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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Personal preference, Luv! Truly, I can make your blends in any percentage you wish. The 60/40 was for international shipment compliance, but for US, whatever you wish!
  2. It's the same ingredients in both, but in different measure since two different chemists brewed them. G2 is a 'copy' of Girl/Girl.
  3. Invi, Bird of Paradise smells like a succulent, that kind of clarity. It's very watery and green-stem-like, similar to Aloe, but with a watery fresh swoosh of floral-ness (floriosity?) in it too.
  4. Bosom Bows would be great on the rest of the ladies, but might not work on the diva the way you hope. Try alternating on different days and let us know how it goes.
  5. couer d'amour!!!!!!!!!!! That's the perfect blend for this sitch if you like the scent. I wouldn't wear it if the scent disagrees with you, but phero-wise, potion-wise and intent, that's a perfect pick.
  6. Hmmm, from your list, I would pick one of these: Beyond the Veil, Soiled Dove, OCCO SLF, Elixir of Silver, Message in a Bottle, Portmanteau, Closer, Poetry & Grace, Treasure of Copper & Sapphire, Time of Your Life, Bang, Flying Potion, Bang...forgot this one Extracurricular Proclivities If it were me, I would wear Soiled Dove. Have fun! Bring your camera!!!
  7. I was bottling some the other day and thought it smelled just like an ex-boyfriend. Not that he used pheros, but the musky part of it smelled just like his t-shirts. I would love to know what the top 'note' phero is in this, it would be interesting to know what he was exuding so strongly.
  8. ACK! Juice concentrate? Blechhhh! One time my mother and I went away for a short trip, a weekend of exercising it was supposed to be. But the weather was horrible all weekend and we were stuck inside, bored, so we went to the store and bought "supplies" including a box of 12 fudgsicles. We put them in the little fridge in the room only to find that the freezer portion was not cold enough for ice cream so we had to eat ALL OF THEM AS FAST AS WE COULD!!! That's my record for ice cream consumption. It was awesome. Yes, I intended to go in the direction of Fairy Lure. Since that has been sold out for quite a while, I thought we needed another of the kind to fill the gap. But I always try to make them a little different each time.
  9. No wayyyy! LOL! That comes out to 16.5 ice creams per day!!! Even at my baddest, I can eat 4. Ok, maybe 6.
  10. La Femme Mystere with a wee bit of copulins...that's what that situation sounds like!
  11. Yay! That's sooo cooool! Full circle, since I get so many ideas from desserts. That's awesome, thanks so much for sharing this with us!
  12. Winnie's Almond Musk is in the cart now folks! Look for it in the PE area, here: http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/store/Private_Editions.html
  13. I do the same thing. I have a fan on my table where I apply my makeup. So I stand there shirtless while it dries and I put on the war paint.
  14. I'm sorry no, I wasn't go to do Sunfire again. I am about to rebrew Passion and Desire tho. Sigh, I need to make new labels for pretty much all the 'permanent' ones, so I am procrastinating. The old labels don't fit the new templates.
  15. Nothing wrong with that! You're just mixing on the body rather than in the bottle. But you still need to let cops dry down before putting on your clothes, or you're going to get the cheese that won't go away stuck to your fabric.
  16. Katz, why didn't you get yours yet! Seems like the mail is taking too long this time round, I know we sent it with the sig confirm cuz John asked to make sure. Yes, LV, we affectionately call it Aloha Poony around here. (Sshhhhh.)
  17. Which is why I chose the name! It does sound vaguely naughty even tho the meaning is quite lovely. Ok, then. Hearts likes it, and I loooove it. More for us!!
  18. Hmmm, I can't answer that one, but I can tell you that both Popularity Potion and Treasured Hearts seem to work well on competitive, bristly or bitchy females. Pop is supposed to make you the center of attention, but calm the jealousy that might cause in others. And TH, in my experience, works really well on bristly females. Makes them act like they love you/you're my best friend rather than picking at you constantly.
  19. Nope, there's only a few that are permanent. I make Ltd Eds around 4 times a year. LP Sunfire is all sold out.
  20. Do you like this one Luna? I imagined it wouldn't be a YOU kind of scent. LV, on me and to my nose, the banana doesn't come off as BANANA, it's like a creamy whip layer - yes, that: It's a truly left field kind of combo, but somehow, it's really alluring. I surprised myself with this one. I've always loved that fresh mown hay smell but it's not usually a note that tops the list in our community. I was trying to sneak it in there in an unusual guise. I think it smells like 'creamy delicious man' but it smells great on my own skin - a nose to arm gluer fer sher!
  21. LOL, the Balsamic Amber is not vinegary, and I was wondering why it was called that too. I think it's probably balsam - tree balsam. Amber is tree sap. Maybe it's a level of sappy maturity? Anyway, it's actually a very powdery amber. Gaby, your reviews this month are WONDERFUL! I love your writing style!
  22. Just looked at my recipe, I think that I can...or a reasonable facsimile. I wrote everything down at the time, but I have a feeling that I added dashes of this and that at the end and didn't write down every step, so I could try, but I know I'll never get it exactly exact. You sure you want a rebrew? It almost feels like sacrilege to mess with the memory of this one.
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