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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Just piping in...This one was fashioned to be along the lines of a classic herbal after shave kind of fragrance. It's a fresh and refreshing kind of vibe, not meant to be like a heavy fragrance...more a clean and freshly shaved kind of scent. Do you get that kind of vibe from it, QG?
  2. In my opinion? Absolutely not. There's wayyyyy too much None in it for a woman to wear. It can cause irritability, aggressiveness, and a blazing headache. If you like the notes, go for Compromising Positions, as this is what I was trying to make when I blended this one!
  3. NO WORRIES! We have way more than 7 bottles. We're not at all low yet.
  4. They won't have the USPS site updated until tomorrow or Monday. But what I can do is - if you give me a list of the items you are ordering (before you place the order), I can weigh that and find out what the exact price is that they are going to charge us. I don't want to overcharge anyone, so maybe invoicing is the way to go until we get this figured out.
  5. We're going to look into getting a FedEx acct and see if they can do any better. The PO is just out of control, with their 3x per year price hikes. It's just ridiculous. Thanks so much for being understanding. I adore you guys. xoxox
  6. I hate this, but we're going to have to lump Canada in as an International order now. We just got the pamphlet on the rules going into effect on Jan 27th, 2013. A package that used to cost us under $4 to ship is now going to be at least twice that. The minimum postage for a TWO OUNCE package to Canada is now $6.55...they do not disclose what additional ounces will cost yet, and our average package is around 13 ounces. The flat rate cost is now $19.95, with variable rate Priority STARTING at $28.25. I'm very sorry, but obviously we can't absorb that much of a hit. All orders to Canada must now use the International shipping toggle. waaah.
  7. John just ran to the PO and he's got the official file on his computer, but from what I can tell, you last redeemed at 1100. I can't find anything after that in the emails.
  8. EDIT to Perfumerie page and review page: NOTE: Please be aware, due to the content of natural coffee in this blend, we've found that this spray WILL discolor cloth. Probably best to spray on your body and hair before you dress. So, you should avoid linens and clothes with this one, but please don't let that scare you off of this one, it smells AMAZING.
  9. Hi Elizabeth! John says the last time you redeemed was indeed at 2500.
  10. Ok, we're splitting it for you guys. Catherine is re-bottling them now. So $15 for each of you. K?
  11. FYI, this one is getting low. We emptied the master bottle yesterday.
  12. There's no booze accord added to this one - it's just that some of the ingredients have a fermented type of cast to them. Just FYI.
  13. I usually start the cart with 24 bottles and 24 samples, sometimes 36 of each if I make an 'extra' amount. We have to be very conservative with these first numbers because most of the samples will be ordered in the sampler sets, and many bottles end up selling as sets and "write-ins" via other offerings (beta, add pheros, etc, as well as other vendors), and there's no way to count these, so we have to leave room for them. After a few weeks we will do a count and adjust the numbers, and when they get low we adjust the numbers again. A lot of times, we don't know that something has sold down to zero in the cart until we get an Out Of Stock notice thru the email, because someone tried to order it. When that happens, we count what's left and refill the cart accordingly. We adjust numbers throughout the cart on daily basis.
  14. Nothing like it, to me. It doesn't have any fruity note like C&R does.
  15. This one actually works better on me than Daisycake. I wore it out on the town tonight! YMMV, though on me this ends up being very much like delicious gooey cake batter and the flower just accentuates the sweetness.
  16. Oh, I'm totally fine. Thanks for the concern. I just had a heavy tide this month - horrible non-stop headache plus the doubled over cramps for 3 days. Yeah, joyful. But I'm much better now!
  17. Gotcha was conceived as the phero equivalent of Love Potion original - so I HAD to mix it with an LP!!! The honey is not over the top, IMO, it smells like LP original with an added boost of apricot and honey. The honey is not sleazy, but not the light clean type either - about right in the middle.
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