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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. I only made enough for 2 more bottles after Dolly's 2, but I can make more!
  2. LOL! Tell them your "working title" for the scent when you described it to me!
  3. Listen to Loquacious, Fishpie! Wearing one well-crafted blend at a time pretty much always yields the best results. It was Treasured Hearts that was supposed to make men want to nest with a woman - a yearning for permanence. I believe that is the only one described that way, and none of them say 'the one'.
  4. Look for the new releases at the end of the week. They're almost ready...hold on a little bit longer!!!
  5. Even global express can take up to 9 days for some locations, and you are quite far away!! Yes, please be patient a little while longer.
  6. Hi fishpie, The place for active forum members to redeem their rewards is on this page: http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/store/Redeem_Coupon.html The option you were looking for is the third/last one on this page. Since you couldn't find it on this occasion, we will use your email as our guide, but now you know where to find it for next time. Thanks for your order!
  7. Domestic turn around time is 2 weeks from date of purchase until delivery at one's door, many times it's faster (unless someone orders a PE). For international orders, we have no way of determining how long a package will take to get through customs or their local postal system. I can tell you that we usually ship within one week of ordering, but the transit times vary wildly. Perhaps others from your country can chime in and let you know how long it usually takes to get a delivery over there? If you desire faster delivery, you can purchase International Priority or International Express on our Postal page here: http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/store/Additional_Postal_Services.html As far as customs, we've been coached by a postal inspector who was assigned to us to streamline our deliveries, to fill in the forms in their preferred way so to avoid questions or red flags from customs agents, so it's extremely rare that our packages are additionally taxed or opened. They've been known to be held for no apparent reason, but usually they make it through without any issues. (knock on wood!)
  8. The intent of the blends is wildly different. Empathy Potion (the one you're calling Heart to Heart) is a blend that I would reserve for special circumstances when you need to pry an honest emotional response out of someone. It's a very emotional blend, and has a tendency to bring people to tears...in a good way. It seems to make people very in touch with their feelings and stimulates empathy towards others. I would wear it as "problem solver", but it's not something that I personally would wear on a daily basis, (unless I was a therapist using it to help my clients). I can imagine that wearing it regularly would leave you emotionally exhausted from all the open heart surgery. Heart & Soul is a relationship blend that can also be used as a social. This one is very popular with ladies who wear it to enhance their relationships both at home and at work. It seems to make the wearer come off as feminine, lovable and someone deserving of devotion and respect. Hope that helps!
  9. That's very clever of you, pairing Cuddle Bunny with Blue Sugar, actually. Even though they are quite different, believe it or not, they share a few ingredients in common and I can imagine that they would layer well - although yeah, Blue Sugar is quite overpowering, I can imagine it taking over, but they should not clash at least! I'm going to need to make a new brew edition of Cuddle Bunny in the near future. I will try to remember to hold aside a few bottles worth with no pheros in it. I rarely do this, but since I'm just about to rebrew it anyway, I'll pull some aside. Email me if you'd like a bottle phero-free, or with a different phero blend in it. our email: CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com
  10. Welcome, pkitty! From what I understand, you have only tried this once, in the presence of strangers, and with no cover scent. Please try the blend, say, at least 5 times, in a variety of situations before making a judgement. The easiest way to tell if something is working, is to wear it in front of people you know well, and see if the way that they relate to changes in subtle ways. ALWAYS wear at least a light cover scent. Without it, there is a chemical smell at best, and a sweat or urine smell at worst. ALWAYS shake the bottle if you have a silicone base or you're going to get pure pheromones that rise to the top of the bottle and you'll be wearing too much. If you can't remember to shake the bottle, buy it in oil. Wearing behind your ears is not the best place to apply scent or pheros because it's a scent producing area itself that can fight with the product you are layering there. Try applying to your torso and let the pheromones emanate with your body heat for the most natural style of diffusion. Start with a smaller dose. With pheros, more is NOT better. If you wear too much, (or an ill-conceived combo of pheros) it comes off as unnatural, and people will think, "I don't know what it is, but there's something wrong with that person." and they will avoid that person. Pheromones are chemical messages to the brain, and if someone "does not compute" people will steer clear and that's what many people call "the ghosting effect"...they avoid them because they can sense something is not quite right. To summarize, I would wear less than you described, make sure to shake the bottle, wear a cover scent, apply on your torso area, and act congruently with the intent of the phero blend. This blend is supposed to convey confidence, but it sounds as if you were not feeling or acting confident the day you tried it. Phero blends need the support of your behavior to work to their best effect. Good luck and let us know how it goes.
