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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Welcome, Khandi! Hope you enjoy our
  2. Ok, so that's all the new PEs GONE! Thanks so much, Ladies!!
  3. You can say this much...Q is a very highly respected individual in a glamorous industry. One gets people trying to hang on to their coat tails. Seduce for the sake of what they THINK the person may be able to do for the advancement of their careers, or who they'll get to rub elbows with. Users and social climbers.
  4. Anything in alcohol can evaporate, rather quickly in fact. As Beccah said, just contact the place where you actually purchased it from and I'm sure they will take care of you.
  5. I make more sometimes when I still have the ingredients on hand and there's a solid demand for it. I can check when I get back, what I used and if I have enough to make more. But I mentioned earlier, maybe on another thread, a lot of people have been asking for a rebrew of Sparkle Fuchsia so I just may brew that again if I have the ingredients. Sparkle Plenty is not exactly the same as Sparkle Fuschia, although they are both Pink Pumpkin scents. Sparkle Plenty is a lot more spicy.
  6. If I recall correctly, the tobacco and spice are the strongest notes. I think you are identifying the tobacco leaves as the earthy smell.
  7. Pumpkin itself is a light sheer somewhat fleshy fruity scent. I am forever searching for pumpkin oils that have more of the fleshy aspect, but the majority of oils on the market are all pumpkin spice and very little pumpkin itself. Actual pumpkin smell is very easily overhwelmed by spices. It's like a sponge for spices. I meant for this one to be on the spicier side, but I have made others where I have used the least spiced most fleshy types I can get my paws on.
  8. It barely helps at all, in reality. After deep sniffs of 2 or 3 different perfumes, you are no longer getting an accurrate read on what you are smelling. You really just need to rest your nose between trials. After 3, I rest my nose for 2 hours before I sample another lot. When I brew, I blend a few ingredients, then wait until my nose is fresh again, then add more ingredients, and so on. Glad everyone is enjoying the paw print pouches! We couldn't resist - I thought they were so cute along with the Bohemian Cats.
  9. OMG, Celrynnya. You are so adorable and so YOUNG! Aren't you in your early 20's? I've seen lots of pix of you as we are FB friends, and I always think how beautiful and cute you are. I assumed you are between 21 and 23? It's amazing how harsh we ladies can be on ourselves!
  10. Yes, the NoCos are full strength perfumes, while the LAMs and BAMs are only lightly scented. That was the plan with those at the start...just enough scent to cover the smell of the pheros, and so they could also be layered.
  11. Welcome Pheroman!! So glad you've joined us!
  12. Definitely. When you use a phero or scent that tips them over that edge, gets them seeing you with new eyes, it sticks.
  13. They are all $25 each for 1/3 fl.oz. bottles. Thanks, Aeaea! And everyone! Must go pack now. grrr.
  14. Posted your reservations in the first post. Thanks, Ladies!
  15. You can order them via GC if you like, but since there are so few, you best reserve it on this thread before you pay for it. They brews are complete and so are the labels, so John & Catherine can ship them while I am away. If there's anything left when I get back, they will be posted on the PE page then. As always, the forumites get first dibs!
