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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Some New Musks..... Caramel Musk Pumpkin Musk Choco Musk ------- The latest Private Editions.... Lizzy's Ebil Sugared Ginger Cookies Celrynnya's Raspberry Fairy Cakes Wendy's Wandering Moonlight Nancy's Orange Blosson, Amber & Musk Lina's Pumpkin Apple Ravenwing's Canadian Cutie
  2. 221B for Women Watson for Men Elementary - Chapter 4 Gilded Season A Taste for Luxury Jewels of Avalon Luna's Miss Autumn Autumn Wishes A Lick of Pink Hungry Heart Flambé Empathy & Harmony - Phero Enhanced!
  3. Only if you change your avi to bribe me. (yes, of course)
  4. Ok, I made more - used the last of my veggie honey so this is all for now. I have 8 bottles worth - In the cart, while they last!
  5. Potion Master


    I would assume there is some natural almond oil in there. Almond oil is one of those ingredients that is less expensive to produce naturally than artificially. I only added a dash, it's not a primary ingredient, the overall percentage in the mix is minute.
  6. No, I think what is being perceived as mint-like is actually a drop of pine in the wood accord.
  7. We're awaiting a large order of mones....should be restocked in a few weeks. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  8. No, this one smells great on me, and JJ likes it too. (It was Mistress of Fate that went wonky with my chemistry).
  9. The Sweet Violet is somewhat fruity.
  10. PayPal insists we get a signature on any order over $100 or they won't cover us for loss. Learned that the hard way when someone claimed they did not receive a $1,300 order and we were told that the Delivery Confirmation wasn't enough. Signature confirm adds around $3 to the cost of postage for us. It's not that we prefer to inconvenience you guys, truly.
  11. Please, one of my PM fans once sent me an ORIGINAL fan scarf with all their heads on it from the 70's. He found it for me on Ebay UK. Still have it! Sealed in plastic!
  12. And if you can't find them in the UK, you won't find them anywhere!
  13. You just divined my recent diet. I've been living on ice cream. FYI - Dryers Slow Churned is on sale at Ralph's the mo - 3 jugs for $10!!!! This week we got Coffee, Choco Chip Mint, and Vanilla Bean...and John got Peanut Butter. (WTH? He eats peanut butter ice cream and likes pineapple pizza. That just seems backwards to me.)
  14. If you guys guess, I'm cancelling the release!!! Mel: Argh, I do have to make more wax melts, and very soon, but it's over 100 degrees here and I just can't face working with molten wax in a 110 degree kitchen for a solid week...need to wait until this heat wave breaks. I will try to find a marshmallow candle oil...think I saw one somewhere once....hmmm.....
  15. You're not really looking are you? LOL! Please don't. But thank you for the effort!!! xoxoxoxo
  16. Bwahaha! I had a feeling BCR meant something different to you than it does to me. I was just kidding you.
  17. YOU HAVE BAY CITY ROLLER EARRINGS???!!! Can you get me a pair?!!!!
  18. This was part of a monthly collection a couple of years ago, not precisely a PE. Not planning on rebrewing it, but there's still 22 bottles in stock so you have little need to worry... yet!
  19. Thank you for the beautiful review! I believe there is currently 3 bottles left and this one will not be rebrewed. sorry.
  20. Can't do this in a linen spray because it's already alcohol based. Sorry!
  21. I just rebrewed the three musks - French Musk, Pink Musk and Orchid Musk, and put them back in the cart. 2 new Musks planned for this coming month. TMI's Caramel Musk (sans pheros) + one more. NO PEEKING!!
  22. Foxy? Nooo, that's me looking for corsets to make a matching label with the other musks.
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