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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Sample sizes are up, still working on the rest of the cart, but since that's a big attraction, thought I'd let you know. Have to take a little break then will get back to it!
  2. OMG, you are hysterical! Loving your reviews!!!!
  3. No, it's ok. I just do not have the sample sizes up yet.
  4. P.S. Not sure that last month's Musks are sold out yet, but they've reached the end of the numbers we put in last month, so I have to get through this pile of orders here to see if there is any left of each. Don't lose hope yet, but the cart will not be refilled until Monday-ish on these items. (Posting this cuz we've gotten over 100 out of stock notices for them over the past 24 hours.)
  5. Yup, the front page and perfumerie section is now up and running. YOU CAN SEE DESCRIPTIONS NOW, YAIS! A few more hours before I get the cart and samples up, and the PEs.
  6. And you'll probably want to use a LOT less than you might initially think. Seriously, like 3-4 drops will be enough for a 1oz bottle, otherwise you will get the cops smell UP in the air around you.
  7. I zeroed the cart on Sneaky Clean because we have a lot of pending orders for sprays and such, and until those are filled, I do not know how much we have left. We MIGHT have another bottle or two after that, (will refill the cart if so), but we do not want to oversell this one. I can make a V2 in future, but used up all the key ingredients on hand for this current brew.
  8. You guys, I just zeroed the PEs in the cart so I can catch up on orders, programming NRs, and get the sale up and running. Just so ya know, just temporary. (Not the finished ones, obviously, just the ability to order new ones.)
  9. I actually dropped one of the perfumes from the list I was going to release this month, because someone nailed it in one of the threads almost perfectly, name and ALL!
  10. Wonderland, coincidentally, has some similar ingredients to one of the new releases. Different enough, but I was surprised to see your ingredient list! You guys are peeking!!!
  11. It's Diamond Head, Pele. It's one of the most famed landmarks in Hawaii....a volcano at peace, for "She who shapes the land".
  12. The labels are now UP! Let the guessing begin.... Hope to have everything orderable by Friday. http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=7260
  13. The last 2 Musks of the collection: Exotic Musk BodaciouS Musk ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Private Editions for August: The Adventures of Aqualad Tyvey's Wonderland Tyvey's Smoked Ham Pele's Peace Potion
  14. Summer Belle Baskery Definition: Basking in the aroma of freshly baked goods, often evidenced by nosemarks on windows.... Plum Dandy Mistress of Fate Guavas in the Mist Demimondaine Celebutante Torrid Sorcery Phero Enhanced w/ Blatant Invitation for Women Seelie Unseelie
  15. OMG!! THAT IS HYSTERICAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, I can't look here any more...must stop myself so I can finish labels!!!! But I'll see if NJ wants to come by...
  16. I'm trying to get the new releases out in the next few days, my goal is to have everything posted and orderable by Friday at the latest. Then I will start programming the sale which I know many of you are waiting for before you order. I KNOW I can have the sale up by Friday the 10th, but I'm hoping that if I can get the NRs up by Friday the 3rd, I may be able to get the sale up by Monday. It's a LOT of work in both cases, and on top of it, I HAVE TO get through the rest of my paperwork that Dolly is helping me with this month. So while you guys are going sale happy, I will be back at my paperwork, so I won't be around that much to answer questions, and I'm hoping that you guys can help each other with many of the Qs that come up and of course John will be here too. My brains...my brains!! zzzt....zzzzttt.....zzzt. :chimp81:
  17. Luna is on holiday...Naughty Jester is doing the scribe duties this month! Everything is pretty much done EXCEPT for the labels...I'm the one lagging behind trying to catch up!
  18. But he's green... with envy! It's not an easy concept to represent in an image, so we went "cute". oooh, that ice pop looks delicious. slurp.
  19. It works better for me IN a perfume, because when it's unscented I may tend to use too much because there's no scent indicator. I know I used too much on one occasion at a party where this woman, a stranger, got all bitchy and jealous with me for no reason that i could tell. I think I mentioned this before on here, but anyway, she walked up to a group I was in, and got crotchety with me over nothing. I think she disliked the amount of attention I was getting, she was around 15+ years older than me, and I was really trying to be nice to her and engage her in conversation even though she had just walked up to our group and interrupted us. On reflection, I think I wayyy overdid the SS4W...and that was in oil, I probably rolled up and down my torso 4+ times. Less is very often better.
  20. For all those waiting for more Topper and DHEAS, it's on the way! Should be here within the next week. Hold on!!!
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