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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Rats, I didn't know it wasn't in the cart! I have around 8 bottles of Forest Cake left. Email if you want one, I guess.
  2. Glad you like it, Cel! We still have some of Ravenwing's White Forest Cake, btw.
  3. Yes, I saved aside a bit of the perfume potion itself for anyone who wants to try the scent magic without the pheros. Also, per Chris's advice, I tweaked the phero blend a little bit since the original testing stage, added a little alpha-nol to buffer it and make the effects smoother, so it should come off as not quite an emotional punch, but more of a hug.
  4. Potion Master


    The bourbon is pretty strong, but in the combo, it's got that *devour you whole* deliciousness. Even John said he wanted to eat it, and he's not much of a foody fan.
  5. Depends on the season. We sell a lot of TH during family holiday times, but probably more H&S week to week,
  6. I don't know what to do then! Wait til tomorrow and try again?
  7. WE MUST ALL GO TO ENGLAND TOGETHER. IT IS WRITTEN. Bwaha! Now Mel just has to decide on a hubby amongst all her little toy boys! We're staying at Ellie's house. Prepare the stables for us, Ellie!
  8. Potion Master


    And you have a sweet gift from your friend in Australia reserved for your next shipment too.
  9. OMFG! 21 orders in the last 20 minutes? What is UP with everyone tonight?!
  10. Potion Master


    Definitely get a sample for Mom! Meng, you need to have the trio at least in sample form!
  11. Personally, I think this is the best one yet. I left out any note of citrus in this incarnation, even though it is apt for the aura, because I always detect a little note of Pledge wood cleaner whenever citrus and wood are together at the same time. None of that here. This is my favorite thus far.
  12. Mel is in ENGLAND! Therefore, we are DEFINITELY all going! Via doubledecker bus, and the LP Blimp!!!!
  13. I used most of the same ingredients as DAD but in entirely different measure. I did not try to match them at all. I didn't even dig out a comparison vial until after it was brewed. But yeah, it's got most of the same ingredients so it's in the same family. I think this one is really quite masculine. I thought about it, whether I would wear it, and in the end I thought, no. I will definitely wear Elementary myself, but this one is all man.
  14. I thought that this pic looked like our Rosebud & Axl Rose. LOL! But there's a bunch of other shots from the session and they are both brunette and look nothing like those people in real life...it's just the one angle. So we've got Rosebud, Beccah and Lady V on this month's labels.
  15. Potion Master


    LOL @ Luna Raq - pretty much every perfume on earth has amber in it. It's the most popular and flexible base note there is. There's thousands of types of amber. I have at least 300 here. Trust me, you can't be uniformly anti-amber.
  16. Use the first thingy on the top of this page to do so: http://lovepotionper...one_Blends.html You need to write in the fragrance you want, and use the drop down menu for the phero blend you want. K? Thanks, Chrissy!
  17. I had to wait for the dust to settle re the previous plans for it. You recall I explained that to you, Steph? Yes, when we got together on it, I was finally ready to roll with it.
  18. It's been brewed for a year. It was conceived before that. And of course, we've been brewing Elementary since 2004. Long time Sherlockians around here!
  19. I wasn't going to scrap it entirely, because I LOVE the scent, I was just maybe going to name it something else other than 221B - and brew something else for 221B, but Stephanie convinced me it was still in line with the legend - especially HER story, so on we went! Yes, 221B has been brewed and on deck for around a year now, so it is good and melded! There's been some...um...political issues that kept me from releasing it sooner.
  20. OMG - YOU GUYS ARE MAKING ME DIZZY!!! I CAN'T KEEP UP WITH THE FLOOD! Ok, more of Lizzy's Ebil was added to the cart, I'll make more!
  21. Yes, but the full bottle collection always includes only the 10 bottles for women. The sampler set contains the full 12, including the ones for men.
  22. And that's all the cart pages - so everything is up and orderable now.
  23. Samples are up in the cart! Will have the rest up within the hour.
  24. Potion Master


    Not at all. Just part of the base.
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