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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. The Pheros finally arrived yesterday! I am brewing brewing brewing! Loving all your suggestions! Thank you!
  2. I'm taking notes!!! Thank you for all the replies! ❤️
  3. 95% alcohol, a smidge of jojoba, food grade essential oils of rosemary, tangerine and lemon blossom. It's safe to use it then eat with your hands, nothing poisonous in there.
  4. LOL on the Lysol! I think I will make my hand sanitizer available then, cuz it smells amazing. Sure, we can do something akin to Rain Garden with a social phero mix like Open Windows or Levitation, etc. Thank you for the suggestions!
  5. Thank you! We still have Honeyed Love Potion in GGG area: Just a couple bottles left. https://luvpotionperfume.com/listing/522693712/honeyed-love-potion-w-gotcha-limited What kind of scent would you like for Cuddle Bunny? We have Velvet Kisses and the Original both stocked at the moment.
  6. Shockingly enough, amidst all the crises and mayhem, we are finally getting our phero order this week so I am working on New Releases. We've had so many requests over the past months that I'd like to give everyone the opportunity to weigh in. What would you like to see? Some that are definitely in due to repeated requests: Rocket Fuel Goddess of the Blue Moon Raspberry Chiffon Girl Nip Something with a brisk barbershop-like feel for men Allumette Bad Boy And I am def planning on a calming anti-anxiety blend, ha!
  7. These start shipping in the morning! Please get your order in by the 6th to ensure it's in your hands for Valentine's Day! If you're in the neighborhood, come down to the new shop on Friday the 7th for our sneak peek opening night and pick up a free itty trial!
  8. IT'S UP! https://lovepotionperfume.com/collections/new-releases/products/02-20-february-2020-unisex-phero-enhanced-fragrance
  9. Hello!!! Apologies for being so scarce lately. We've been moving and my computer died right after I finished the last collection. Didn't want to buy a new one before I had a place to put it in my new office! The answer is YES, there will be a Pherotine and it's going to be spectacular but it's also going to be late. Spectacular because Dr Stone is making us a bunch of brand new blends to replace everything we've lost from our old supplier. I'm so excited for these as there is no one on earth better than Stone and he finally found time to formulate for us again. The man is insanely busy and flies all around the country constantly so getting his undivided attention is a rare and special thing! He's making us new formulations for Super Sexy and Bang, Gotcha, Popularity, and Girl/Girl. As well as replenishing our whole supply of single molecules so I can formulate too. They are supposed to arrive around the end of January. And since my perfume ingredients are currently all packed away, the realistic release date for the Pherotine collection looks like it will be sometime in March. But let me tell you, your jaws will drop when you see our new LP castle. You'll want to start saving your pennies for a pilgrimage to Portland. The place can be described as nothing less than MAGICAL!!! Pictures to follow soon!
  10. There are! And John and Izzy are still shipping orders while Jen, Jacob and me pack the store. So hopefully online transactions will not be much disturbed by the move. CURB YOU PETS! lol.
  11. I purposely did not use herbs or leaves of any kind in the bottles because I didn't want easily degraded materials in the bottles. I used heartier roots and seeds and stones. The stones were soaked in alcohol prior to inclusion. I expect these to have a good long shelf life.
  12. Hope your holiday season is going well! Just letting everyone know that the last day we will be shipping before Christmas is Friday Dec 20th, so if you want something shipped that day, you should get your order in by the 18th. Our current store location will be closing at end of day on Dec 24th. We will be moving the following week, so you might experience a slow down in shipping but we expect to be back up and running pretty quickly, and hope to have the new store open by Jan 15th. New location is only 4 blocks away: 1104 Main Street, Suite #100, Vancouver WA 98660 We are having a combined Xmas and Moving SALE in the shop so we have less to move! 25% off many items, so please contact me if you want any gift items from the shop! Happy Holidays!