  11. Brave lady! My respect to her! My vote is Teddy BB, because it makes a gal seem like "one of the boys". (It's the same as B2, but it's a better balanced mix) I have tried it exactly for this purpose and in my experience it makes guys relax and accept a female in their presence. It gives off the vibe of a calm, relaxed alpha male, in NON-confrontational mode. Personally, having spent over 20 years of my life in a male dominated field, I would be afraid that something like Leather or Dominance would do the opposite of what she needs. It might work, on the other hand, it might scream BITCH very loudly because it has in it the alpha-male pheros that men find a challenge and might want to out-alpha. I find, when I wear them, it makes me more aggressive. She's already in a situation where everyone is acting aggressive and frustrated. So in my mind, I would go the other way. Calm them down with their own alpha-male-at-peace juice. Calm acceptance that she's an equal, or even superior, and just one of the guys is where my intuition takes me. That's my first choice. If that doesn't work I would then try Swimming with Sharks, and then La Femme Mystere. SWS being obvious - and somewhat gender neutral, but LFM because of The Queen Bee Effect it seems to be providing for some of us who have been wearing it. It has an ingredient that elevates the perception of STATUS for women. If it were me - that's where I would want to go. It's useless to try to out-aggressive these guys, so I would see if I could induce a perception of her being rightfully/deservingly in a superior position. Geena - I do hope you keep us updated on how things go for her! Let her know we are sending her good wishes! And it's very nice to see you on the forum again too - you've been missed!
  12. Personal opinion: I think the chemical messages provided by pheros are processed in the sinuses/wherever our olfactory receptors are located in the nasal cavity. So if your nose is stuffed and you're forced into only breathing through your mouth, I don't think they'll effect you much..although some may travel from your mouth up into your nasal cavity even when your nose is stuffed, but I think the effect of them will be severely muted at best. On the other hand, I think that even people with anosmia (the inability to smell anything) can be effected by pheros because it's not 'just' a smell, but a chemical message, and as long as it passes by the receptors it can be processed by the brain, even if you can't smell them. Just my gut feeling though. Perhaps BlueBear or Rosebud will provide a more scientific answer.
  13. Too much of any phero can make you feel ill. When I am working with the undiluted concentrates, I have to take breaks and not do it for too many hours. Usually it makes me shaky after a few hours. So a large amount of spilled phero solution, no matter what it is, is just probably too much for you. Even the alcohol solution alone can give you a headache. I mentioned this in another thread, but I was told by a reliable source that all the info touting oxytocin as a phero on the web - the articles and supposed research etc, is all fake, all planted by one source, the guy who sells the stuff for use as a phero. (patent owner?) But knowing the web, misinformation spreads and people believe what they read. There's another company out there that many of you are familiar with - most of what they sell is hormones, not pheromones; they sell them as "putative pheromones" to avoid legal misrepresentation charges. Taking 'dietary supplements' and liquefying them in alcohol does not a pheromone make.
  14. GREAT writeup, teacozy! This part had me laughing so hard, I had to read it out loud for the rest of the class over here. Too funny!
  15. Zion, we don't offer anything with oxytocin in it. Like the other ladies have mentioned, it's variously thought of as either dangerous or a complete scam, thus we don't offer it.
  16. All this matters only if you want to procreate, though. And many of us don't. Not to mention that the same preferences apply if you are gay or straight. Personally I have refused a second date with men if I didn't like their smell, and this WHILE on BCPs, so I'm not sure I buy that your sniffer is compromised when on them. And I dream in color too. That part sounds dubious, unless they're speaking of preferring the company of men that are closer to you genetically as I mentioned earlier, which makes sense. But just lowering your ability doesn't.
  17. Oh yes, it is indeed related....having been deprived of oxytocin as a baby, one craves oxycontin as an adult. Excellent article Beccah, thanks! Yup, did answer my questions.
  18. Great info, ladies, thanks! So - it isn't even transferred to a baby via breastfeeding? Does that mean it's function is for mother to bond with baby rather than the other way around or mutual bonding?
  19. It all seems completely logical to me, but we're immersed in this kind of logic here. In the pictures of the event, most people seem very embarrassed to be doing something that's, maybe to them, borderline kinky or something. I still have a t-shirt from my XBF. I told him to sleep in it for a week and send it to me in a plastic bag. I dunno, is that weird? I just thought it would be comforting when I was going through stressful lawsuit hell. I think if guys are sleeping in the Ts, rather than wearing them to mow the lawn, what will be on them most heavily is Androstadienone, as that's the one produced by the relaxed alpha male that makes us feel safe and calm and protected.
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