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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Hmmm, we might have a bottle of Aloha Pumehana left. I would suggest that one, I love it to bits.
  2. Sorry, this one is sold out.
  3. Nah, this one is totally different from Polo which is a very fern/ivy heavy scent with a chypre/sandalwood bottom...(at least that's how I interpret it)... Excalibur would be the one for people looking for something closer to Polo. Touchdown does indeed have some of the fresh watery grassy-ness of our original Phero Boy, and also some of the listed ingredients of a popular current men's scent, but I think it was Aqua di Gio. Glad to hear Quince likes it!
  4. I think I do have a few left over from Victoria's trilogy. There's also some new PEs. I will post in a few days about what is available.
  5. It depends on the ratio. We have three mixes that are exclusively or predominantly those two molecules - TMI, True Confessions, and Open Windows. Are you a fan of any of those? It would kind of just be like adding cops and scent to one of those.
  6. But she was MAGIC! Like Mary Poppins! That's kind of a theme around here. Madame Leota =
  7. Ok, who was it that I promised a bottle to several weeks ago if I had any left? Oh yes, Dolphin Dolls! I just sent you an email.
  8. Yes, that's correct. They are being offered separately, and they are the same price as usual per set.
  9. The January and February collections are coming out at the same time this year, around January 15th, but they are two distinctly different sets. The January set is a whole new "thing", and will take a little extra time, while the Feb sets need to be out early so you can all have them in hand to slather on yourselves by Valentine's Day!
  10. They are exactly the same concentration - 1x. But the volume dispersed by the trial spray mechanism itself may have a lower output.
  11. Miss Hazel, you might try dabbing a little on your pillow case rather than your skin. That's what I do.
  12. Tyvey, you are so borking adorable! I wore La Femme Mystere w/ Vicars & Tarts last night to a Solstice/End of the World party. The crowd was, I kid you not, circus performers, professional actors and musicians, writers and other assorted creative types, aged from late teens to late 70's, and this young woman came up to me and said I was the most interesting, coolest person at the party. I looked from side to side and then behind me, and said, "MEEEEE?" No idea where that came from. bwaha! An old friend told me how fabulous my skin looked "How do you have such perfect skin?" I was like, Wah? I DON'T! And then a dude I have been friends with for over 20 years decided we must suddenly start hanging out together more, and there was already a date request in my inbox when I got my internet back this morning. I think I can attribute all three of these incidents to the perfume/phero mixture.
  13. It's not our sweet Jessica, tho she loved the scent! It was crafted by a newbie for a friend - whom she described with glowing admiration. I think this might have been the first thing she's ordered.
  14. Yuppers! Thanks! So glad there are a few carnation lovers here now! I was alone for such a long long time. ::sniffle::
  15. Yup, I'll hold one aside with your name on it. Thanks! Let's see if Hazel wants the other since she is looking for Carnations.
  16. MissHazel, I just finished a PE for someone that is Carnation-based, and it's gorgeous. I have two bottles extra from that brew. It's called "Mom's Crazy for Carnations" and in addition to the aforementioned flower, there is also a touch of a very complimentary Honeysuckle, and a touch of white musk in the base. I was bathed in it all day yesterday because I spilled half a bottle on myself. I kept the shirt on all day anyway because it smelled so good. Let me know if you'd like to claim one of the available bottles. If you're looking for other carnation based scents - Pom Pom Nom Nom is one, and there's spell potion Persuasion too, and if anyone has one in the trading post, Lover's Reunion Potion
  17. Belly button to cleavage, baby! Especially the cleavage. Your body heat helps diffuse the scent.
  18. FYI! Someone's been trying to order this - we just checked supply and added 2 more bottles to the cart.
  19. No, in fact it should work great on a guy. I used the cops in this one in a different way than I usually use it. I used it as a scent note rather than as a pheromone add. I did the math and it's only around 6-8 drops per bottle (that's why I didn't charge extra for the cops add) so it's not going to come out screaming, it's just a level of texture. And remember, you get a copulin response from as little as 4 drops per GALLON so this is still an effecting amount, but a lot less than I normally add to a woman's fragrance.
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