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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. LOL, not your journal. It's own thread in The Bitching Post. Do you want me to move it to your journal?
  2. Like this?: 99 dead baboons, lying in my living room I'm just glad that they're not apes, cause they would clash with my drapes...
  3. I moved the O/T discussion to it's own thread. That's prob what you were seeing. New location here: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=6911
  4. Good, I'm glad to hear people get that many. That's what I thought, but after the 1/3rd vial comment I was thinking maybe I was off. I rarely use the trial vials for myself so I've lost touch with how much in that context. I'm used to rolling my bottles all over my torso, back of neck and inside elbows.
  5. Sooo, are we leaning towards more of a bakery style Pink Pumpkin Spice scent? I left the bakery aspect out of LadyV's Sparkle Plenty. @ Raq - it's mostly a case of hands-on working with the materials, because when I started doing this on a professional level way back in 1986, the oils on the market were entirely different to what is available today. There's a lot more available today because of headspacing technology. So I learn new things all the time and hunt around for suppliers all over the world to find new and different oils. Quitting the entertainment business in 2007 leaves more room in the brain for this..as I no longer have to keep arrangements of 100 songs in my head, or my roster of artists and their thousands of songs fresh in my brain for TV/Film licensing. It's like a different world to me now...I've forgotten so much of that former life, it's as if it happened to someone else!
  6. Yes, it goes by date. The only thing you can do to add your note to the top is edit the earliest post.
  7. Are we gonna combine all the old stuff into this thread, Luna? Raq, all of the above, just pure fun and silliness.
  8. Est & Beta-Nol can be a very emotional mix. Balance carefully or you can turn your guy into a puddle. Our Sexology Blend is Est, Beta-Nol and Cops. Heavier on the Cops and Est and lighter on the Beta-Nol to keep it in an intimate and sensual direction. Our Empathy Potion on the other hand is much heavier on the Beta-Nol, also has EST, DHEAS and a touch of Alpha-Nol, NO cops. This is a blend we blind tested in the forum for a few weeks before release and more than once, people reported that tears were shed! This can be very cathartic and possibly a direction you may want to go in to help him heal, but just be aware, Est & Beta-Nol together can be a bit of a roller coaster when the Beta-Nol is in the lead. And Beta-Nol packs more of a punch in smaller doses than most of the molecules too...something else to keep in mind when trying to balance your mix. Adding NONE? Hmmm, I'm thinking that might just add irritation to an emotional combo? Anyone else want to comment on that? If you do introduce NONE into your mix, do so in a fraction of the others. I mean, like 2% of the whole, or else headaches and grumpiness abounds. Let us know how it goes!! Good Luck!
  9. I think I usually get at least 5 applications per trial vial, but I remember one of the gals saying recently that a really good dousing is 1/3rd of a vial. Somewhere between the two perhaps?
  10. Brewed before I left for THE TRIP, but still need to finish labels and get the info over to our illustrious scribe. It will be a few days, sorry. I was hoping for April 30th but now I think that's a little unrealistic since I had SO MUCH to catch up on when I got back. Look for them the first coupla days of May. On with the silk stalkings tho, it's very entertaining!
  11. MUST SHARE TATTOO PIX, PLEEEEEEZE!!!!! I have been obsessing over getting a tattoo lately, and I'm a total Superhero nerd. Please let us see!!! Which convention are you off to? (envy abounds)
  12. "French" Vanilla seems to be a culprit most often when there's a plasticy complaint. Not sure why - maybe a butter accord that is added? Did not add French Vanilla in these blends, but probably added something buttery....so may be that??
  13. LOL! No, Cherie, it's truly very very close to the original.
  14. Ummm, I think the confusion is between the two blends. YES, there is maple in Super for Men. NO maple in Rosie's Wedding Cake.
  15. The biggest difference between the two versions is the latest one has natural vanilla bean paste in all it's oooey gooey glory - thus the floating globules you might see in the bottles. I used the flavoring this time because I used up all the corresponding fragrance oil in the last batch, but I think the bean paste makes this one smell even denser/stronger than the original. (And I get to taste the bean paste each time I brew with it, it's mega yummy.) ::slurp!::
  16. Candy Pop actually had a bubble gum accord in it, as does Wooing and Wapture. It is truly quite different from the scent of cotton candy, pink sugar or berry sugar oils. When we make something smell "pink", we use those kinds of sugars and add berries to amplify the "pinkness".
  17. I was gonna say the same thing! Bwaha! And before the folks move in!
  18. LOL, ok, I want to amend that a little, I do not want to lead anyone astray. Had the cleaning crew in this morning and one of the workers was a guy, and he wanted to smell some of the fumes so I asked him what he thought of Pinnacle and he said, "It smells like a suit." He thought it can be worn by either sex, but on a woman it will come off as a very professional, Wall Street kind of vibe. Ummmm, yeah. So maybe you'll want to wait for the more lady-like Alpha-Nol spray I have on the way, unless you're looking for a very high-powered exec type aura.
  19. MDCherie, you might want to try a sample of Pinnacle for Men. It's a light fresh herbal green that isn't strictly masculine...gals can wear it easily, and it's got only Alpha Nol in it. On a woman it would come off as the "office friendly" type of freshly showered scent with an androgynous cool. But yeah, I will release a summery girly Alpha-Nol spray for the ladies again very soon.
  20. We still have plenty of Sea Find - no worries there. And if anyone reserved a bottle of anything, yeah, just wait and include it in with your next order. Fewer but more complete orders are better for us. For anything not yet in the cart, you can use the Gift Cert option to purchase. Yes, Rosies's Wedding Cake was one of those I mentioned in that regard. Those are 5ml bottles for $15.00.
  21. Depending on your own personal tolerance to Alpha-Nol, I would say anywhere from 1,000-3,000 mcg of Alpha Nol in a SPRAY form, to get that Flying Potion aura. I say to mind your tolerance because some ladies get headaches from too high a dose, and the spray form amplifies the effect, making the phero light and airborne. Sprays last a shorter time than oils, but it's a more intense experience for around 2 hours.
  22. Such a good eye! Yes, I love that model. For SF I photoshopped that sparkling pink beaded curtain background for her, but yeah, same photo shoot. I could prob find another pose from it to use. There's a bunch of her with a guitar too, if I remember correctly!
  23. Have some bad news about rebrewing Sparkle Fuschsia. Yes, I found the recipe, and it's over 25 ingredients from ELEVEN different suppliers, and I am out of most of the ingredients. There's a couple of the suppliers I was not even planning on ordering from again. Sooooo, sorry for getting everyone's hopes up. I can make something similar, but I cannot make the same thing with the same ingredients again. Apologies! But, yes, I can make a different pink pumpkin scent. For those that were interested, want to help guide me? Such as, how much spice, how sweet, how much of the fleshy pumpkin scent, how much of the berry sugars, etc. ???
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