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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Sorry, kidlets, I had to relocate the spirited discussion to another thread. I try to keep the New Release threads for New Releases. Please continue the side discussion here: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=7862 Thanks!
  2. The front page is up for JANUARY! That means Perfumerie pages and full descriptions. HOWEVER, I am only now starting to work on the cart pages and FEB is going to take me a couple of more days, I'm afraid. You CAN order the sampler sets now, tho they will not ship until next week, just fill in which sampler set you are interested in. I am going to go program the sampler page first - January offerings only - and will eventually get through all of it in a couple of days. Thanks for your patience!
  3. Hi Raq, the last time you redeemed was thru 3,ooo posts.
  4. I must admit, after the drools started to amass, I burst into laughter thinking about what you might say when you saw it.
  5. Use 'em all at once! (Otherwise, where's the fun in it?)
  6. LOL. actually, you're not entirely wrong there. He also included a gift for each of you with this collection....I still have to figure out how to mail them to you...but he had some outdated calendar pages of him looking all drool-worthy, and he signed his autograph on each of them for you. I'm thinking I will mail them rolled like a scroll with your orders. Perfect for tacking to your cubicle wall at work and making all your co-workers jealous, horny and uncomfortable. heee!
  7. For the month of LOVE, a collection of Romance Novel inspired scents... We all know the name "Fabio", but allow me to introduce you to the guy who kicked his pansy ass. Yup, this is all one guy. This is Jimmy Thomas - his images have adorned the covers of more romance novels than anyone in history, over 4,000 and counting! Jimmy awesomely allowed us to license this group of pix for our February 2013 Romance Novel Inspired Collection. Feast your eyes, Ladies!
  8. No, sorry honey, my palette for these is very different. This is a cupcake scent with a coconut base, but very different from the PE.
  9. Yes, both months are coming out the same time. The Feb labels will be up by tomorrow. The Febs are "normal" perfumes, but with a theme. heheh.
  10. Yes, they're lighter, but some of them are so long-lasting that you can still smell them on your skin the next day. They are not as dense as oils, but they are meant to be sprayed all over your body like a splash - not just 1 spritz like a perfume, but like ten+ spritzes all over. That's why the extra large sizes - 4 ounces in the big bottles and 1/3rd ounces in the testers. The ones with the "Essential" name are made of essential oils and are more "spa-like" in scent, while the others are all flavorings and smell foody for the most part. You'll want to get the whole trial set, trust me!
  11. Something a little different for this month! Just a sneak peek and a few notes before the full descriptions come out... Fragranced Hydrating Waters 12 different scents, crafted exclusively of essential oils and flavorings, in a base of purified water and glycerin. These are water-based sprays - Safe to spray from head to toe, and even on hair, clothes and linens. Full Sized Bottles: 4 oz clear plastic spray bottles (120 ml) Trial Sizes: 1/3 oz clear plastic spray bottles (10 ml) Priced the same as our regular releases. Will be up and orderable by the end of the week.
  12. That's probably too much. First you have to assess the scent - how dense is it? How much can it handle? In a full bottle, an OCCO strength amount is 30 drops. For lighter sheerer scents, I might add around 14 drops to a full bottle. Since I do not know what you are adding this to and your bottle is not full, I'm going to suggest that you do not go over 8 drops of cops. Remember, you get cops results from as little as 4 drops per GALLON. You do not need to overpower your perfume with it - you don't even need to consciously smell it. Well, firstly, you won't need to shake it before use because alcohol and oil are natural blenders. It's silicone that doesn't blend with things and needs to be shaken. Now, about the amount...since you've got it in a somewhat diluted form already, I would say you are probably safe with around 15 -20 drops. Just remember that alcohol is thinner than oil, so the more alcohol you add to a roll-on bottle, the thinner the oil will become. Which is completely 100% fine for using, just keep it in mind that it will be more apt to leak through the roller ball housing if you choose to carry it around in your purse.
  13. Ok, hints.... January = ...and now for something completely different. (And NO! It's not a Monty Python theme.) February = we always try to do *all aphrodisiac* Valentine collections, and we licensed a special collection of images for this set. heheheh.
  14. Doesn't hurt that he was totally HOT!
  15. Oh, whew. I don't care if you buy anything or not, I just would be sooo sad if you didn't hang out with us anymore! !!!!!
  16. What does "swearing off" mean? You're not going to leave us, are you?
  17. Hi Honeycake! Looks like everyone is giving you excellent info. Here's a FAQ about the different bases, just FYI: http://lovepotionperfume.com/reading_room/articles/FAQ1 1x = 1,000, 2x = 2,000, 3x = 3,000 mcgs As mentioned above, when I create a phero enhanced perfume, the phero content is 333mcg, but the perfume is designed to enhance the intent of the phero blend, so often they "feel" stronger because they are congruent. When someone buys a phero boost, they are choosing a regular perfume from our catalog and we are adding 1,000 mcgs to it. I find there is an advantage to combining your scents and pheros because then you have a scent indicator for how much you are wearing. MORE does NOT equal BETTER when it comes to pheros...many/most people get a better result wearing a more modest amount. So when you find you're wearing the right amount of fragrance, you are also wearing the right amount of pheros. It's easy to overdo something when there is no scent indicator. Personally, I find that the heavy sexual (stinky) blends (such as OCCOs/Copulins, Sexpionage, Blatant Invitation) work far better in oil, and far better when combined with scent because you don't have to deal with the PITA dry down time. You want these to stay closer to your skin. And the light social blends (Open Windows, Lace, Topper) are most effective in a spray, either scented or not, because you want the wide diffusion. Hope that helps!
  18. PS, I lost track because people were releasing their holds and transferring them to other people, etc. Usually I say please claim within 2 weeks, and when I was left with those three bottles after the month was over, I figured those were abandoned. Sorry if I messed up. But you can join in the charity auction and bid for them - many are still below regular price! If your hold was for one of the latest PEs such as Mom's Carnation or Tyvey or July Girl's new ones, I haven't even put those up yet and still have them here.
  19. I hope it was hectic in a good way! I released the holds on anything that wasn't claimed, but if you are still interested, there is one left and it's being offered here: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=7802&hl=&fromsearch=1
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