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Potion Master

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  1. Potion Master


    Did we owe anyone a bottle of this? Please let me know if you were turned away when you tried to order last. We thought this was all gone but just did an inventory and found some more. We've got 5 bottles and 3 trial vials.
  2. You can do this with the phero'd ones too, but be careful of how much you use because heat diffusion with pheros is really potent!
  3. I'll split a phero boost between two bottles of perfume. We do this all the time. This is for the $30 boosts. Copulin adds are $5 per bottle....we don't split those. Anything with cops - be careful about using in spray form! I find these work far better in oil.
  4. Oh, Nutrix! You must rent Young Frankenstein and see it with your hubbs. It's one of the funniest movies ever!
  5. I love wearing it myself, so I consider it unisex, or sexy-boy-smell that women can wear too.
  6. Yay, the bookmarks got a mention! We get asked the same questions so very often, we needed something printed, and I wanted it to be pretty, and perhaps even useful as a bookmark! lol
  7. No! Let me go check the settings. Someone used that coupon only yesterday, so I know it's working. OK! I figured it out! It had a default setting of only "one per person", so I turned that off so the coupon can be used over and over. Sorry about that! I am still trying to figure out this site. I don't know how the ratings or feedback works, but I thank everyone who has left the stars for us! Maybe they can explain how they did it?
  8. I tested the glitter with the sprayers before I committed to the idea. The glitter is so very fine that it passes right through. Chai has a valid observation re several of the spring scents. I intentionally left out the heavier base notes to make them feel more like Spring. It's funny, because to make up for that, I left them even more concentrated than usual, but I can see that even the lighter scents need some kind of grounding element to create the perception of longevity. I would suggest making it a point to get some on your clothes when applying, as that will increase the length of wear. For example - when you apply to torso and cleavage, put your bra and shirt on while it's still a little moist. That's what I do, and the heat of your body combined with the bit of cloth makes for a fab diffuser.
  9. You may apply this anywhere except your face (fragrance may be sensitizing to your face). You should try it first without any other copulin products so you can see how it works for you. The copulin content is designed to come off like natural emanations, so you really do not need much dry down time, just wait until the cream is absorbed and you're ready to go!
  10. Technically, it would kind of be a mixture of Open Windows and Topper. It has ALL the ingredients of both blends. Topper is just DHEAS & Alpha-Nol.
  11. I suppose you guys could do it with GCs like we used to, but asking for an invoice is just fine if you need the assist at any time.
  12. Ask for an invoice if it's too complicated, Liz!
  13. Rather than paying for a $5 item, you just write in that you are swapping your five dollar credit for the five dollar item. You DON'T put it in your cart, you only write it in. Get it? You would only put $45 worth of items into your cart.
  14. Not to me at all. It's more like bittersweet chocolate covered cherries. Devilsfood chocolate often has a touch of coffee to make it darker, That's where I was going with it. To me it's like a darker version of Special Delivery, and just as delicious.
  15. It's a really soft and cozy blend. Perfect for luring unsuspecting victims.
  16. Hmmm, not green at all, no. It smells more dry. Like sniffing an unlit expensive cigar. Love that AVI, Halo!!
  17. No, no! This is not sweet pipe tobacco! This is smooth natural tobacco leaf, just FYI! MCR - Dance of Passion is DIRTY. Both Luna and I said at the same moment that it was like "Jouir De" light! It's quite sleazy! Not as scary as Jouir De, but definitely a "dirty sexual" blend.
  18. You saw the part that said that Blackstone is kinda like a DARK version of Special Delivery, right? Well, for those of you that loved Because the Night and Ravenwing's White Forest Cake - Ionia came out like a combo of the two. Really delish. Almond/Raspberry cakey goodness!
  19. PS, you guys are so awesome. I love that you get as excited as I do. SMOOCHES!
  20. You should see Blackstone! The potion came out blood red due to the black cherry oil, and I added red glitter, so it looks EBIL! And it smells DIVINE!
  21. Radium Girl - I really wanted the potion to match the label. I think they both came out beautiful!
  22. Nope! This is cosmetic grade glitter, extremely fine and non irritating to the skin - made for applying on skin - it's soft, without hard edges, and contains no metals. It's for professional stage makeup usage, but I checked with the manufacturer and it's fine for perfume too. The colors do not bleed or anything, and it looks gorgeous - very different from the look of mica.
  23. Already in there, but cosmetic grade, not craft grade.
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