  16. I have a few...buried treasures I should call them. I am going to put them into the PE area when I get back. This is one of them, it's called Sea Find. (A few others include several recently discovered bottles brewed by Danna that were never released, and one that I messed up the phero dosing on for women, that has been tweaked so that men will be able to wear it.) Sea Find was brewed as a retail exclusive for a web shop that never ended up getting launched. The scent was based on a short story, written by the person who intended to open the shop. There isn't much, only 8 ounces were brewed (24 bottles), and the writer never even got around to sampling it. (The only person who has sniffed this scent thus far is our darling ElizabethOSP, and she gave it such an enthusiastic reception, we've been encouraged to offer it to everyone else.) The writer gave us permission to release the scent into the wild, and has allowed us to use his original short story to introduce the fragrance too. The door opened and the upper jam slid across the strings of stamped brass circlets that hung like wind chimes just inside the shop. The sound was a blend of shimmering tinkles that announced the arrival of visitors. I prefer the sound immensely to the harsh clangs of the doorbells that I associate with nearly every small shop in Britain. I was digging deep among the objects that filled one of the many long shelves in my shop. It took me a moment to extricate myself and turn to see who had entered. The shades were pulled over the windows of the shop door and storefront, but the strong afternoon sun sent thin sheets of painfully bright light into the cool darkness of the shop where the edges of the shades wandered from the edges of the windows. The effect made it difficult to see just who had entered through the door that bore fading lettering on frosted glass that read: L. Stone, Antiquities. I did not like being caught with my back to strangers and stepped forward to greet the man who stood just inside the doorway. By my second step, I recognized him. "Mustafa! What are you doing in this forgotten village on this forgotten island in this forgotten land?" I had not seen him in over five years, since I had moved my shop from Morocco to this island in Greece. As I had grown older and come to appreciate the substance of the danger in that dusty place and the randomness with which luck danced between good and bad, I decided that a more centralized (and safer) location would better serve my travels between the ruins of ancient cities and markets that supply what I sell. So I lived, and do still, in a white washed, cobble-stoned village on this island that receives more visitors than one might expect, including an unnatural number of photojournalists from National Geographic. The dark-skinned man smiled warily as was his nature and replied, "Why, to see you, of course. There are plenty of buyers in Egypt and Morocco, but there are some things that I would always bring to you first, if you remember." He had gone through the trouble of finding me and was now reminding me of past favors. Whatever it was that Mustafa had brought, it sounded like it was going to be expensive. He was grayer and more worn than I remembered and the gold cap on his left front tooth had been replaced with a porcelain crown. I thought that I liked his old smile better. He held a bundle wrapped in brown paper and twine. It was the size of two shoeboxes stacked on one another. I have found that the size of a package never truly indicates how much value or how much trouble it holds. I was starting to get nervous. He carefully placed the package on the corner of a nearby table and I shifted the clutter around to make more room. The twine was being cut by a knife that had somehow appeared in Mustafa's hand and soon he lifted the top of the thin cardboard box that held what he apparently thought was a treasure. There were three clusters of marine detritus that had become cemented together over hundreds, perhaps thousands, of years - greenish brown-white masses of shards of crustacean life, coral, sand, and . . . a number of small phials as big around as a man's finger, sticking out at haphazard angles. The exposed parts of the tiny vessels were grayish brown, looking to be ceramic, and a few had their tops exposed, which appeared to still be sealed. I quickly fetched a small box of tools and, trying not to show my growing interest, started to gently free one from its surrounding encrustation. Mustafa did not object. Other than size and shape, there was very little to be discerned about the object I was now holding in my hand. I scraped a small remaining cluster from the small bottle, casually but intentionally scraping deep into the patina that covered the vessel. A half inch of the scrape showed a surface not of pottery glaze, but rather a glint of glass and the faint colors of a softly iridescent coating. The iridescence is an effect on colored glass of centuries of burial and earth or sand. Covering the scratch with my thumb, I started gently scrubbing at the sealed top of the container, looking for marks. My pulse had increased noticeably. I stopped after a moment, not wanting to cause damage. It would take weeks or months of soaking in various chemicals and gentle cleaning to reveal what was underneath. All I could see was a squarish depression in the top of the seal. I then tried a trick that I had learned from years of examining ancient coins and engravings covered with centuries of the hard thin coating of dirt and organic matter that had bonded with and drawn minerals from the metal surface. I looked at the top of the phial at a steep angle and moved it