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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Sale will indeed be in August. Will run for around 1 month so that it extends over 2 new release periods. We're gearing up for it now...probably will start it at the end of the first week of August or thereabouts.
  2. I think, absolutely you can wear it out of the house, but I consider it a nighttime blend. I think it will work fab in a club atmosphere, but would seem overly sensual in an office setting. Go for it! Let us know how it goes.
  3. Welcome, J! How's the heatwave in NYC?
  4. Yay! I was sooo hoping that everyone would "get" this. There's a lot of guys out there for whom sexy=clean, plain and simple, not dirty musks and honeys, not come hither sluttiness, so I wanted to make something for we gals to wear with that kind of approach, but still with an LP style hidden sledge hammer.
  5. If you like the original Issey Miyake, you may also like Kitten Heels. Tho each unique, they are in the same "family".
  6. The smoke notes are very tricky because when you first add them they OVERPOWER EVERYTHING. I'm surprised you don't get any, because when I sent it I was afraid I'd used too much! The Fig I used was very syrupy and sweet, so, not looking at my notes, but I would have gone light on any additional sugars because of the inherent sweetness of the Fig.
  7. This one is almost sold out, and is not one I can make again as it was very complicated and blended over several weeks. Pity, as it has turned out to be a favorite of the PheroTruth crowd. I intend to make a replacement for it in the coming weeks though...something different but with the same type of appeal. Thematically, I know Meng will like the title and intent. Wait and see!
  8. I've read that there are three kinds of nose configurations in people... 1) Can't smell pheros at all 2) Think they smell nice 3) Can't tolerate the smell I'm one of those that thinks they smell pretty nice. Other than copulins, they all smell like natural musks, and if you have experience with natural musks, some types smell flowery, (some pissy), and that is how I perceive most pheros. Like light flowery musks. Although I would never wear them uncovered because to my nose there is also a chemical smell layer that i perceive pretty strongly once the phero blends hit someone's skin. My personal answer would be: anything with copulins is stinky - with the exception of Cougar because the copulin level is probably low enough not to overpower, so I count that one as non-stinky as well. But just like Blue Bear and Lexy bring up - what you perceive isn't necessarily what others do. Lexy is the first person I have heard describe Teddy as stinky. You might be what they call a "super sniffer", Lexy. I'm with Blue Bear, cover everything. If you find something difficult to cover, simply adding some drops to a bottle of perfume or adding some drops of perfume to the phero will cure the problem.
  9. This is more akin to the Coty. We did a take on the Jovan years ago - I assembled the ingredients but had Danna brew it because the ingredients gave me a massive headache for some reason, maybe the soapiness or type of sandalwood - our version was called Gemini. We did that specifically because people were asking for a Jovan-style musk back then.
  10. French Vanilla is usually the culprit when peeps complain of a plasticy or play-doh component in perfumes. I very very rarely use French Vanilla anymore for that reason, and there was none used in any of the musks, so I am not sure what it could be in this case. (I think the only time I have used it in the past year was in Kitten Nip.)
  11. Eggers gets the gold star!!! Yes, Treasured Hearts is a blend that was originally presented to us as being for creating a nesting vibe and a craving for permanence in men. Later, through much experimenting and experiences from everyone, we found that it works fabulous in family situations...it seems to halt bickering and people who criticize and pick at you like only family can do....all of a sudden they love you to bits. I stated that it seems to soothe bristly women, but I like Dolly's way of saying it better.
  12. Wow, Dolly! Your package got there fast! Don't know if I mentioned this on the offering, but I have found that here's a huge difference between bottle and skin with this blend, with the intended scent coming out nicely on the skin, but from the bottle it can be deceiving, so please try this one on the skin, people! .
  13. No lavender. Just the ingredients listed on the offering.
  14. Adding a new PE right now to make up for the disappointment!
  15. Wanted to mention a weird but fun thing about Jubilee. I have been wearing this one a lot, and I realized the other day that I could TASTE the smell of it. It's got perfume oils and flavor oils mixed together, so it is absolutely not edible, but when I spray it on my chest, perhaps the flavor molecules are tinier than the scent molecules, because they are coming through my nose and landing on my tongue and leaving a vaguely sweet taste in my mouth! I used vanilla extract, butter, cherries and rum flavorings in this. LOL! Luna had the best term for it, she said there was a "3D quality to the perfume"!
  16. Just FYI, I moved the O/T discussion to Lor's journal. You are welcome to continue it there.
  17. Everything is now UP and orderable! I know I have a ton of emails to answer, sorry for being behind. Will try to catch up on everyone's questions over the next 2 days. Thanks for your patience as always, everyone! Enjoy!
  18. I was going for a hot house flower feel, so while it has that LP gourmand base to an extent, it's pretty richly floral. Like breathing in densely humid air filled with flowers. It's on the powdery side too.
  19. This month's Private Editions to share: Lina's Tropical Cupcake Tyvey's Mango Cherry Pepper Melissa's Pink Vanillamint Jimmy's California Messiah by Goddess Lynne! Mel's Tropical Love Bomb Kimberley's LOV SOLD OUT! Kimberley's Pear, Freesia & Magnolia SOLD OUT! Victoria's Cherry Rose a 2nd brew for Lady V of a favorite PE JUST ADDED! Lindee's Choco Chip Mint
  20. I brewed four Musks for this month in limited quantity. They are available in 5ml, 10ml and 1oz sprays, but no trial vials, sorry. They will be located in the PE section. Still have two more I want to try brewing, so maybe those for next month. Enjoy! French Musk Orchid Musk Pink Musk Vintage Musk
  21. Love Potion: Humidity Brewed on the Summer Solstice 2012 Jubilee - Perfume Spray Phero Enhanced w/ Teddy BB (for Women) Tangy Tart Gitana Gitana Happy Water 2012 Phero Enhanced w/ Alpha-Androstenol Sneaky Clean Phero Enhanced w/ Super Sexy for Women Grow A Pear Le Wiz's Mango Tango Dolly's Hot & Sticky Yup! We moved some things around so we could release it this month and brewed enough for everyone!
  22. Welcome, Mcreepers! So happy you have joined us! And truly, if you ever do want to change your forum name, we can do that for you, just let us know.
  23. It sounds like it was incorrectly labelled. Thanks for giving me the heads up.
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