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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. After hearing one of our customers pronounce this as Icklan, lol, I feel the need to share: Iclyn is a girl's name pronounced like Iceland, without the D.
  2. A GIGANTIC THANK YOU TO THOSE WHO ARE DONATING ALONG WITH US THIS MONTH! You friggin' ROCK! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ I made a cheat sheet again this month since it was amazingly helpful last time for us at the shop. Why didn't I think of this decades ago? Here is access for you: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FTPmIxQD-mMUc4ScgSmMfSXSv2jdpGGcg3ob_XVGFhI/edit?usp=sharing
  3. yep Fruity florals are the signature of summertime. A variant, mixing my Ambrosia recipe with a Dreamsicle feel. Thus the name.
  4. It should be working now. So here's the thing, I thought the coupons would just grab everything in the New Release section, but there's a 100 item cap so it rejected the update. What I had to do to get the bottle discount to work was not include the Spray options. So if you are wanting things made into sprays, you'll have to ask for an invoice to get that discount, sorry! This was the fastest easiest way to do it and sprays sell the least so it made sense.
  5. Thanks, checking on both, be right back! FIXED! Thank you! ooooohhhh, I get it now, give me like 15-20 mins to fix it, thank you.
  6. And they are UP on the LP site. It will take me another day to get them up on Etsy. Pleeeze let me know if I messed up anywhere. There were so many little site glitches going on this week. Thank you, have fun reading Luna's fab descriptions! Make sure you check the Coupon Codes for discounts!! https://lovepotionperfume.com/collections/new-releases
  7. This month we have incredible artwork by the fabulous Paulina Fae! She's world renown as an award winning Tarot and Oracle artist and has SEVEN decks on the market! (We happen to carry all of them in the shop so if you can't get enough of her artwork we can send you decks too!) She's also a musician and writer, and her CDs and books are available on her website. paulinafae.com Also, I want to mention this up front so it isn't missed. I'm sure all of you have noticed how prices on absolutely everything have skyrocketed over the last 2 years. I wanted to be fair and give you advance notice, that this is the last collection that will be sold at the current prices. When we launch the 'Weenies this Autumn, everything is going to go up a few dollars. We haven't raised prices in, I dunno, a decade or more?, and there's just no way we can absorb the present price hikes, with some of our supplies going up as much as 500%. So please enjoy this set and stock up on all your faves while these prices last. Thank you for your understanding. Now on with the show!! I hope to have these up and orderable by Monday. We've got 23 gorgeous releases for this Summer, so I plan to let you pick your own sampler sets again this month! Enjoy! Adam's Nectar 2022 w/ Love God Ambrosial Dream w/ EoW Copulins 100% of the profits for this release will be donated to Ukraine charities. Buttercream Peach w/ BLAM (LAM + BAM) & Aja Blanco Crema Destine Firefly w/ Indescretion (unisex) Flamingo Pink Gala di Champagne Halo Iclyn (unisex) Kenzie w/ Mega Watt (unisex) Kukumo (unisex) Lily Pond Mamelons de Cerise Mtoto (unisex) Odalesse w/ Blatant Invitation Paulina Plume Coco Pomme de Fleur Sublime Summer Garden Sunshine Brulee Theros (unisex)
  8. Topper is not discontinued. We are just temporarily light on ingredients. If you need to buy some now and the cart is empty, please send us an email. Thanks! CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com
  9. This list has been updated as of 5/13/22
  10. Correct. We asked for this blend to be specifically designed for us by Stone Labs, but they do not disclose the ingredients - trade secrets. Stone is the number one lab in the country if not the world. We trust their blends. Right, this blend was designed to primarily effect women.
  11. @Amanda, oh I didn't take offense! No apologies necessary! I understand perfume is intensely personal and everyone has different chemistries and tastes. I thought maybe the concept needed a little clarification is all. This one is actually doing quite well, in person with the locals - they enjoy nature scents around here in the Pacific Northwest.