slowly around the room to see it in light that varied in direction and strength. As the vessel approached one of those sunbeams that knifed into the room, a faint image appeared. It was almost invisible, a bit like an underexposed film negative, but it held a shape that had become familiar to me decades before. I couldn't tell which it was, only that it was almost certainly an Egyptian heiroglyph. Trying to keep my face straight, I asked Mustafa where he had gotten these tiny bottles from. I was pretty sure that he could hear the light shaking in my voice. He smiled, this time broadly and sincerely. He held up one of the clusters of marine encrustation and bottles, looking it over casually. "Fifteen years ago, on the day you first experienced Egyptian jail, if you would have been able to continue searching you may have found this. I say ‘first experienced’ because I cannot imagine that you have not revisited that place in the years since." I felt a punch of anxiety, discovery and apprehension in the pit of my stomach, all at once. Those many years ago, I had been diving near the shore in the bay of Alexandria. A French archaeologist had recently announced that he thought he had discovered the ruins of the Library at Alexandria, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. Archaeology is a small world and it was relatively easy to find out where the French team had been diving and exploring. I had hired a few locals and started diving in the same area, trying to keep a low profile. But the French were politically well connected and I found myself in an Egyptian jail for a week before I was able to contact the American Embassy. I got out of jail and had to promise not to return to Alexandria. The American diplomat was a rather grim fellow who explained to me that I had used the only get-out-of-jail card that I would ever receive as a benefit of being an American citizen. In spite of Mustafa's skepticism, I had managed to stay out of jail since then though I had not managed to stay out of Alexandria. Of the billion mysteries that taunt and torture students of ancient times worldwide, half of the answers were written in the scrolls, books, maps and codices that were held in the Library at Alexandria when an earthquake toppled it into the sea thousands of years ago. But the waters that hold what secrets may still exist, carved in stone or etched in gold sheet, had become a busy commercial port and that sea trade was the life blood of an impoverished nation trying to achieve a presence in the modern world. There would be no interruption of business or construction of the port infrastructure, no matter what was buried, destroyed or left undiscovered in the process. Not even for the French. But here in his hand was an artifact, supposedly from that place. I would bet that the artifact was genuine and Egyptian, but had no way of testing where it had come from. The price I offered Mustafah was on the low side because of this. He merely smiled his wary grin and pointed to one of the vessels in the cluster in his hand. “Have you noticed? This one is longer than the rest by far, you see? This is the end here, not another bottle, and here is the top on the other side. And the shape is more square and the mouth is shaped differently. They are made of glass, you know. They are sealed with wax and capped with gold foil. There are thirteen vessels here, Lars. There used to be fourteen.” He delighted in my horrified expression as I took in the fact that he had already broken the seal on one of the vessels. He knew I would do the same, but there was no hiding anything about them or disguising their value. I had to have this lot of tiny vials, and being above murder or thievery, I would pay dearly. The gold seal meant they likely related to royalty or a temple. And either possibility could link them to the Library. He saw he had won. I tried to muster one last piece of leverage. “You will have your price,” I said, trying to sound firm, “only if you also give me the gold seal from the vessel you opened.” If he didn’t have it, we’d be bargaining again. He smiled his broad grin, parading his shiny white front teeth and reached into his shirt pocket. The grimy folded handkerchief was carefully unfolded to reveal the gold foil seal. It was bent and still had bits of the wax seal clinging to it, but I could see the glyph that had been pressed into it clearly. Mustafa had just become a relatively wealthy man and I had paid a pittance for what I had just bought. The glyph on the golden seal was the seven-pointed star that represented the papyrus tree. It was the sign of Seshat, the most ancient goddess of wisdom, knowledge and writing, also known as Mistress of the House of Books. Her priests had gathered and protected all writings of knowledge and history for the Egyptian dynasties of thousands of years. This treasure before me had almost certainly come from the ruins of the Library. I was breathless. I wrote a check for all the money I had and handed it to Mustafa, along with what cash I had on hand. As he left, I gathered a fragment of my wits and shouted at his back crazily. “What was in the vial you opened?!” He didn’t slow or look back. But his words were clear enough. “There hasn’t been enough of what was in the vessel long enough in history for a language to conjure words for it.” Ingredients: Dark rose attar, almond, amber, spikenard, patchouli, sandalwood, oud, white pepper and bladderwrack (sea weed). The scent is thick and heavy with an antiquated feel, with the suggestion of a ceramic vessel encrusted from years beneath the sea. 23 bottles available. (1 reserved for ElizabethOSP, 1 for Liz, 1 for Aeaea, 1 for CinnamonMel, )
