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Potion Master

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  1. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/06/23/pheromone-parties_n_1621175.html
  2. LOL! BlueBear, stopping traffic!
  3. Welcome! I'm kinda like that too - with signature scents. I tend to hang on to a favorite and wear that one most for 6 months to a year, or even more. But I also like wearing things as 'special occasion' scents, like, getting into character. The scents are a part of an outfit. So I'll wear my favorite of the moment for me every day, but then I'll wear another for business meetings with my suit, another for a costume party, another for a date, another on my pillow to dream with, etc. I like to play with them as mood enhancers for myself and those I know will be in my scent cloud. And making people smell like delicious treats that get other people salivating and wanting to eat you is somewhat of a specialty around here. You're in good company liking the edible-smelling scents. Have fun!
  4. I think either one will handle Bang, esp if it's a half dose like CinMel mentioned. Bang is not THAT high in cops that it can't be covered rather easily. Sexpionage would be a different story, but Bang should be just fine I think.
  5. I am stunned by the hot dog and chicken refs! Stunned! I can't imagine what could be the cause of that. On me, this is soooo amazing. It smells like mountains of light fluffy whipped buttercream frosting with fresh lush gardenias decorated on top. It's one of my favorite perfumes on me that I've ever crafted! So sad that everyone can't experience it the way I do.
  6. Maybe we should try to make a new blend in the vein of Soulmate? Other than that...perhaps Heart & Soul would fit that bill? Anyone else have an opinion of one that works similarly? Soulmate was not one that I had much occasion to wear while we had it, and it was so long ago, I do not feel like much of an expert on that one. Sorry.
  7. LOL! Well, it could say something about Klingons... ok, maybe I will update a few of them. I may just come up with things more ebil though.
  8. Yes, it's an entirely different blend. They were crafted by different chemists, so I do not know the exact specifics of the differences, but I do know that Perfect Match is more DHEAS forward, with the intent of stirring that 'butterflies in the stomach' feeling. If I remember correctly, Soulmate was more ... making people feel like they have a deep connection - "I recognize you from another lifetime" kind of feeling, while PM's intent is that 'first blush of love' feeling. Oh no! I sent her all the new info! (The first round of Promise used up the last of Soulmate so she KNEW that!) That's still the old info and old label so she clearly did not update anything. I think she is more interested in the magical ingredients than in the pheros really, so that part kinda just goes over her head. I think she just likes to have pheros IN some of them but isn't really tuned into what they specifically do. Thanks for letting me know, Molls. I should email her and bug her to update the info. xoxox
  9. Sounds like that "queen bee" phero is leading the show for several of us! What I was personally hoping to get out of the blend was very much this vibe, now that I think about it. One of my peeves about society is that women often have to sacrifice their feminine side to get respect in the corporate world, and I was hoping this would allow women to garner respect without sacrificing being a *girl*. Since I wasn't in a corporate environment at all, I guess I didn't recognize the form the workings were taking. Endlessly interesting, the way pheros and scents can steer people's behavior.
  10. Promise 2012 has the Perfect Match phero blend rather than Soulmate, as that one is indeed gone. Does her site say otherwise?
  11. Thanks for sharing that wonderful story with us, MDC!!!
  12. Awww. Well, the dragon fruit and pepper was meant to bite, to nibble, just a little. A touch of vampy gothness.
  13. Agreed, Syn! Just add a few drops of cops to your bottle of PM. Just 3 or 4 drops should do it. Let us know how it goes!
  14. Yes, like THAT, BlueBear! He was definitely trying to please me, and perhaps getting nervous because he was *really* trying to please me. And it did seem that the longer he was exposed to my phero/scent cloud, the more he became that way. He progressively changed his speech to more emulate mine - using words and concepts I would use rather than ones he was using earlier. It was very strange.
  15. I think so! Easily!
  16. I paired this today with Enchanted Wonderland for a meeting - GREAT combo. But I'm wondering if I came off as rather intimidating tho. I couldn't figure it out at the time but then I remembered I was wearing this. I was very casual and didn't think I was acting intimidating at all, but the guy I was working with - this is the third time we've met - began deferring to me an awful lot even tho he was the one in the authority position. He said I was the most knowledgeable person he'd ever met on the subject, and when I asked him a question, he said, "You're testing me..." I said, "No, I'm really not. I'm truly curious what your feeling is..." blah blah. Anyone else ever get this kind of effect from LFM?
  17. It's up on the PE page now. I wouldn't worry about it flying out the door though. I made quite a lot of it and I think everyone grabbed who wanted to grab. It should still be there in a couple of weeks.
  18. Yes! As I mentioned in the description, this scent started out it's life as Compromising Positions, but since I got the phero levels wrong and couldn't release it for women, I rebalanced the ingredients in the bottle and skewed it for men. So if you sense the similarity to Compromising Positions you are correct! Thanks for the wonderful review, Elizabeth!
  19. OCCO: Ambrosia is available again! Ingredients arrived and a fresh brew awaits you.
  20. There's still a few bottles left, around 8 I think. I saw Rosie at a party this weekend and she asked for 2 more bottles so I am taking those out of the cart now. Yes, there's 8!
  21. I wore this to a party on Saturday night, brought the bottle with me in my purse and it got passed around and shared quite a bit to lots of oohs and ahhhs. Woke up with a cloud of it next morning still. I love the delicious creamy decadence of this one.
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