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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Fab article written by novelist Diane J. Reed! Come take a look! http://www.banditsranch.com/
  2. Sharks is good to try, then I was going to suggest Treasured Hearts (which works for me in similar dynamics). Maybe even G2 or Teddy BB. I would be very interested to see how she behaves if you use something Est heavy one day as an experiment. If she is hostile, it might just mean she likes to be the only girl in the room.
  3. I think, QG, he mistakenly gave you the female "itty bitty" pack rather than the male one. Sorry!
  4. one of each, and more secret identities too. heheheh
  5. Nahhh, no florals added, but remember that certain musks come across as very floral.
  6. OMG, you don't even know how funny that is.
  7. Welllll, that would be John getting tricky, but I think he honestly meant those for you to sample and give opinion on. Why, did you get something "weird"?
  8. Yup, It was a Super Custom by a gal named Holly. It was never available for sale to anyone else, but we had a little of her supply left over so we shared it out.
  9. Yeah, It might. I would go light on the copulin content with this one. Probably could handle Bang, but nothing heavier (like BI, etc).
  10. Yes, please, Skye. It will come out to less $$ if I weigh it for you first. Canada is still less expensive than the rest of the world even though they have just upped our rates by 2.5x. We'll be programming Canadian postage into the new cart, but this is best for now.
  11. I have mixed 12 drops of sexpionage oil into my LP RED oil (starting w/ about 3/4 of a bottle of LP Red) and for me it covers great! Wear this a lot! Yes, LP Red is quite a bit more dense than LP Original. LP Red will cover pretty much anything. Just to avoid potential confusion, my comment was in regards to the subject of this thread, LP Original.
  12. It really is along those lines. Kinda between Masked Man and one we had a couple of years before that called Bad Boy. It's a little grungier than either of those - a tad less sweet.
  13. Just FYI - you can't treat these like concentrated perfumes with just one little spritz. The point of these is that you are supposed to liberally spray all over your body...head to toe, on hair, on clothes, and surround yourself with it. That's why the bottles are so large - you really need to douse yourself to get the intended effect. Try again, Lady V, and let us know how it works. Next time you leave the shower, spritz from your toes to the top of your head. (should make your skin feel dewy after a couple of seconds too) Report back! xoxox
  14. It's a unisex phero so if you enjoy the scent there's no reason a female can't wear this one.
  15. We should be 100% caught up by today. Most of the pending packages went out Monday & Tuesday.
  16. I would definitely do a patch test with any of the darker colored ones before you go nutty with them. I didn't have a problem with E.Mystique, but I DID have a problem with the Coffee blend, which ended up a lot darker in it's finished form than I anticipated and absolutely darkened fabric.
  17. The postal counter employees are not trained to know about these things, so it's best to avoid trying to explain about flashpoints if they are not familiar already because it always leads to misunderstanding. They are trained to just say NO to anything liquid to make it easy on them. But this is not the actual rules. Raq, you used the opposite word when you said "low" - you want to say "high". The flashpoint is so high that it is air-safe. Our perfume oils are over 200 degrees flashpoint. Anything under a certain level needs to be marked with appropriate stickers, may not go by airmail, and cannot enter certain countries. You definitely do not want to say "essential oils" because the flashpoint of most of those is MUCH lower than our finished perfume oils...say, by an average of 60 degrees or more. Saying "cosmetics" will be ok to some countries, and stop it dead at customs at others...UK and Germany (if I remember correctly) do not accept packages marked cosmetics. France will not accept packages marked perfume or fragrance. If what you are sending has a flashpoint of over 200 degrees, you do not need to tell them it's liquid. The rule is it must be wrapped in plastic and contain enough padding to absorb all of the liquid should the container break. I believe that most of our swappers list contents as "craft supplies" and leave it at that. From the USPS site: http://pe.usps.com/text/pub52/pub52apxc_012.htm For flashpoint above 200º F (93º C): The material is not regulated as a hazardous material. Therefore, it is permitted in domestic mail via air or surface transportation without restriction when properly packaged to prevent leakage during transport.
  18. Ok, the rates are up on USPS now. I think what's probably the best thing for now is if you are in Canada, email me your list of what you want to order, and I'll send you an invoice once we weigh your box, so you don't overpay for shipping. I just did a sample box, an average order in the 4x4x6 inch boxes and it was 13 oz. First class air is $10.55 Those small flat rate priority boxes for $19.95 are pretty much useless. They are the size of a video tape. The only way we could use these without product being damaged is if you order only 1/3oz bottles - maybe around 6 max, and a few samples. We can't fit a spray bottle in there with the wrapping. There's less than 2 inches in width. Medium flat rate box is $40.95. Then there is the variable weight, variable distance option of Priority. For our 13oz package here, it would cost $28.25. So it looks like the first class air option is the most affordable - and that will go by weight.... unless you are ordering a large amount of heavy items, then maybe the Medium flat rate box - there is a 20 lb weight limit on that box, but most orders do not go over 5 pounds.
  19. I'm going to go write something up in the Canada postage thread. I think what's probably the best thing for now is if you are in Canada, email me your list of what you want to order, and I'll send you an invoice once we weigh your box, so you don't overpay for shipping.
  20. QG - you've only redeemed up to 400 posts. You've got some spending to do!
  21. We have around 20 bottles of this left, fyi.
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