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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Of those three blends, Cuddle Bunny UNscented has the highest ratio of EST. The UNscented blends contains 1,000 mcg total of whatever blend. The perfumes contain 333 mcg per bottle. So while Cuddle Bunny UNscented has the most EST of the three, ratio wise in its formula, the scented version is still going to have less than the UNscented versions of the other two, just because of total volume.
  2. 1 scrub, sent to UK or Germany (just for examples) will cost $13.17. (Amazing that it's barely more than USA - our domestic prices have gone up so much it's ridiculous.) A Medium Flat Rate Priority International box that will hold 10 scrubs will cost $47.95 ------------- Canada rates: $7.45 for one scrub, and $32.95 for the flat rate box (niiiiice. cheaper to send one to Canada than to NY. Wow)
  3. Just worked out the Domestic shipping rates for these and it's high, because they are heavy. The postal cost for each averages $9.32 for ONE jar, but a Medium Flat Rate Priority box will hold up to TEN jars for the flat fee of $10.85. As such, it makes sense to order a few at once, or maybe if you live close to another buyer, have a package sent to only one location. Going to work out the Int'l shipping in a few minutes and will post again....
  4. CB fragrance would have the least, because it's only 333 mcg per bottle as opposed to the UNscenteds at 1,000 mcg per bottle, however, it would still have the highest PERCENTAGE within the mix. Next would be Sexology, and least of the three would be Bang - all percentage-wise.
  5. Gaby ~ Oh, I made some coffee bath soaks a few weeks ago but haven't finished the rest of the set i wanted to put out at the same time. May try to finish those tomorrow. They're listed as Magical Bath Bombs in the B&B area, but are like big tea bags of herbs, flowers, oils, salts, sugars, rose water and honey and other good stuff like that. Very luxurious! Anyway, regarding other coffee benefits mentioned, when I first made the coffee scrubs when Luna? first suggested it, I found that it got rid of a skin condition that has bothered me most of my adult life, which is little bumps on my upper arms. One of the ladies, (Xev?) actually knew what the condition is called but I've forgotten, sorry. So the bumps mostly only go away the week of my period, so they are estrogen/hormonally related. When I use the coffee scrub they disappear no matter the time of month - they're just, poof! gone! Only thing that has ever worked for me like that - I was very impressed. I'm sorry I am not an expert on the other issues you asked about...I have been too long out of the mainstream beauty industry, but Halo and Beccah seem to be rather on top of the product trends, perhaps they can offer you some advice?
  6. Not sure how much actual caffeine is absorbed into the skin.Or are you allergic to the oils in coffee and not the caffeine? I can't DRINK coffee, it makes me ill. But I have fabulous effects and benefits from using it in scrubs and bath soaks. Up to you if you want to take a chance, but with 4 other wonderful options, why bother? Pick another!
  7. We're up to brew edition 3. The recipe is really specific, and I have been able to use the same sourced ingredients each time, so John and I have both sniffed verrry carefully and really can't detect any difference. I never want to say something is EXACT, because they are all hand blended, but it's as exact as we can get it!
  8. Gabby, if it were me...Cotton Candy. Nom! Aside from the Gourmet Butter scrub, I am planning to keep these in regular stock, rather than the Scrub of the Month or pick your own scent options. These are betta. Except for the Cupcake, which was perfect last time around, I think I improved on all of them this time. Well, first of all, I chose only ingredients that required NO refrigeration so there's nothing immediately perishable. But, everything is still made of natural ingredients that will degrade over time, so I would not plan to keep anything longer than 12 months. Not good to hoard fresh products like these - it's better to buy fresh each time. Opened products should not be kept longer than 6 months - if you get water into them in the shower, bacteria grows. Also, the coffee scrubs are so absorbent, the longer you have them the drier they get. Better to use those quicker.
  9. Sometimes it is!! Like for Boddice Ripper...we did that on purpose but nobody lets us get away with that misspelling. We wanted it to look like double 6's and 9's, and y'know somewhat menacing and Ripperish, but EVERYONE corrects the spelling all over the web when it is reviewed or referred to. LOL@ MDC...now I feel better.
