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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. I under-fill the cart, you guys! I put in a conservative amount EVERY MONTH to make sure we don't oversell the items. Once all the initial orders, write-ins, wholesale orders, Amazon orders, etc, are accounted for then we do an inventory and add more into the cart. There's always more than those initial numbers. No need to panic...yet!
  2. LOL! Actually, I was calling booze expensive.
  3. Sooo off topic, so I thought I would answer the Qs here rather than where they are popping up all over the individual new releases... Here's the outfit in color. It was just a red and black lace body suit with matching thigh-high stockings that were elastic so didn't need garters. Then I just shredded big t-shirts to wear on top and wore a big heavy leather belt. I had little black lingerie shorts on underneath, and knee high pirate style boots. My trick was that I never really "showed" anything....but gave the impression that I did. A freshly ravaged look. Look as though you just got out of bed and are willing to get right back into it...that was my style. A peek of lace here and there is all you need to get people's imaginations in gear. Here's an older pic. Me on the right....with a touch of red lace.
  4. I'm thinkin' it will make him a cheaper date, and you as well, if you wear it. I probably shouldn't post this here, but after sniffing it John said he felt like he'd just taken a shot of Jack and had to go sit down.
  5. Thank you, dear ones, but keep in mind that was circa 1988. I'VE AGED!!!
  6. No, well, yes, but I meant that I think this will be one of those that makes everyone need less alcohol than they usually require.
  7. Know how certain pheros can lower your resistance to alcohol?
  8. Nooooo. I keep the stuff I use all the time out on my dresser. It's only the stuff I want to save for years in new condition that I tuck away in a dark box.
  9. I made a double supply of everything for women this month, some even more than that. We should last the month at least!
  10. No no! The super-dirty musk in Joire De was a civit musk. Don't think I've used that in anything since. Hmmmm, might have to try again.
  11. It's ok to hoard the scents and pheros, but the Bath & Body items should be used promptly. I would probably toss any B&B item over 2 years old, but it's best if you use them within 6 months of purchase.
  12. Pheros last AGES, as long as you keep them away from heat and light. Those are the deadly enemies of pheros. Stone Labs (one of our suppliers) tested their phero blends at the 3 year mark and found 0% degradation. Scents differ. We say that our scents have a shelf life of around 6 years to be on the safe side. But some things - for example scents with a lot of delicate herbal or citrusy essential oils - may last only around 3 years. Heavier resinous blends last decades. In any case, they never get "dangerous" (someone asked about that a few months ago), the worst than can happen is they lose their freshness or dimension. When scents go "off" you start getting an undercurrent like old olive oil. Many people never even notice it, but I do. And as with pheros, cool and dark preserves them the best. Your closet or under your bed are the perfect places to store them.
  13. OMG - YAY! I FINALLY got everything in the cart UP and running. Whew! And thank you so much for all the LUCK you guys sent over, it definitely helped, my meeting went great. It was with the state tax board so I was a bit nervous cuz last year the woman I was assigned to was nasty nasty nasty to the max. This year I got a couple of fabulous ladies who were amazingly helpful and things went smooooooth as silk. So happy! (I wore Enchanted Wonderland w/ Lace...I love how people become so much more helpful when Est is in the mix!)
  14. Welll...my alternative was: don't be such a pussy...fish. bwaha! LOL, Xev! Too cute!
  15. I only uploaded the New Releases and Samples into the cart, but that still covers everything. So I am quitting for the night and will finish this tomorrow afternoon. Thanks everyone!! xoxox Have a very early biz appt tomorrow am - wish me luck!
  16. New Release page is now up, which includes the Pick Your Potions and the full bottle sets. Working on Sample page now!
  17. OMG: Obsessing between page uploads.... http://elections.huffingtonpost.com/2012/results/
  18. Nope sorry, they are candle powered! Yes, Xev! At this point they are all *there*, just not obviously there - so if you're smart enough to find them via search you can order them. I am programming the cart pages now so everything will be up in a few hours. I voted, and had a fab lunch, so I am raring to go again!
  19. Ok, the front page is finally finally finally UP! Whew! I am going to go run and vote, and shove some food in my face since I haven't had a morsel yet today, then I'll come back and start uploading the cart pages. So, to summarize: PERFUMERIE is up and you can order full sized bottles from there. But the cart is NOT up so you can't order samples or sets yet. K? Thanks everyone! I'll be back soon! xoxoxoxox
  20. Well, you know, the three of us were born within weeks of each other. I think there's something to being almost exactly the same age and having similar cultural influences...there's a lot of similarities between we three.
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