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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Next time I embark on the escapade that is wax melt creation, I shall do so! It probably won't be for a few months tho. It's an all-consuming, taking over the entire studio kind of ordeal!!! That's why I made over 100 pounds of wax at once the last time...hoping they would last a while before I did it again. I will prob do it again in 2-3 months. Remember to remind me when the time comes about what kind of scent you'd like it paired with. You can't use perfume oils in the melts - they are candle oils. Totally different breed, and I have fewer oils to work with in that realm, but I can get close!
  2. Apologies... I was hoping to have the cart all programmed tonight, but tomorrow night it now shall be. Just spent the past 4.5 hours experiencing a delightful happy bout of food poisoning. I'm giving up for the evening, and giving in to my pillow. Sorry everyone, I promise all will be up by tomorrow eve. Thanks for your understanding! xoxoxox
  3. Oh yes, I am going to leave the Bohemian Cats special offer up for another month. prrrmeow!
  4. Halo, we're discussing two different blends here. Sorry to confuse! Shelly called me the other day regarding a fabulous idea tweak of an existing blend, and we hashed out the details and she's tried it on her own. We could offer that one as a feminine variant of a currently unisex blend. That's probably what you were discussing? The other I had planned for last month's release but got too overwhelmed, and was about to let it slide again, but when I discussed it with Shelly she talked me into getting off my arse and getting it out there NOW. We were on a similar page regarding that one to start with and the title evolved from our joking conversation. From "Top Heavy", it later became "Topper", as it is in fact a "finishing spray". More details later!!
  5. BWAHA!!! YAY!! Shelly, how much of the "secret ingredient" did you add? Did you layer on the bod or in the bottle?
  6. QG, you have us rolling over here. I adore your cleverness. I nominate this one for the "Best Of" thread!!:
  7. It's the one that I told you about that is the "finishing spray"...the one we joked about being called "Top Heavy". How did it work out with your tweak of the blend we discussed? Get a chance to try it yet?
  8. Oooh, Alpha-Nol will have the opposite effect! It makes people UP and speedy and chatty. Definitely nothing *chill* about it. For that, Balm Bomb or Teddy BB would be best. You might want to try some wax melts with TeddyBB or B2 in them if you'd like to calm your whole household.
  9. If you missed it in the other thread...I do have Sperm Oil. Ah yes! Smell the Glove? bwaha!
  10. But truly, not getting along with a potential BFs pets or vice-versa? Total deal breaker for me. We all gotta get along or it's an invitation to HELLLLLLLLL!
  11. YES!!! NO!!! @ Liz - You recognize Little Italy in the picture? And my favorite bakery there on the right, (Ferrara's) where I spent my trip with my nose pressed to the glass.... OMG, their Ices are to die for. You're close, grab a train and go get you some Cannolis!!!
  12. OMG! DING DING DING!!!! Right in one!!! But I should qualify that...it smells like Cannoli filling, and a gourmet variety at that.
  13. Pix are up! Hopefully orderable by tomorrow night...late...?? I did not get a chance to do the pink pumpkin bakery scent yet but plan to have that one ready for next month, or maybe sooner.
  14. Glass Slipper Spark in the Dark OCCO: Ambrosia w/ EoW Copulins Luv Truffle Summertime Blue Eternal Sunshine Celestial Body Ricotta Sonata De Luscious Blissful Caress Spray - featuring Alpha-Androstenol Topper UNscented Pheromone Spray for Men & Women
  15. Celrynnya & Katz, might these help with an extremely tichy ex-feral? The cat in question is likely mad as a hatter too - waaaay inbred, from a feral colony. The cat is petrified of people and rarely comes out of hiding. He comes out to eat and poop and gets along with the other cat in the house, but if a human comes in, he races for a hiding spot. He will actually sleep on the bed with his human...until the human wakes up. He very rarely lets anyone touch him (but will let the other cat touch him and groom him). The cat has been living in an apartment with his human for almost 6 years. I feel bad for the poor kitty. He definitely does not want to be an outdoor cat, he just doesn't seem to have much quality of life.
  16. Agreeing with Cheshire Kitten...Yes, diluting haphazardly entirely changes the character of the fragrances. Different notes rise and fall in the mix and the scent is not presented as intended. We turn oils into sprays using 1/3rd oil and 2/3rds perfumer's alcohol. Any other dilution ratio is going to change things A LOT. Copulins and honey can both come off as urine-like, especially if the intended cover scent has been diluted. You should really try these as intended and review on that basis, rather than reviewing your own mixes.
  17. Has anyone actually checked how many sprays per bottle? We have new spray bottles as of a few months ago - and likely the spray volume has changed. I have not done a test with the new bottles and atomisers. Just want to make sure no one is being misled. We never measure *per spray* because there is no constant, only a guesstimate, unless using a medical dosage sprayer (which no one in the industry does). So it might be anywhere from 200 to 400 sprays per bottle, depending on your sprayer top. That's why we always state the total mcgs per bottle rather than messing around with per spray estimates because that can be used to deceive customers. A count using a high volume atomiser can fool people into thinking there is more total content in the bottle than there is. Just want to make that clear.
  18. Great writeup Synergist, thanks! Ummm, I'm afraid to tell you this, but almost EVERYTHING we make is a limited edition. Our norm is to brew something once, in one giant bottle, and sell it until it is gone. Even if we do rebrew something due to popular demand, it's never *exactly* the same because everything is handcrafted. So, those in the know, when they find something they love, they HOARD it so they have a solid supply to rely on. But truly, you will also learn if you continue on your journey with us, that you will find many that you feel this way about. There's at least 10 scents released every month, and having new ones that you fall in love with helps soften the blow of losing older ones that go away.
  19. You're a beauty! Love all the turquoise. You and the water both look so inviting!
  20. Synergist, I'm sorry, I had to edit out part of your post, for reasons you noted yourself. However, check your box when you get it, I slipped something special in there for you. Also note, we CAN ship a mixture of 60/40% alcohol/DPG in a metal bottle, because then the flash point is raised high enough to be air-safe.
  21. Welcome, Synergist!!! Glad you've joined us! Yes, it works differently over here. Reviews are placed into the threads for each perfume or pheromone so everyone can easily find them. Journals are only created for people who request them, who have been here at least 4 months and have at least 100 posts. Most of us use our journals for personal musings, and that area is only visible to other members, while the review sections are visible to any visitor. K? Enjoying your reviews thus far, thanks and have fun! xoxo M
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