth it around with your wrists, and let it dry down for 10 minutes before you put your clothes on. Good luck!
  15. Wonderful Things Wink at the Moon Rihla Mayberry - Phero Enhanced Amphitrite Galapagos Ectoplasm - for Men & Women Anthea Amazonia Zee 4th Dimension
  16. Silicone will not mix permanently, so you would have to shake it each time. It wouldn't do anything BAD to either, it just makes it like salad dressing. Remember to shake before each application.
  17. I get worried about the vials that get swapped sometimes. We had that situation you know about with a gal who went by at least 3 different names and either sent nothing or adulterated products in our bottles until we stopped her. Sometimes I fear, when someone describes something so distant from our ingredients, that they may have gotten hold of a fraudulent bottle. That's why I asked.
  18. It means, once in April, once in May, once in June, etc.
  19. Are you sure you do not have this one mixed up with another "vampy" titled one? There are no roses in this blend at all. This has been sold out for a while, but I am considering making another round of it just for the Amazon customers. It was one of our most popular Amazon sellers of all time, but not all that much attention for it over here. ::shrug::
  20. I'm wearing this right now! yummmersss
  21. Raq - you last redeemed at 3,000 Sultry Brunette - you last redeemed at 1,900 J#s - you last redeemed at 2,000
  22. Potion Master


    LOL! Yes, yes and yes. But let's hold one aside to see if I owe a bottle to someone, I think I might!
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