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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Approx 3 mls of perfume or phero OILs are enough for 4oz of lotion or cream. Does that help? It is best done this way: For example with a NEW 4 oz jar of unscented cream in a PLASTIC container, add your oils, pop in the microwave for no more than 12 SECONDS, then stir it together while warm with something sterile...such as...a plastic spoon that was bagged that you got from a fast food place, or a pair of chopsticks still in the paper wrapper. You want to be careful to use sterile implements because bacteria will grow in creams if you do not. You also have to keep the amount of oil that you add to around that amount or it will separate again later - not that huge a deal if it does, just stir it up again. But anyway, that's how it is done!
  2. Exxxxecelllent!!!! Thanks!!!! So cool! I was never really into the toys, because it's a wicked wicked wicked trap. ENDLESS Limited Ed variants and all that. I only have a couple of really rare ones, and 2 huge statues - one of Bats and one of Supes - they used to be on each side of my bed, protecting me. I really like the artwork most, so I have a large collection of artwork and signed pix and stuff, but no wall space here, sadly. OMG, HE HAS A CAPT AMERICA SHIELD???!!! Now THAT I would like, a friend drew the years that brought that character back from the dead, but not being much of a Marvel fan, my first priority is still to get a Dean cape. The only one with an S on it. Giant lucite wall box with pin spot lighting.....ahhh, a girl can dream at least. P.S. You better earthquake proof the hell out of that shield/wall, the ones I've seen are HEAVY, and you wouldn't want it to fall in the baby's room.
  3. LOL! Your BF and I have a similar design sense. Though I now keep my Superhero (yes, that requires capitalization) shtuffff to a minimum in public, when I get my own house, it's gonna have it's own room.
  4. I believe it is pronounced MAY LAY ...which doesn't help matters in this situation. BWAHAHA!
  5. You know, those come here all the time for the former tenant who is over 60. I am just stunned by the sheer volume of it. It strikes me as insanely tacky. I still forward some of her fan mail, but those I leave out.
  6. Hey, now, respect the comics stuff!!! Unless you want your Barbies used as toilet brushes! nyehehehe.
  7. How I spent my Sunday.... Making fresh gorgeous Magical Bath Bombs! I wish we could do a scratch and sniff over the web, they smell soooo gooood! I made: Coffee Soaks Seduction Bombs Goddess of Abundance Bombs and Third Eye openers... pix and descripts to come...must go watch Sherlock now!!! (will put them in the cart tomorrow.)
  8. Liz, that happens all the time now that the postal system is automated. It just means it was routed to the wrong area. It will get re-routed and I'm sure you will have it in your hands within the next couple of days. No worries. This is the NEW biz as usual for USPS.
  9. Thanks so much, Elizabeth. I fixed them! xoxoxox SMOOCH!!
  10. Yes, Darling, we have it! Which part of the cart is it missing from? I checked, and it should be searchable. It's in the sample section, in the perfumerie, but I haven't checked all the other pages. I will add it back into the right spot if you let me know. Thanks for the heads up! xoxoxox
  11. Yes, Sebastian sells a hair care product called Potion 9, and our trademarks somewhat overlapped. We have a written agreement with them - they don't extend into the fragrance field using the name, and we don't expand into haircare using the name.
  12. I went through the 4oz Scrub of the Month's in about 2 weeks each, used every other day. So the new larger size I am assuming 4 weeks of supply each. I actually have several lined up in my shower - the butter scrub just for face and chest, sugar scrub for body, and coffee scrub for lower legs and my upper arms. Maybe GoddessLynne (she's an esthetician) will comment on the composition. Helloooo Lynne? I think it was she that was telling me that scrubs and acids are pretty much doing the same thing and using both is overkill? Or maybe it was the lady skin doc that gives me my Botox shot between the eyebrows?
  13. I really just want to do them a different way than we were before. They'll be back. And you just might get some extra in your new package.
  14. Potion Master

    Hi all

    Welcome, Meng! Yup - the dudes are allowed to pick a total of 2 sampler sets. (I think it says that on the listing even!) Anyway, that's how we getcha... heheheheh.... Have fun!
  15. http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/store/Bath_and_Body_Care.html Finally got the Scrubs all figured out and programmed into the B&B area! Whew!
  17. Just items that were buried or misplaced for quite a while, and something that was reworked for men. I'm doing a little streamlining in the cart right now too - as I'm trying to program the scrubs - I've decided to drop the slower moving or too work intensive B&B items from the line. What I have left I think I'm going to slip into boxes as freebies in the coming weeks.
  18. That would certainly work, yes, but also a lot of time for the customer. I'm trying to figure a way to make it easier with several drop down options. Getting closer! Now calculating what's "in between" the flat and the per item for the international buyers....
  19. Worked out the prices per jar - added above, still working on the programming (postage hell) in the cart. Hopefully will have it up by this evening. Thanks for the patience!!
  20. Well, I only added the two...Rosie's Wedding Cake and Sea Find. Just uploaded now. (Still working on the B&B page) The other "Lost Treasures" I was planning to add - ahhh, I did not get the chance to make labels for them yet so they will have to wait for June. Sorry!
  21. I am honestly trying to figure all these details out myself. I am wracking the brain trying to figure out how to program these options into the cart. The scrubs also will be differently priced, which I am still figuring out. The salt ones are not as expensive to make (although the heaviest to ship, dammit!) and the butter scrubs are the most expensive to make. Hopefully, if I end up having a peaceful day today (!!!!) I will get all of this figured out. When John & Catherine get here, I'm just going to say, "Don't talk to me - I'm thinkin'!"
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