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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. I might have gone a little overboard on the pumpkins this month...I asked Luna if she thought so and she just laughed at me and said something about you all liking pumpkin scents "ALOT", which was news to me.
  2. I LOVE the poem for Spider Silk - you outdid yourself on that and it's exactly what I wanted. And my other fave is The Dark....that is so cool. You should do a whole story in that style. *squishes back*
  3. Just want to mention, there's a couple of descrips this month that are my favorites of all that Luna has ever done, ever!
  4. They will be up either tomorrow night or Wednesday. Thanks for your patience!
  5. You are confusing 2 separate offers. Sorry if I did not make that clear. The monthly pack, featuring all new releases, contains 11 fragrances. Separately, we are offering a grab bag of trial vials from Halloweens PAST. A collection of 15 scents from past years...a $75 value for $35...which is less than half price.
  6. Yes, I am nudging people to get the sampler pack this month...let's just say we had fun with the presentation. nyeheheheheheeeeeee!!!
  7. New Soaps! $7.95 per bar - these are the large bath-sized bars. Love Potion (Original) scented soap SLS-free all-vegetable soap, with shea, cocoa and pumpkin seed butters added. UNE scented soap All-vegetable glycerin soap, very generously fragranced, with a little sprinkling of bee pollen added. Betrothal scented soap All-vegetable glycerin soap, very generously fragranced! Free mini soap included with each trial set this month - while supplies last!!
  8. Private Editions: Lina's Marzipan Cake Victoria's Tropical Heat Angela's Purple Pastry Maiea's Green Lavender White Bikini Willow's Caress
  9. Spell Weaver Sveet Tooth Midnight Masquerade Little Witches Strange & Unusual EBIL-ish! Spider Silk Espiritual Spiced Cider Pudding don't be afraid of... THE DARK! Jack for Men And a Special for this month only: A Treat Bag full of 15 Trial Vials from Halloweens past for only $35. That's more than 50% off!
  10. PS. Are you joshing me? Did Luna tell you???
  11. It WAS Saks!!!!!!! That's where it happened! OMG - you are AMAZING!!! This is what I wrote to Luna when I made it: I have a scent memory from my when I was a little kid. There's something about this blend that reminded me of being in the coat dept of Sacks Fifth Ave in NY, and squishing myself between the fur coats side by side on the racks...making an aisle where there was none...so I could feel the fur smooshing me on both sides up to the top of my head. The vaguely musky smell of the fur, combined with the scent of expensive perfume from previous customers that tried them on.
  12. I can't even believe you said that, Tyvey!! It's exactly that!! I guess the fur dept of the big NYC dept stores still smells the same after all these years? I was so enamored of the furry richness I experienced that when I saw a pretty lady walking away wearing a fur coat, I slipped my hand in hers, pretended I was her daughter and made to leave with her. The funny thing was, at first she took my hand and was walking away with me, then she stopped, and said, Wait, I'm not your mother! I know, but can I go with you anyway?
  13. Ah, May - I was writing when you posted. PLEASE don't take more than 10 mg unless specifically prescribed by your physician! Please tell us about your singing when you have a chance! What is it that you are performing?
  14. Xev is spot on. I was prescribed this just a couple of years ago for my heart, and I WISH I was prescribed it during my music career. I used to have occasional bouts of debilitating stage fright, with shaking hands and panic attacks. When it was prescribed to me I was told that it's been prescribed to performing musicians since the 1960's. Why none of my doctors thought of this I have no idea. So I can attest to this being an excellent idea, but I also want to bring up the drawbacks... You definitely do not want to self-medicate, you want to consult a doctor on this, because too high a dose can stop your heart. The dose I'm on for propanalol, the common strength, is very light - 10 mg per pill. If you take too much you can experience extreme light headedness, fainting, low blood pressure, vertigo. I took 2 instead of 1 one day by accident - couldn't remember if I'd taken it yet so it took it twice, and I had near-fainting vertigo that lasted 3 days and hit me every time I stood up. More does not necessarily work better, nor does it make you high like Valiuum does, it makes you very very uncomfortable. I also want to share a bit of personal experience with dealing with my own stage fright that might help. I spent over 20 years of my life onstage. I realized that my stress level completely impacted on my bouts of stage fright. If there were other problems on my mind, my stage fright was worse. If I was able to put any additional issues out of my head, I was completely comfortable onstage. If you can take whatever steps you can to make sure that you have no stresses to think of on the day you are called to perform, you'll feel better. The other thing I learned, is that other people's opinions of your performance usually have more to do with them than with you. I learned not to worry about what other people think and only please myself - which was probably a higher standard than most of my audience anyway. I've been through phenomenal shows where a friend or fan would say was "eh", and when I asked how THEY were doing, would learn that they got home from work to find all of their clothes on the lawn because they'd been thrown out. And have done mediocre performances that fans judged as great because they had a great day themselves or were in love or whatever.
  15. We include freebies in every order. So even if you did not get to pick something yourself this time, you can do so next time, but you will still find a gift in your box.
  16. "illiterate cowboys" Yes, thank you, GWB.
  17. It's even a running joke on Dr Who to portray Americans as trigger happy and wearing cowboy hats. "Stetsons are cooool."
  18. Our OCCO collection has the strongest amount of cops in any of our products, other than the straight Essence Oil. The scent in these is extra concentrated - I do not use as much carrier oil in these because I really want the perfume to cover the smell of copulins. From speaking to the other vendors you've mentioned, I'm quite sure that our blends have the highest copulin content, but remember, that is not always a good thing. Just a few drops of cops can often do a better job than drowning yourself in the stuff. I always use our copulin products sparingly because they are so strong. Does that help at all?
  19. Yay, we don't have to stay in the hayloft after all! Are you sure you can trust us Americans not to shoot up the joint and ride our horses into the house? (we know what you think of us over there!) I knew someone who told her father that she wanted to move to America, and he said, "What do you want to live THERE for? The place is filled with cowboys all shooting at each other!"
  20. Yes, it has copulins, a lot of copulins. We actually consider it an OCCO over here, even though it is not labelled as such because it started out it's life as a PE. But since then, it has been moved into the phero section and resides with the other OCCO varieties in our cabinet.
  21. Potion Master


    I think that a man CAN wear it, but the way it has aged it has ended up quite feminine IMO.
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