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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Ahhh, no. I've been offering that very thing for over 5 years and hardly anyone was taking advantage of it. So I just packaged up the rest of the supplies here and gave it all away for free. When I offer these things again, it will be in a limited number of scents that I choose and make up in bulk. Doing items one at a time was extremely labor intensive to the point of not being cost effective, especially since so few of them sold. Tremendous amount of effort for just a few jars a month. So I think I will be crafting large lots at one time and packaging them all at once, so when they sell, it's just *grab a jar and go*. But I am always open to suggestions regarding which scents and pheros people prefer. I do like the idea of a cream with copulins in it. Thanks for your note - glad you are enjoying the lotion!
  2. I would go for a solidly reputable company like Aura Cacia. They even have a kids line. JOC, if they won't ship to you, you can have your order shipped to us and we'll pack it with your LP orders. http://www.auracacia.com/auracacia/acproducts/acessoils.html
  3. Yes, there's still trial vials in the cart. (There's still trial vials of Cat's Eye too, believe it or not.) Sometimes too many samples get bottled.
  4. I've heard a few people say that if you stuff one of those scented dryer sheets in your pocket or pin one to your clothes that it will repel mosquitoes. Anyone ever tried that?
  5. Ok, here's something that may excite you...you get a free bottle this month because one of your posts inspired me.
  6. Cel, I'm sorry, I've been drowning in PEs and special orders this month. All the PEs are finished and I have the artwork finished for most of them (including yours - which should ship on Tuesday - as Monday is a postal holiday here). I'm sorry that it has taken me longer than usual this month. I'm wondering if maybe i should put only 10 per month into the cart because this month I had way too many to deal with. Apologies!!! .
  7. I will split a phero add, so that each bottle you buy has 500 mcg, but with my measuring equipment, it's too difficult to do 333 in such a small bottle. When I do it to the others, it's in the master bottle the perfume is blended in, so I'm adding a large quantity, not a minute one, understand? Yes, Syn, Lavender is quite famous for having a relaxing effect. It's also known to have a sexually stimulating effect on men - I think it's all part of the same equation though...it relaxes and makes everyone snuggly.
  8. Joc, LOTS of things will evoke/provoke what is known as a pheromonal response or a pheromonal effect, without technically being pheromones. Perfect examples are vanilla and cinnamon. (Honey does too, but it very probably has bee pheromones in it anyway.) Copulins are essentially vinegar. They are as safe as vinegar, but they do inspire a pheromonal response.
  9. Yes, but it's TRIPLE the phero content! 1,000 mcg per bottle when you get a fragrance amped, but when I do the premixed blends, there's 333 mcg per bottle...which as you can see, this dosage level works very well for most people, and a great way to test if you like a phero blend, but not as strong as the Phero Add option
  10. Yep, sending freebies of the stuff we discontinued. The last lot of lotion we received was sooo thick, it was too hard to get in and out of the lotion bottles, so I put them in cream jars for gifts. We scented the lotion with Cops & Robbers (came out amazing) and scented the remaining creams with Love Potion Original. FYI - these are only going into orders that are already big and heavy. Also gifting away our discontinued sizes of blessed and dressed spell candles (we use larger ones now) and a few other surprises.
  11. Wow, nothing? I'm kinda shocked. It worked way too well on me. (Worn on cleavage and hands, roll-on in oil.) Considering wearing TMI to an upcoming appt, the scented version, just out curiosity/necessity.
  12. The new soap is a DREAM. Yes, it's face safe. It's shea butter based, with calcium bentonite clay (which makes it a good slippery shaving soap and is also excellent for helping with skin breakouts). It's scented only with 100% natural essential oils and smells like SPA HEAVEN. I'm letting them cure a little further but I am already using them in the kitchen and shower myself and I'm in love with the feel of them. I'll add them to the B&B store section along with the bombs when I do the new releases. We are somewhat drowning in special orders and PEs and new releases at the moment so I do not have time to add them yet.
  13. No, REALLY? Layla is quite the demanding mistress - we must brush her EVERY DAY! Yes, we have lots of fur...all three kitties with their silky smooth hypoallergenic bunny softness. Seriously, can you really use it? Seriously? If so, I will save you a bunch. (I was told it was too silky to actually work with, no?)
  14. Last Sunday it was Bath Bombs.. This Sunday: Herbal Soap with Essential Oils of Lavender, Tea Tree, Cypress, Eucalyptus & Myrrh + Calcium Bentonite Clay Working on a looooong list of PE's for everyone... And I brushed the cat:
  15. I just discontinued several of the B&B items a few days ago, including the lotion we had. I plan on relaunching these items in a different format soon. (I packaged it all up yesterday, the stuff we have left will be given away as freebies in larger orders.)
  16. If you wear pheros during daily activities, you may encounter children, and I don't think that a person should run and hide if they're wearing some. But personally, I would not wear tons in a small enclosed space with the same kids on a regular basis. I think, if say you are a teacher, and you have a few feet of space between you and your charges...you're not right up their noses with the stuff but it wafts through the area...I personally think that's ok. Mother's Little Helper...the intent was to effect kids, yes, but also the wearer, the husband, the household in general. The intent of course was NOT to spray it in the face of a child to try to get them to behave. And I certainly hope that the phero users who wear it understand that, and to use it as a special occasion kind of thing and not every single day. Oxytocin is another issue. Dr Stone told me that no responsible phero manufacturer would ever use it (for exactly the reasons that BlueBear brings up) - he doesn't, and I do not recall Chris ever using it in any of his own blends either. We have never offered it in any fashion. I have been told that MOST of the articles and 'research' on the web touting it as a safe pheromone product were planted by the manufacturer of it, trying to make it look like a bunch of different sources and studies had been done which is not the case.