  10. How I spent my Sunday..... These are notes for me, as well as for you guys. I am organizing all the info, costs, shipping weights, ingredient lists and making labels, etc., trying to have these posted in the cart by tomorrow in the B&B section. Scrubbyness scale: 1 = Superfine, 3 = Medium, 5 = Coarse. Grapefruit & Peppermint Salt Scrub * Scented with Red Grapefruit fragrance oil and Peppermint essential oil. (Boldly scented.) * Crafted with fine table salt and coarse spa salts. * Base of foaming butter and moisturizing oils (apricot kernel, grapeseed, avocado, sunflower). * Intended use: Excellent foot scrub - smoothing and invigorating. Best used on NON-sensitive areas, due to salt, coarseness, strong fragrance - peppermint & citrus. * Scrubbyness scale: 4 * External use only, non-edible. * Packaged in 8 oz blue jar, net weight 15 ounces. * Shipping weight = 1 pound 4 ounces. * Price per each jar: $12.95 Cotton Candy Sugar Scrub * A hot-spun cotton candy scent, fragranced with pink sugar, warm caramel, and strawberry fragrance oils. * Crafted with white table sugar, and a touch of bakery coloring. * Base of foaming butter and moisturizing oils (apricot kernel, grapeseed, avocado, sunflower). * Intended use: Nose to toes, provided that face is not sensitive to fragrance oils. * Scrubbyness scale: 3 * External use only, non-edible. * Packaged in 8 oz blue jar, net weight 13 ounces. * Shipping weight = 1 pound 2 ounces. * Price per each jar: $16.95 Coconut Cocoa ~ Brown Sugar Butter Scrub * Considering this one a limited edition. Crafted with gourmet butters Raq & Luna told us about. Contains Artisana brand Organic Coconut Butter and Cocoa Bliss, with a dollop of Trader Joe's Cocoa Almond Butter and splash of Tahitian Vanilla Extract. * Crafted with fine dark brown sugar and pureed coconut flesh. * All natural base of soy butter, coconut butters and moisturizing oils (apricot kernel, grapeseed, avocado, sunflower). Noticing a little bit of oil on top from the coconut flesh/butters. * Intended use: Nose to toes, completely face-safe. Leaves the skin buttery and moisturized, save this step for last so you don't wash away the butters! * Scrubbyness scale: 2 * Crafted with all-edible ingredients, so you can use it as a lip scrub (or even a tongue scrub!), but you probably shouldn't eat it. * Packaged in 8 oz blue jar, net weight 11.8 ounces. * Shipping weight = 1 pound. * Price per each jar: $18.95 Chocolate Cherry ~ Coffee and Brown Sugar Scrub * The scent of chocolate covered cherries (fragrance oils) compliments the natural aromas of the coffee and brown sugar. * Crafted with fine dark brown sugar and coarse ground coffee. Sugar mixed with the coffee as the coffee is sooo absorbent on it's own, past coffee scrubs have gotten dry and needed water added during shower use. Hoping the sugar and high volume of butters will help keep this mix nice and moist. * Image depicts ingredients layered in the bowl prior to mixing, because the finished product smells and feels great, but doesn't look as appetizing, if you know what I mean. lol * Base of foaming butter, coconut butter, and moisturizing oils (apricot kernel, grapeseed, avocado, sunflower). * Intended use: Body. Too coarse for facial use. * Scrubbyness scale: 5 * Skin toning and anti-oxidant properties: Coffee is a vasodilator which works to firm and tighten the complexion. Naturally full of antioxidants, used to heal and restore, reduces redness and firms and tightens the surface of skin, reducing the appearance of cellulite. * External use only, non-edible. * Packaged in 8 oz blue jar, net weight 8.2 ounces. * Shipping weight = 14.5 ounces. * Price per each jar: $17.95 Caramel Cupcake ~ Superfine Sugar Butter Scrub * For those that wanted something similar to the Darling Clementine scrub - this is it! * Only highest grade bakery flavorings were used in this mix - most all natural or organic. Including Madagascar Vanilla Bean Paste (see the little dots of vanilla bean in the picture?), 2-fold Vanilla Extract, Clear Vanilla Extract, Madagascar Vanilla Extract, Sweet Dough Bakery Emulsion, Butter Extract, Caramel flavoring. * Crafted with pastry-grade Ultrafine Pure Cane Sugar. * All natural base of soy butter and moisturizing oils (apricot kernel, grapeseed, avocado, sunflower). * Intended use: Face and body. As the ingredients are expensive, I would reserve this treat for facial use, and neck/shoulders/cleavage. Superfine sugar is gentle enough for even the most sensitive skin types. * Leaves an excellent level of moisturizing butter on the skin - do not wash off! (Rinse, but no soap!) Save this step for last to take advantage of the moisturizing properties. * Scrubbyness scale: 1 * Crafted with all-edible ingredients, so you can use it as a lip scrub (or even a tongue scrub!), but you probably shouldn't eat it. * Packaged in 8 oz blue jar, net weight 11.8 ounces. * Shipping weight = 1 pound 1 ounce. * Price per each jar: $22.95 Notes to self re postage: Medium Flat Rate Priority boxes will hold up to TEN jars. USA Shipping cost: $9.62 NOTE: Medium Flat Rate Priority boxes will hold up to TEN jars for the flat fee of $10.85. Canada: 1 jar $7.45, 2 jars $11.70, 3 jars $15.95, four jars or more (over 4 pounds) must go Priority Flat Rate for $32.95 UK/Europe: 1 jar $13.17, 2 jars $21.02, 3 jars $28.87, four jars or more must go Priority Flat Rate for $47.95 Asia & Australia: 1 jar $14.74, 2 jars $22.59, 3 jars $30.44, four jars or more must go Priority Flat Rate for $47.95
  11. I used this ratio because Chris learned me that adding 10% DPG to an alcohol base can stop a "crashing" type effect, as it trails off more gradually toward the end. If you prefer tho, I can make it for you with a different base, such as silicone/alcohol.