  12. Blatant Invitation and Sexology are both Copulin heavy blends. It works best if you apply the heavily sexual formulas and copulins from your cleavage on down. I would never apply these to the neck, face or hair region. The scent of those pheros would naturally come from the region of your underpants, so wearing them around your face may give the impression of being unclean, rather than sexy. We have laughingly dubbed this phenomenon Coochie Head here on the forum. Less is indeed more when it comes to pheromones, and it does take some trial and error to learn how to apply them properly. Did you get the bookmark with application tips in with your order?
  13. no no, there's no alcohol. It's oils of different viscosities. It happens sometimes with specific ingredients like marshmallow root, some types of vanilla, butter c02. It can usually be fixed by turning something into a spray - so adding alcohol would fix it, but I wanted this one to be an oil so ask everyone to shake it. Sorry, I know it's kind of a pain, but I thought this one would smell better as an oil, at least if it is shaken.
  14. To me, the Atlantic shoreline smells different than the Pacific. This one is Atlantic...it's cold salty air with nothing tropical about it. It's why I used the word "Shore" - East Coast terminology. Just explaining myself and perhaps adjusting expectations of this one. It's more Cape Cod than California.
  15. Welcome, Lori! You may have to adjust your expectations about what a HIT really looks like, too. Often I hear things like, "There's something different about you today...did you get a haircut? Is that a new blouse?" What that's really telling you is that they are looking at you anew - you have gained their closer attention. You may be getting responses such as people opening a door for you, or offering you a chair, or asking to help carry things. I mean, people you know who don't normally do that sort of thing for you. Most people have control over their visible reactions, so may not seem to be reacting right away. They might even say something a few days later. My advice would be if you are working on a target, wear the same phero blend several days in a row around them, so their perceptions of you are consistent and not confusing. Then try a different blend for a few more days, and judge the reactions like that. How much are you wearing and where are you applying? It helps to keep a journal when you are starting your phero journey - write down how much you wear, where you apply, and any impressions at the end of the day. Try more, or less, the next day. Most of the time I don't realize something was a hit until I think about it later. Why was everyone acting so chivalrous today? That was weird. Oh yeah! I wore Lace today! Good luck and have fun with them!
  16. Was someone asking me for a Virgin bottle of this? I forgot I had set some aside, and just added to the cart. 4 bottles available in the LP cart now.
  17. Thanks for the review, @Amanda! It's likely the Aja that is giving you that long-lasting honey impression. I would suggest getting a trial vial of Aja on its own that you can wear alone or with other scents. Aja is an interesting substance, it tends to get stronger on the skin as the hours go on and will last into the next day. You might have fun experimenting with it.
  18. Um, no. I didn't know anything about the strike. I saw that email go by a week or so ago, re their price hike, and thought little of it. To put it in perspective, they are raising their rates from 5% to 6.5%. There is no online sales entity that charges less then 6.5%. None. It is perfectly fair for their services which includes the processing of the funds and hosting of the shops. For our own site, we are paying both PayPal and Shopify per item sold, which totals at least that amount, (not to mention all the other domain and hosting fees), and when we were on Amazon, they took 25-30%. I might not like it, but it's by no means unreasonable in the current climate. But thank you for telling me about it. I will look into it further and see if I feel that participating in the strike would result in any positive change.
  19. Ok! For those who prefer Etsy checkout, the NRs are now posted on our LUV site: https://luvpotionperfume.com/shop/21642631/new-releases You can also ask for an invoice, as no discounts are enabled on that one, only via invoice or the main LP site. Our email: CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com
  20. And by the way, the discounts will not function on the Etsy/Pattern/LUV site. You'll have to order through the LOVE site or via invoice for that.
  21. Etsy gives us a very hard time posting pheros, doesn't allow unscented pheros, and does not allow spell potions, so, I will put them up on the LUV site, which is owned by Etsy and uses Etsy checkout, but not on Etsy proper. Will this work for you? I will be doing this later today, I have a couple more urgent things to do, then will get to this. www.LUVPotionPerfume.com
  22. You may have noticed I have been manually refunding 10% when an order for over $100 is made, when the other coupon codes do not apply. So I just added a manual coupon code you can add at checkout for that occasion: This temporarily replaces the automatic 10% OFF discount, which I had to remove so that other, larger discounts could be applied. All the different codes for this month can be found here: https://lovepotionperfume.com/products/pherotine-2022-coupon-codes
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