  17. Eggers, we just don't need one. We don't need an organ only for processing pheromonal signals, we can do that with the receptors in our noses, sinuses, whatever. Not having a functional VNO like some animals, does not mean that we don't react to pheromones. We react to them every day, naturally produced or otherwise. Humans simply don't have a separate organ to do it with. That's all. I never understood what all the hullabaloo was about that. Yes, it's proven we do not have a dedicated, pheromone processing VNO, but so what? We're clearly processing the chemical signals via olfactory receptors anyway!!
  18. @ Halo: Thank you for the kind words earlier about the perfumes, and that was sweet of you to feel for those artists when their worlds came crashing down. xoxoxox
  19. OMG, Linda Perry. She is stunningly talented. I was soooooooo lucky...she agreed to perform at one of the all-star charity benefit concerts I produced in Hollywood. And holy shit, when they soundchecked, the whole place just froze. Everyone was riveted. Glued to the spot, jaws hanging open. She was beyond amazing. Yeah, there's plenty of people who just make their living as songwriters but not performers. That's never been an issue. In fact, the record industry always preferred it that way. They hated the movement towards bands writing their own material and demanding artistic control. They prefer solo singers that do not write, because the label can retain more control. The record companies have always treated their artists as disposable and replaceable. Building a "pop tart" into a marketable brand/money making machine is the ideal scenario for labels. (However, if you are referring to Christina Aguilera, at least she's truly got a voice. She's the real deal. It's a shame to lump her in with the plastic dolls that have to have their voices pitch corrected electronically and duped 100 times to make it sound halfway decent....Brittany, Jessica, Lyndsay...) The Grammys are given in a ton of different categories. Writing, producing/engineering, performing, etc. I have always thought it was a flawed judging system regardless, I could never tolerate sitting through an award show because the judges seemed to get it so wrong much of the time. In the 1980's most of the judges were in their 80's, (my music attorney being one of them...um, why?). They eventually got exposed for that, (first award for Best Metal Album, anyone?), and there was a push for people of my generation to join the voting board, and I was invited, but I refused. It was just too aggravating for me.
  20. Wow, QG, good point. Some bands don't play on their own records AT ALL. A huge proportion of the music from the "singles" era of the 1950's and early 60's were really producer's records. Truly, a lot of times they could not have cared less who sung the song. I had a few friends from that hit factory era....David Hess (wrote 7 songs for Elvis, wrote Speedy Gonzalez and won a Grammy for it), Leiber & Stoller (wrote Love Potion #9 and a billion other hits)....and I was talking to L&S one day about David Hess, asking if they remembered him from back then. They started laughing, because they did. They said that he was 17 years old and more interested in playing rugby than hanging out in the recording studios, so if they couldn't wrestle David into the studio to sing a song, they'd just call someone else. There were lines of great singers waiting for a song back then. That's why so many "one hit wonders". It was all studio work and songwriters, and sometimes luck of the draw who got to sing it. Another producer's record that took a lot of flack during that upheaval was C+C Music Factory. I mean, HELLO, read the friggin title, fer cryin out loud! It was two producers who brought in different singers for different tracks and put out dance records that topped every flippin' chart. (Everybody Dance Now, Things That Make You Go Hmmm, etc.) One of their huge hit videos featured a female singer who wasn't the one actually on the record, so they too got caught up in the "fake band" scandal along with Milli Vanilli. Utter stupidity. And BTW, in case this is still a secret to anyone on the planet, Meatloaf's vid of Paradise by the Dashboard Light, featuring the brunette vocalist? That was Ellen Foley on the recording, not the lady in the video. And THAT was also a producer's record, by Jim Steinman, who produced and wrote that whole album. Does that make us like the songs any less?
  21. LOL! Yet you managed to find one of the funniest videos ever. Awww, but Carmine as a baby...how sweet!!! Ok, I don't mean to be contrary, but I have to disagree with you on both counts. Sometimes what the industry does to an artist makes them into a joke, but no matter what, I never deny a person's talent when they actually have it. Vanilla Ice is actually truly talented. He's got a great musical sense, he's a fabulous dancer and athlete. He's smart, and he's managed to keep himself wealthy and successful, in shape and healthy regardless of what industry he's moved into. He didn't turn into a fat, drunk, broke, self-obsessed drug addict saying poor poor pitiful me. He still performs here and there and he absolutely kicks ass. As a dancer yourself, Raq, I think you would really appreciate seeing him perform today. He's kept himself in amazing shape and his routines are really difficult. He's one of the only performers in the industry I can think of that physically, it seems like time has just not touched. When I last saw him a few years ago, he was in better shape than he was in his 20s. Fabrice Morvan was one half of Milli Vanilli. It's true, that those guys were recruited to front for a finished album...a producer's record, which was, for no apparent reason to ME, unacceptable at that time. (Why CAN'T there be producer's records???) Fabrice has a gorgeous voice, and is a great guitarist and songwriter. When he refused to front for those producers any longer and wanted to do his own music, what resulted was one of the greatest injustices of musical history. (I'm talking about the Grammy association pretending they were "duped", taking away the Grammy, and everyone making those poor guys the fall guys for what shouldn't have been considered a "crime" to begin with. EVERYONE in the industry knew that that was a producer's album, and it was a good one. No one was duped.) Seriously, Rob killed himself over all that nonsense, and Fabrice never had a chance to show the world what he could really do. The whole thing is just sad.
  22. Well, the issue is that each different cream or lotion will only hold a specific amount of "load"...aka oil. It depends on how diluted the lotion or cream already is. Some thicker creams might hold 10mls of oil, some lighter ones might only hold 1. You need to experiment with your specific product. At the point where it refuses to blend and you have to stir it every time you open the lid, clearly that's too much. You just won't know until you try with each product. :-/
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