  13. Done! I hope! Please let me know if I made any errors, thank you! https://lovepotionperfume.com/collections/new-releases?sort_by=created-descending
  14. Thank you for voting, my friends! ❤️ I'll let you know how we do. So the Potions are now LIVE on the LUV site, and I will have them up on the LOVE site in a couple hours. (Note that we are not allowed to post these in our Etsy shop because they won't let us list Spell Potions.) Peruse now here: https://luvpotionperfume.com/shop/21642631/new-releases But recommend you wait for the listings to go live on the LOVE site before you order, as you may get an additional discount there, just a couple more hours from now: https://lovepotionperfume.com/collections/new-releases
  15. Good evening! I am still programming them in but should have them up by the time you wake up in the morning. In the meantime, if you have a spare moment - it will only take one! - could you please do us the favor of voting for our store window in our local window contest? The voting closes this evening. If we win, we are donating the money towards needy children. Here is the info: HOLIDAY STOREFRONT DECORATING CONTEST Vote for your favorite window! Come to downtown Vancouver and check out the beautiful holiday window displays! You have the opportunity to vote for your favorite display - the winning business owner will receive $250 in cash and be declared the winner of the People's Choice Award! Votes must be received by December 8th. View participating locations & vote by visiting: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/X2NRLHZ Thank you! Here's pictures of our window and our visit with Santa this weekend!
  16. I screamed when I saw it, for real. I said, that's not just any ole black cat, that's MY cat! Perfectly captured the curve of her sweet little chin and everything. So impressed. And River with her gigantic crazy whiskers was perfect for this.
  17. Betsy is amazing at capturing da kitties. Look what she gave me as a surprise gift a few weeks ago! The best present ever! Even Bat approves of her likeness!
  18. River has indeed appeared on previous labels. I think I did use her on Ambre Amour, because her original name was Amber before I met her. She used to have amber colored eyes when she was young. She's a SHE! But the largest cat in the house because she is at least partly/mostly Maine Coon. Everyone thinks she's a boy, she's kinda huge and intimidating looking, but honestly she's a pussy. lol. I like people to think she's a guard cat though, but she's more the intrepid explorer.
  19. Trivia: The font used on the titles and potion line is Jane Austen's handwriting. The Kitty featured on Whisker Wishes is my child River Newt.
  20. Thought you might like to see what a cimaruta charm looks like. This is the one Darcie wears.
  21. We present our 2020 Spell Collection with a focus upon the ancient Italian folk magic of Cimaruta, which is embodied within a multi-symbolic silver charm worn to protect the wearer from the Evil Eye. To craft these scents we have enlisted the wisdom and guidance of Darcie Vélez, practitioner of Strega Folklore Magic, Witch Priestess and Reverend. These potions are created with beautiful-smelling and magically symbolic ingredients for all the ways in which our credo can be enacted. Each bottle in the collection contains a congruent ingredient for the particular potion - such as seeds, roots or minerals - for further enhancement of its particular effects. The artwork for this collection has been created by the fabulous Elizabeth Frazier, a wonderfully-talented artist and musician as well as a long-time LPMP customer and forum member. So please enjoy the Spell Collection as fragrances, and utilize them in ritual work with a pure heart and a focused mind…because the true magic is, ever and always, in YOU! Created by Elizabeth, Darcie, Julie & Mara Collection includes 9 Cimaruta Spell Scents, plus 4 additional by popular request, for a total of 13. The Cimaruta Collection - Spell Set 2020 I - The Rooster II - The Vervain Flower III - The Key - w/ Swimming with Sharks IV - The Dagger V - The Heart VI - The Moon VII - The Snake VIII - Horn of Plenty IX - The Sun X - Whisker Wishes XI - Mercury Potion XII - Ashes to Dust XIII - Soul Food
  22. Hmm, well, I put it in as part of the coding but it doesn't seem to be using it. So I would suggest putting this into the search bar: LOVE POTION: with the colon after the word, because I think all of the variants have that in common. When I do that, they all seem to come up on pages one and two.
  23. Ahhh, I see, I thought it would be automatic and override the old theme! Thank you! If you all go down to the very bottom of this page, you can choose the newest theme that matches the newest site colors. It's the choice marked UPDATED.
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