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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. It's rather delicate, soft, slightly floral, lightly powdery, with just a hint of citrus. I posted in the notes that even if you slather it, you'll have a hard time wearing too much. It wears for a long time, but it's an unobtrusive scent, which works well with the intent of the potion. I would consider it school and office friendly. Does that help?
  2. Potion Master


    Actually, Luna is correct, but Elementary always had the tm symbol on it, going back to the first brew in 2004. See here: http://lovepotionperfume.com/perfumerie/potion/Elementary/
  3. And thank you, dear BECCAH! Wow, kickin' butt and getting those up FAST! I asked Beccah to be our official thread starter from now on, cuz I loved her idea of putting the notes in the top spot when she starts a thread. I think this will make everything somewhat more convenient for everyone, seeing the picture and the notes right there in the thread. Great job, Honey, thanks!
  4. Ok, they are now up on the front page! (I see some of you rascals were spying in advance!!) Just want to say, I am thrilled with the work of BOTH of our scribes this month. Luna outdoes herself each and every month, she never ceases to charm and amaze. And I also want to give a very hearty THANK YOU to our guest writer, Stephanie aka AlienChangeling, who wrote the adorable mood-setting excerpts for all three of our Sherlockian scents, inspired by her own Holmesian characters from her Displaced Detective book series. You both did wonderful work and I think compliment each other beautifully. Thanks, Ladies! I am still programming the cart, so sample sizes and PEs and creams and such will not be up and orderable until this evening. K? Thanks, everyone!
  5. Sorry, only the musks are available in 1/6th oz this month.
  6. I always do the same thing! It's that "be careful what you wish for" thing. You don't want to simply ask to lose 20 pounds and then lose a limb. Sorry, if that was too dark. Wishing you the best of success!
  7. Noooo! Too many perfumes at once!!! As well as too much cops and mixing phero blends. There's no need to mix Torrid with anything else, it's a finished phero enhanced perfume. You may have been wearing clashing scents too. Please try just one at a time. I bet your results will be much much better.
  8. I would go very light on the cops if you add them, so they are near imperceptible.
  9. I have a friend who is an elderly Englishwoman and fellow Sherlockian, and she says, that it was never meant to be a "period piece", it was the cutting edge of it's time, and thus is comfortably updated to the present or any era. She said the Basil Rathbone series was updated to THAT era, and she loves the current BBC series. I like that attitude.
  10. Thank you, Meng! I think 221b is one of my faves for the month.
  11. Do we have a special guest contributing to the descriptions of the Sherlockian scents, I wonder????
  12. Arghhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm dying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. No, just the full size or spray, sorry. I rarely do the 5mls. The "nature" scents are not huge with our clientele even tho I adore them, so I only made a little bit.
  14. Yes, you always get all of them. There's at least 10 each month, and sometimes more. LP Sunfire is a sold out blend. I have NO IDEA why that came up!
  15. LOL! I knew you'd get it. Ok, you've twisted my arm - it was the one by Wendy, and when she was describing to me what she wanted over the phone I asked her if she was a Who fan and she says, "YES! How did you know!" And I said, "You're describing Petrichor." Bwaha! It's one of my very favorite smells and equally wearable by both sexes. Only one other person has asked for something similar for a PE over the years, and John and I stole the rest of that one cuz we loved it so much. It's a gorgeous aroma. NO! I didn't get to see it cuz our satellite dish got whacked by a meteor or something. I might have to wait and buy the series after it ends. Was it amazing?
  16. LOL! Yes, the monthly set comes with all 12. Everyone with a yearly subscription also gets all 12. And some of you ladies will enjoy wearing the men's ones too!
  17. I'm gonna give one hint re one of the PEs, for my fellow Dr Who fan(s): PETRICHOR
  18. I KNOW! I'm exhausted! Now everyone knows why it was so late this month! Thanks for the kind words everyone! Meng - Watson is the one that has the same ingredients as DAD, but in different measure.
  19. We've got "Pheromas" coming right up in November, so we want to save some goodies for then! (That's our one all-phero month per year.)
  20. Our first reformulated creme is here! Our customer favorite blend of Olive & Apricot, scented with Love Potion Original and fortified with Copulins! ---- Working on those new labels little by little. Here's the new label for Phero Girl - featuring legendary lovers Cupid & Psyche - now available in the 1/3rd oz roller bottles like the others, rather than the 1/4 oz bottles, per your request!
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