  17. Just popping these up before I sail away on my journey! They will be shipped to their creators on Monday. Happy Easter everyone!! Lady Victoria's Sparkle Plenty pink pumpkin sparkle with lots of spice 5 bottles available (1 reserved for ElizabethOSP, 1 for Liz, 1 for Ravenwing, 1 for JJL, 1 for Skye) Lady Victoria's Choco-Nut Yum milk chocolate, brown sugar glazed peanuts, cookie crust and a dollop of whipped cream 2 bottles available (1 reserved for Tyvey, 1 for Luna) Celrynnya's Feelin' Foxy Bright orange, sexy soft musk, with a hot streak of pepper – who doesn’t want to be a bit of a vixen sometimes? 1 bottle available (1 bottle reserved for July Girl) Celrynnya's Kirsebærsuppe That means Cherry Soup! Yum! A sweet Danish soup made from bright red, sweet cherries, tarted up with lemon, and lusciously spiced with cinnamon. Just like my mother used to make! 1 bottle available (1 bottle reserved for July Girl) Celrynnya's Big Fat Tabby Cat My love song in scent for fatty, sweet, soft, snuggly, house tigers! Caramel and dark chocolate stripes, and vanilla-white fluffy belly and socks. (And I added a few drops of everyone's favorite vanilla musk to make it smell fuzzy like a kitty.) 2 bottles available (1 reserved for Katz, 1 for Luna)
  18. Karen contacted all the winners via Facebook. They are also posted on Facebook with the names people use over there. Look at the LPMP page here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Love-Potion-Magickal-Perfumerie/136059173114273
  19. I think there's a missing zero there. It's been proven that we haven't evolved for 100,000 years. 10,000 years ago marked the supposed start of organized agriculture...farming. The Judeo/Christian/Moslem pantheon, all based on the same roots, is male dominated and seeks to suppress any sort of female power. Every other religion I can think of believed in the duality of nature. There is no creation without equal parts male and female energy. Ever since I was a child, it has been my personal opinion that any female who willingly submits themselves to a belief system where rule number 1 is: "you are a second class citizen and not as valuable as a man", any female who willingly goes along with this...I shake my head at the sadness. This current popular pantheon is at it's oldest points (Judaism) 5,000 years old, and Christianity is LESS than 2,000 years old. It's the height of pomposity to assert that this relatively new set of beliefs is RIGHT while every other belief system is evil. There has been more blood shed over this male glorifying pantheon than anything else, ever. I educate myself about it, but personally, I simply reject it. I refuse to be subjugated by self-glorifying, self- deifying males. In 100,000 years of humanity, countless cultures have risen and fallen. The problem is, they rarely leave any lasting mark of their passing. There was a program on TV about what would be left of our culture 10,000 years from now. And the narrator said, "In 10,000 years, the people of that era will say *The ancient Egyptians were a fascinating people*" Apparently, the only thing that we have made that has any hope of leaving a mark is Mount Rushmore.
  20. THAT's what it's supposed to smell like!
  21. Yes, that was beautiful Lady V! Thank you for your wonderful words! xoxoxox
  22. Darwinia, you may want to take into consideration that LPMP is not just about pheromones. We only started adding pheros to our perfumes in 2007, but have been brewing SCENTS that create what are considered pheromonal responses for over 25 years. I add lab created pheromones to fragrances that compliment the intent of the perfumes, but also offer numerous perfumes without any pheros that will give you reactions akin to those of pheromones...for example, honey, vanilla and cinnamon have been identified as creating pheromonal responses. LP Original and LP Red are excellent examples of scents that inspire specific reactions with no pheromones. And yes, I have been told uncountable times that my perfume/potions have changed people's romantic relationships, work status, and self esteem for the better. If you broaden your focus to include the response of the scents in conjunction with the response of the pheros, you're going to give yourself a more complete picture and a better rate of success.
  23. On myself, I find the best results when wearing pheros and perfumes mixed together in the bottle...with the exception of spraying Alpha-Nol or Lace on my hair and in the air around me for social reasons, but also while wearing a phero/perfume mix. I was the biggest skeptic around. I've been making perfumes that are brewed to inspire reactions from people, professionally, since 1986, and had no intention of ever adding pheros to my nice clean gorgeous perfumes. I too thought it was a scam that separated dummies from their money. Until I tried them. What made me a believer was getting entirely different reactions from people than I normally did. They (the pheros from HIGH QUALITY SOURCES) changed people's reactions to me dramatically, strangers as well as people I knew well and could normally predict their personalities...noticeable changes in their behavior...that's what made me a believer. I consider myself somewhat a student of human nature. I am a people watcher. I take note of body language and am good at reading intent from people. I think people who have a good intuition based on subtle clues are the ones that notice their "phero hits" the best. You should read what I wrote in my earlier post, the first line. You may have one target in mind at work, but you're going to effect everyone, just be aware.
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