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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. LOL. ok....will go search for another corset....
  2. Gaby! Mel, on me the leather amps quite a bit in most blends, including this one. If you are super-sensitive, I'd beware in this case.
  3. Yes, the scent of TMI without the pheros. I don't know about permanent...maybe just a temporary fad, like most of the Sugared scents we offered and the Musky Dusky*s...very hot for a while. They're simple to make as long as I have the ingredients.
  4. Hmmm, maybe I should just add Caramel Musk to the list of Musks on the PE page for next month?
  5. Oh, pooh. I already put pheros in the entire master bottle. I didn't know anyone wanted any without.
  6. I have one 5ml bottle left of this! Will probably make another round too, as so many people have been asking for the other 2 in the set...easy to make this one too.
  7. Brewed up a new batch of this yesterday, just FYI. I had to use different sources for 2 of the ingredients, and IMO, it smells a little bit milder straight from the bottle, and then practically identical on the skin after dry down. Phero mix is exactly the same. Just wanted everyone to know, as the label remains the same. All orders placed through yesterday have the last brew. All orders from today on will have the latest brew.
  8. You should probably do it with GC, so I know to give you one from the last round that is reserved for you. (And yes, you can wait til new releases, and please add it to the rest of your order, not alone.) I got the new ingredient in yesterday! Thank the Gods, it seems identical. I'm going to brew up some more today and put it back into the cart.
  9. WAIT WAIT, REWIND REWIND!!! I DO HAVE ENOUGH TO MAKE YOU A ROOM SPRAY! I thought the master bottle was already emptied but I found it! Someone put it away in the wrong spot!!! Yippeee!
  10. Is there even a review thread for this yet? The likers must be keeping their opinion very close to the vest because it's getting low already.
  11. They all came out of the same master bottle - only one brew edition. But what you are likely detecting is the oxidation process. Perfumes change when exposed to air. The more you use, the more airspace is in the bottle, and this subtly changes the scent over time. They actually sell a product to the industry, a silicone spray that you can use to spray on top of oil to protect what's remaining in the bottle from exposure to the oxygen. I've never tried it...I'd rather allow the oils to age naturally, but there must be some kind of market for the stuff since it's out there.
  12. Oh, no, I hate to disappoint. There is none left. Waahhh.
  13. Might have enough left for a room spray. Have to bottle the bottles first. Don't fret yet!
  15. bwahaha! bwahaha! ^^ That's from both of us. Good spell, Katz!!
  16. Ok, I can make more. It will have to join the queue though, I have around a dozen+ potions to rebrew at present, plus several PEs. must clone self
  17. Yes, Ma'am, as many times as you like, but you cannot add the different orders together to make one total. Each order counts separately.
  18. Yay, I eked 5 bottles out. All done in oil, roll-on bottles. So here's the list: Eggers Halo Raq on Pele Chrissy To purchase, you can use the Buy Gift Cert option in your cart, so you can add it to a sale order or something. Or I can send an invoice if you prefer. Take your time, these are held for you until you're ready. If after 2 weeks you've changed your mind, please let us know so someone else can have. And I WILL try to make more, just have to see what that replacement ingredient smells like when it arrives. I do hope they kept it the same! Thanks Ladies!
  19. It would not be hard to make again. Did I not make enough? Do people still want MOAR!???!!!!
  20. So happy you are enjoying this, QG! And thanks for the call too. xoxoxoxoxox
  21. I still have the last of it in the master bottle, let me know how you would like it - oil or spray - then I'll make them up and see how much we've got. Pele and Chrissy, you are the next on the list. Thanks!
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