  12. So I get this right...you like to use the used wax for making new candles? Is that correct? Ok, if so, here's my opinion on the matter... Each of those wax melts has a "life" of around 3.5 hours of scent and pheros. I use the 4 hour votives from Ikea to warm them, and by the time they burn out, the wax melts are not even worth saving in a potpourri dish - the scent and pheros are exhausted. (I am not in the habit of turning them on and off like some - and that might effect their lifespan - I just burn them straight through.) So in my opinion, as the pheros are even more effusive in heat than even the fragrance is, that after 4 hours of use you should be able to use the wax like new again...even the original scent should be barely there.
  13. Want to thank our lovely Ms Luna for her wonderful work this month. It's such a treat for me to read them every month when she sends them over. I think there's a few exceptionally lovely passages this month, and a few that tickled me too. Thank you so much, my bandmate! xoxoxoxo
  14. Wow, that was weird. I just got the same error too, Calii! Reloaded the page just in case, and now I can see it again. I looked it up and it says it is a server error that can't be touched from the user's side. Please let me know if any more of these pop up and I will call the server company. Thanks! Yes, on the OCCOs - they all have that much EoW!
  15. Hey, you can always soak a cotton ball and stuff it in your cleavage/bra/scent locket! That's our old "defeating the evil skin chemistry" trick. At least you'd find out if it really was simply regional perception or skin chemistry.???
  16. Oh, yes. Forgot one more thing. I happily/finally got to replenish my spell supplies while in NYC, so the Spell Kits are back up, as are the Prayer Paper kits. That's this page here: http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/store/Spell_Kits_Herbs_Supplies.html
  17. EXTRA spankings for CinnamonMel. (nyeheheheh) Correct me, dammit! Ok, this is me, on my favorite drug of choice...the dippy giddy high of NO SLEEP! I have posted everything EXCEPT for the PEs (no real surprises there) and the B&B section for witch I still have to complete me brewings and labellings over this weekend. So if those areas are of no interest to ya, ROCK ON! Otherwise, give me a couple of days to get through my grand plans in the kitchen. Raq & Luna's COCONUT BUTTERS have arrived! PLUS, Trader Joe's just released a COOKIE BUTTER THAT TASTES LIKE GINGER BREAD!! OMG, IT'S SOOOOOO DELICIOUS! We got some Thursday, but I dunno, John and I tested it, and tested it, and tested it, and it doesn't really smell like much, so we might just have to eat the whole jar and forget the scrub idea on that one. @Betsy: Thanks, I am feeling better but haven't eaten much since. I still have half that salad in the fridge and I am almost tempted to give it another go. I mean, maybe it was just one bad mushroom and the rest is ok? (kidding, truly...I'll throw it out in a day or 3...if I don't eat it.).
  18. OMG! How come NOBODY pointed out to me that I spelled the De Luscious label WRONG!!! frackfrackfrackfrackfrack! Spankings all around people...the line forms behind ME! D'oh! I only just noticed it after I loaded the front page/perfumerie!! (Oh yeah, it's up now. Cart pages will be up in a few hours). Will everyone hate me if I leave it that way? The option is redesigning the label from scratch since I didn't save the layers, plus reprinting and re-labelling all the bottles and samples! ARGH!!!! WAIT! We can just pretend it's a collector's item like that rare postage stamp with the upside down airplane....right?
  19. Yes, please. give it a few days if you want to order all at once. Thanks!
  20. Sweetie, I think it's your skin chemistry. There's no curry in there, but on some chemistries, clearly there's this unusual reaction. You already tried it in oil form at 100% and got the same reaction, right? Then, I doubt if changing the concentration is going to help, but I will be interested to hear how it goes. If you dilute further, it's either going to amp or make it lighter...no way of telling which ingredients will rise and fall when you go past the 1/3 to 2/3 ratio, until you try it.
  21. I plan to use the weekend to whip up all the scrubs. Got the 'gourmet' butters I ordered, yesterday! I don't have all the ingredients to do the DC scent exactly, but I will be doing a few somethings equally yummy in the butter scrub format. So yummy in fact, I can picture a few people wanting to use it a tongue scrub.
  22. To find sold out potions, one must peruse the Archive! http://lovepotionperfume.com/perfumerie/archive/?num_to_display=999 Unfortunately it's not entirely complete. It only goes back to 2006, and 2006-2008 is kinda spotty too. After that it's pretty close to complete. We just couldn't put together everything dating back to 1995 when our first webstore opened.
  23. Feeling a bit better today, thanks everyone for all the sweet well-wishing. My fault for eating from the Salad Bar at the Ralphs supermarket. I had named it the Botulism Bar years ago, for similar reasons (but it's just so conveeeenient!)...and I guess there's a reason they call the place Ralphs. (Where I come from that means HURL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Anyway, aside from the pain, I just consider the whole experience a nice "cleanse", lol! Yeah, AC got the ref. You guys have never heard of Truffle Pigs, realllly!? Apparently it is growingly popular to use dogs now, as the pigs like to eat them and have a hard time relinquishing their finds. But further explanation will be included in the description, soooooo..... Programming commencing.... NOW!
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