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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Most things don't come back. It's rare, because each perfume is created as a wearable work of art. Even when I'm trying to keep really good records of what ingredients I am adding in what measure, there's also a degree of spontaneity - a touch of this, a touch of that, so that no two brew editions ever come out exactly the same. Ingredient availability is also a major issue. We have over 100 suppliers all over the world and with almost every brew I make, I am using the last of at least 1 ingredient. Replacing that ingredient is not always possible. The naturally sourced oils change subtly or dramatically from year to year. Companies come and go. I may have to use different similar ingredients. So for a lot of reasons, they are never exactly the same. We release 10+ new blends every month. The concept of the company is that they are almost all limited editions. You enjoy them while they are there and then move on to the next new discovery. Only chemically mass produced fragrances are going to be the same every single time.
  2. I highly doubt it, I'm pheroing the last of it to cover these orders. But I haven't done it yet, so if you wanted to get one NOW I could pour one sans pheros. By tomorrow I will have blended and bottled what is left.
  3. OMG, did I do that? Well....I did have a sex dream about Hagrid once...I suppose my mind may travel in those directions. I do adore big bear-like guys. But Luna paints the pretty pretty word pictures.
  4. NO! Most people don't and we don't recommend it. But it's up to you of course. I am rather paranoid about your privacy, web stalkers and protecting our members against harassment. As Calii said, if you have a web business and use that address it's more commonly done.
  5. Yay! So happy you like them! They were very well thought out concepts. I really liked the pairings you came up with, very unique! And yes, I do love you.
  6. I made a lot of that one so we should be ok, but I will hold one aside for you just in case. Good luck with your move! How brave of you, doing that during the holidays!!!!!
  7. Ooops, thanks for reminding me! Yes, I have enough for you.
  8. Just added the last 6 bottles into the cart!!! (We have around a dozen samples too)
  9. Le Wizard = John, who is my second in command. He loves making naturey blends.
  10. Yes, just write in NOVEMBER in the section where it asks for CUSTOMER NOTES. (Not at the end of the order in PayPal, I mean there is a spot when ordering the monthly collection where you can tell me what month you want if it differs from the current month).
  11. Ummm, you guys didn't want any of this, did you? Catherine wants to buy it all up for gifts for her Solstice/End of the World party. I told her some of it is already committed for the monthly packs and subscribers but she's trying to make off with it ALL!
  12. barely there on the honey. It's really a daytime friendly blend as well as being sophisticated enough to wear with your holiday finery.
  13. It's a bit sweeter and rounder than that. If I remember correctly. And it's nothing like LP Silver.
  14. Potion Master

    Snow Musk

    The F&M are very soft - just a touch in this one, not a note you will notice. The musks are in the lead.
  15. The pear and pomegranate are in the fore, and the other notes support those. It's not a blatantly spicy blend.
  16. They ARE the same ingredients. But they were blended by two different labs. The original was made by Chris, and when he was out of the biz for a couple of years, I had a replacement made by Diane. Her blend is 50% the first ingredient. Chris's blend, as it was his formula to begin with, I find is better balanced. Now the situation is reversed. Chris is back but Diane is gone. So whatever we have left of B2 is all we will ever have. I like Teddy way better, but B2 also has it's strong supporters. I'm pretty sure that Beccah and Halo prefer B2.
  17. It might be perceived as such in the bottle, but mint is one of those notes that burns off rather quickly on the skin. The mint should last a couple of hours but I blended it so that it wouldn't be too overwhelming.
  18. That would be highly illegal. Well, at least Whoville would be.
  19. I TRIED TO DO THAT LAST YEAR!!! Little Cindy Lou Who, who is no more than two!!! I LOVE her! I licensed several pix to layer together and it just didn't WORK so I gave it up! Gonna go dig them out now....
  20. Pinch a Grinch!!!! OMG! That would've made a great perfume title for this month! ...putting on my calendar for next year...bwahahaha.... pinched Grinched cinched
  21. You can mix it ALL in. The sample vials are 1x - that is, if you had a 1oz bottle of spray, these are 1/5th of a spray bottle, same concentration. It will make the oils a lot more "thin" so you might have to be careful about laying them on their side or carrying in your purse, but as far as phero dosage and alcohol content, they are perfectly fine to mix together. If you only have the 10ml (1/3rd oz) bottles, then mix half a bottle of oil with the entire bottle of the Phero Trial Spray. OR, you can just add a few drops of oil to the spray to make a lightly scented phero spray.
  22. YAY, KATZ!!!! lol! Heee! It's called Grinch Font! I'm upping your post count by 100 for playing along with our little game this evening.
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