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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Oh no!!! I'm sorry for that error, Molly! I will leave a note for John to send that out to you on Monday. Huge apologies!
  2. I think you've got a problem with combining those two scents. This is a combo that sounds like it would clash something awful...they might smell jarringly bad together.
  3. May! A freshly blended perfume is never going to smell the same as one that has aged 4 years. How about giving it a minute? The ingredients are all the same, and even the sources are the same, though the lots are different.
  4. I like that one for bedroom aura - I apply to my pillow and it makes me feel as if I am sleeping in nature...camping without the camping. Also strikes me as a good wake-up scent for early mornings when you need to feel more awake than you are.
  5. small orange bottle = BUBBLES!!! The hard pumpkin thingy is actually hand painted wood and a very nifty spinning top! And yeah, I love slime. heeee. Maybe someone will take a picture of the collection since several people have received them by now.
  6. No, really? Which one has you baffled? There is nothing edible in there. (I don't like to mix fragrances and candy because I think the candy absorbs the smell of the perfumes and ruins the candy, so everything in there is toys.) Just open it and play!!!
  7. LOL! The LP freebie in there would be SOAP. The other items are for encouraging mature adult behavior.
  8. I may have enough on hand to brew another round if the demand is still high. This was such a surprise hit, no? Who woulda thunk a clean white lilac scent would appeal so strongly to our cake-obsessed crowd?
  9. I always tell everyone that we load the cart conservatively so that we don't oversell an item. There's other avenues of sale for us that are not reflected in the cart numbers and we have to take those into consideration, such as write-ins in the custom/beta areas, invoicing, wholesale sales, Amazon sales, etc. We try to leave ourselves room for these and we do multiple recounts of stock before something is sold out.
  10. Send me an email and ask for an invoice! CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com I dunno what is up with the cart but it was doing the same thing to me when I was programming it the other day. When I restarted my computer it was fine. Maybe just more traffic than it can handle? I think we have more items in our cart program than any other of their customers.
  11. It's known to help when there is a picture of a person to identify with the pheromone signature. You can apply a phero spritz to a photo of yourself, but to simply text? I don't know if that would work.
  12. Eggers, how did you find a pic of the little black bat cats from my dream a few weeks ago!? It's them exactly! Thank you for checking on the omission! Actually, I have one bottle left, but I decided to hold it aside because I love this creation so much, I am going to do a larger brew, phero'd for next month's Pheromas. It'll be one of the unisex offerings. I didn't want to put up a description of it now and ruin a surprise.
  13. And the PEs are now loaded as well. Programming is complete.
  14. Potion Master


    This is one of the safest of the month in that case, (beware the pumpkins!) The spice in this one is pretty demure. It's mellowed even since I brewed it.
  15. Blackberry, not raspberry. It's very round-smelling to me...the marshmallow makes you feel like you're biting into something fluffy and round, and benzoin is sticky sweet, syrupy. This is one of my faves for the month. Love that avatar, Chrissy! So cute!
  16. They've been over here, coaching me to get it RIGHT! I'll send them over with your package. My assistant Jessica chose the name for this one, she's from El Salvador. Jessica was flat out shocked at how perfectly it matches her sense memory of the ritual smoke blessing ceremony they attend every year. (OMG, how you do that?! Bruja, bruja! ) It's the geranium I think...I used one that has a smokey cast to it and fuses with the other incensey notes just gorgeously.
  17. It's dry rather than sweet, but it's also not sharp - it's very smooth...smokey and smooth. Kinda sofistikated-like.
  18. Ok, New Release and Trial Vial pages are up. I have to go for a few hours and will program more of the cart this evening...remember, PEs and B&B items still to go!
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